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Concert name: 2002 Musical Odyssey
Singer: Jacky Cheung
Date of performance: 2 November 2002
Venue: Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands (Malaysia)

This was his second time in KL this year. Sure, I had already been to said concert in March earlier this year, but come on, this is Jacky Cheung we're talking about here. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

3+ solid hours to a sold-out crowd. It could only be the man.

He kicked off with 4 of his English numbers - Touch of Love, Corazon de Melao, And Then She Hit Me and the sexy Latin piece, Speak Without Words. And since this concert was called A Musical Odyssey, it was only apt that Jacky took us on a journey, starting with his most recent songs right back to a time and songs we were all more familiar with - the early 90's and 80's.

But new or old, familiar or not, at 40 years old, this man can still hold an audience. Young and old cheered for him. Young and old clapped along to his songs. Young and old sang along. Young and old were held enthralled by the power and emotion of his voice. And this was especially evident when Jacky broke out in his more well-known ballads like My Heart Feels Like It's Cut by a Knife and Li Heong Lan. It seemed as though everyone was holding onto their breaths as they listened to Jacky sing.

Having said that, I think the years have probably slowed him down a bit too. Or maybe it was the altitude. Whatever it was, it was clearly noticable that Jacky couldn't move like he did before during his fast numbers. His dance routine was more toned down and he didn't move as much as we've known him to when he performed numbers like Messy Hair, Legend of the Wolf and This Winter is Too Cold. Then again, we didn't go to see him move. We went to see him sing. And as always, Jacky never disappoints.

Of course, there was the usual bantering with the crowd and the usual 'am I good-looking?' questions which he always asks with cheek. This time round, he ended it with a rather impish remark. I quote, "Then again, some people don't need to rely on their looks." Which had the audience sniggering away as everyone knew very well what it was he was implying - a hit at the Hong Kong entertainment industry perhaps, where we all know looks rather than talent tend to play a bigger role?

The latter half of the concert saw a more familiar reportoire of songs. And that was when the crowd went absolutely wild. Upbeat rearrangements of Kiss Goodbye, Love You More Each Day, Take A Break Gas Station gave these songs new life and added 'oomph'. Curse the policemen who kept asking people to sit down whenever they stood or else the entire arena would have been on their feet. What an even more fantastical party it would have been then!

With all the screaming, shouting and blowing of whistles, the over-enthusiastic audience also managed to get a song request in. Strains of She's So Far Away filled the arena and the crowd broke out in another ear-numbing roar as Jacky duly obliged the request. And from then on, there was no stopping the God of Songs and even the policemen gave up asking the crowd to sit down. Half Moon Crescent, Love is Over, Only Want to Go With You and Blessings were like a huge karaoke session as everybody hummed along, la-ed along and sang along at the top of their voices.

But sooner or later, no matter how much we didn't want it to, it eventually had to end. The final number, Fireworks of A Lifetime, together with the cascading curtain of fireworks, was a fitting and banging end to the night. And although the reportoire wasn't very different from his concert in March, it was still a very enjoyable and entertaining musical journey.

Definitely worth every single bit of the RM342 I paid for it.

Did you go for any of Jacky's 2002 Musical Odyssey Tour concerts? Share your thoughts with me in the guestbook.


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