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Jordan, Panther and Ah Fei had their guns pointed unwaveringly at Hung yeh. Three guns aimed at his head. But twenty or more aimed at ours. The situation definitely wasn't in our favour.

Hung yeh chuckled evilly. "Little girl, you walk in here with merely three dogs and you expect me to take you seriously? Go on, ask your goons to open fire. We'll see who walks out of here alive."

Just then the doors to the room were flung wide open.

"Waaah...why didn't anyone inform me that there was going to be a party?" It was Sandra jie and I could see quite a number of her men behind her as well. She strode in while they stayed outside.

"Hung yeh, is this how you greet your guests?" Sandra jie asked as she waved her hand at the pointed and ready-to-fire guns.

Hung yeh glared at her and reluctantly gestured for his men to put their guns down. When they did, Jordan, Panther and Ah Fei lowered theirs too.

"Hung yeh, the 'more' bullying the 'less'? Now, that's not fair is it?" Sandra jie grinned at him.

It was obvious Hung yeh was displeased at Sandra jie's intrusion but he kept quiet all the same. After all, Sandra jie was Hung Hing and he knew it would be to his disadvantage if he stepped on her toes.

"Well then," Sandra jie clapped her hands. "I guess the party's over?"

"Let's go." Hung yeh ordered. Slowly, one by one, the Royal 13s left the room. "If I were you, I'd watch my back," Hung yeh snarled as he walked pass me.

When they had all gone, I turned to Sandra jie. "Thanks for coming," I said. Yup, she was the backup plan. I had called her earlier and informed her of my meeting with Hung yeh. I knew he wouldn't have dared do anything with her around.

She smiled. "I knew your father well."


"Why did you have to call Sandra jie?!" Jordan exclaimed. I could tell he wasn't pleased at all.

"I wanted to avoid the unnecessary," I said.

"You know what people are going to say now? The White Dragons can't stand on their own two feet. We need Hung Hing to support us. We're going to be a laughing stock," he fumed.

I sighed. "Look, whether we like it or not, getting Sandra jie and Hung Hing involved was our only option. Hung yeh will now have to think twice before he tries anything. And that will buy us some time. Time to weed out our weaknesses, to strengthen our hold on our territories. To make sure that bastard doesn't get another chance at the White Dragons."

Jordan looked at me. Did he understand my motives? He nodded. "Sorry I yelled at you." It looked as though he had more to say yet he seemed to hesitate.


I gazed at him. "Yes?"

"Terri, I would like Panther and Ah Fei to follow you around," he said.

I frowned. "Whatever for?"

He shifted uncomfortably in the seat. "Err...I'm worried Hung yeh may do you harm. His threat..."

I smiled. I had forgotten about Hung yeh's threat. I had not even taken it to heart. But it seemed Jordan had.

"Don't worry. I don't need bodyguards. I can take care of myself," I grinned.

He didn't find it humourous though. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

He had said those words with so much sincerity and warmth, it scared me a little. Oh no. Not again. What was I thinking? He's just worried about you, Terri. Nothing more. Stop reading so much into things, you fool.

"It's settled then. No more arguments. I'll inform Panther and Ah Fei." Then he got up and left.

I sighed again. Why did such things have to happen now? I already had enough worries on my mind and I surely didn't need any more. One thought that kept cropping up was Jess. I hadn't spoken to her since that night. I turned to look at the phone. I wonder what she's doing now? I picked it up and nervously dialed her number. It rang and rang and rang. I hung up when the line died.


My plan about getting Hung yeh off our backs seemed to be working. Jordan was reporting that there were less disturbances at out establishments now. I breathed a sigh of relief. But I knew it wouldn't last. Sooner or later, Hung yeh was going to grow restless and that's when he'll come back with a vengeance. Something more concrete needed to be done. I knew the White Dragons could not count on Sandra jie or Hung Hing forever. Jordan was right. It wouldn't look good in the eyes of others. But what else could I do? Actually the answer was obvious. An eye for an eye. Attack the enemy before he attacks you. If Hung yeh insisted on encroaching upon White Dragons' turf, then the White Dragons will take on the Royal 13s. Even Jordan agreed. We had no other choice. We had to protect ourselves and one way was to make sure Hung yeh's power didn't grow.

And so it started. We hit the Royal 13s where it hurt them the most. Jordan planted troublemakers in their nightclubs and karaokes every night. We gave false tip offs to the cops so that they would raid their establishments for no real reason. Basically we did whatever it took to obstruct their businesses. And in return the Royal 13s lashed out hard at us. It was war. Tung Sing, Hung Hing and Tiger Hill had stepped back and refused to get involved. This was strictly between the Royal 13s and the White Dragons.


Jordan and I were in my office planning our next moves when we heard a commotion outside.

"What's going on?" I asked in bewilderment.

As Jordan opened the door to go out and check, Ah Fei came bursting in. "Terri jie, Jordan gor. Trouble," he panted.

I jumped to my feet. The first thought that came to me was that the Royal 13s were outside. Jordan must have thought the same too. He held me back. "No, you stay here. I'll go see what's happening. Ah Fei, stay with Terri jie."

"No way. We're in this together," I protested and marched out of the office before Jordan could say anything else. I heard them both chase after me.

"Terri, it's too dangerous. Just get back in there," Jordan gasped.

"Forget it, buster. I'm not listening to you. I'm the boss, remember?" I retorted.

As we raced down the corridor, I could hear the shouts getting louder. There was sound of broken glass too. As we neared the lounge, I thought I recognised the voice. We entered and to my surprise, rather than finding gang members, standing before us was a police officer instead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

He moved threateningly towards me. Jordan immediately stood in front of me protectively.

"Where is she?!" Louis screamed. He looked like a man gone mad.

"She?" I had no idea what he was ranting on about.

"Jess, damn it. Jess! Where is Jess?! If anything happens to her, I'll kill you!" he shouted as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at me.


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