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Just then, the phone on my desk rang.

My hand reached out instinctively at it. “Hello,” I answered anxiously.

“Hello, Kun Kee Restaurant? I’d like to order take out please.”

What? Kun Kee Restaurant? Damn.

“Wrong number!” I bellowed into the receiver and slammed it back onto its hook.

“Shit!” I yelled at no one in particular. “Shit, shit, shit!”

I got up, paced the room and vented my frustration at the door with kicks and punches. The pain I felt on my feet and hands was nothing compared to the searing one I was feeling in my heart.

Then it rang again.

But this time, Jordan was a lot quicker than I was.


I looked at him impatiently. Was it the call we were waiting for?

“Hold on. I’ll pass you to her.”

He cupped his hand over the mouthpiece and whispered, “Hung yeh.”

I immediately snatched the receiver from him.

“Hung yeh,” I barked into it.

“Ah…little girl, how are you today?”

The bastard was mocking me and it only served to increase my anger. But I knew I had to control it. If Jess really was in his hands, it wouldn’t do any good to scream or threaten him. As much as I hated to admit it, the ball was in his court.

“I’m fine, Hung yeh. And you?” I answered as cordially as my voice would allow me.

He guffawed loudly. “Couldn’t be much better. In fact, you could say I’m on top of the world!”


“Oh…now what was it I wanted to ask you? Ah yes. Did you lose anything?” he continued.

This was it. I knew for sure now that the bastard really took Jess. I withheld my anger and fear and replied with all the calm I could muster. “And what if I have?”

He laughed again as if my reply really tickled him. “Well then, I may just have what it is you’ve lost.”

I held my breath, waiting for him to continue but he didn’t

“What have you done to Jess?” I asked.

“Jess? Such a lovely name. Such a beautiful girl too, isn’t she, Terri?”

“She has nothing to do with this, Hung yeh. Let her go.”

“Are you begging me, Theresa Au? Are you begging me to give you back your lover girl?” he laughed again.

So, the bastard had thought Jess was my lover and had decided to use her to blackmail me. Well, I he didn’t go very wrong. There was no way I would compromise Jess’ safety.

“She isn’t my lover. She has absolutely no clue what’s going on. Just let her go, Hung yeh and we’ll settle this the nobler way,” I pleaded.

“Meet me at the Big Brother nightclub tonight at 6pm, and don’t try to be funny with me. Your lover girl is quite a looker and I can’t be responsible for the actions of my fellows,” he laughed maliciously and then hung up.

I slammed the phone down. “^%$#!”

Jordan looked at me questioningly. I repeated my conversation with Hung yeh.

“I’ll get some guys together for tonight,” he said as he got up to leave.

I called him back. “No.”

He looked at me worriedly. “Terri…” his eyes, pleading.

“No. Only you, Panther and Ah Fei. No more.”

“Terri…” he tried again.

But I was adamant. I just couldn’t risk Jess’ safety.


We didn’t have to wait very long before Hung yeh walked into the lounge of Big Brother nightclub with a horde of his goons.

“Terri! So glad you could make it,” he chuckled.

Bastard. His face really needed rearranging.

“Where’s Jess,” I asked for the umpteenth time.

He roared. “Ah…love does make a person impatient, doesn’t it?”

I clenched my fist. I was beginning to lose control of my temper. “If you even touched as much as a hair on her head…”

“I don’t think you are in a position to bargain with me, Terri Au,” Hung yeh interrupted. “You want your lover girl back, you play by my rules. How about a trade? Your lover girl for all of White Dragon’s businesses and territories.”

“In your dreams!” Jordan exclaimed.

“Okay,” I cut in.

“What?!” Jordan turned and looked at me in disbelief.

“You can have the White Dragons. All I want is my friend back, untouched,” I said to Hung yeh.

“Terri!” Jordan yelled again.

I gave him a look that told him to shut up. I made the decisions here and there was no way I’d risk Jess’ life. If giving up the White Dragons meant getting Jess back safe and sound, Hung yeh could have it all. There was no question about it. No compromise whatsoever.

Hung yeh scoffed. “Tomorrow, 10am. I’ll inform you of the place later. And don’t fret, I’ll have your lover girl for you. You may now see yourselves out. Bye!”

After we had left Hung yeh’s nightclub, Jordan turned to me. “Terri, are you mad? How could you agree to suh a preposterous demand?”

I sighed. “I don’t wish to argue about it, Jordan. I’ve made my decision.”

“It’s not just your decision! It concerns all of the White Dragons!” he shouted in exasperation.

“Jess is everything to me. If you’re not behind me on this, then I’ll handle it myself tomorrow,” I said stubbornly.

Jordan’s eyes were a picture of anger and worry. “Terri, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

Maybe not. But if whatever I’m about to do saves Jess, then I’m sure as hell going to do it.


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