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The scene was a confusion of police sirens and shouts but it seemed as if someone had hit the pause button on a VCR machine. All I could see was Hung yeh and Jess. It was as though there were only the three of us. Like a live action feed clicked on slow-mo, I saw Hung yeh whip his gun out to point at Jess’ back. There was no time to think. I reacted the only way I knew. I swung Jess round and pushed her towards Panther, using my body as a shield between Hung yeh and her. A loud sound – a bang, an explosion – reverberated in my ears. And I felt a searing pain course through my body, piercing it, tearing it apart.


Then there were even more bangs. Someone was screaming. Someone else was shouting. I didn’t know who they were. I didn’t know what they were shouting about. Shit. Why wouldn’t my legs support me? I slumped towards the ground, my legs giving way to the weight of my body.


“Go, go, go…get cover!”

“Call an ambulance! Damn it, somebody call an ambulance!”

What was going on? Why were they all shouting? It was giving me such a headache. Shhhs. Shut up. I’m trying to concentrate here. I felt someone pick me up. Hey put me down. Who are you?

“Terri, Terri, stay with me you hear? Stay with me.”

Oh Jordan. I smiled at him. Oh hi Jordan. Why are you carrying me? I can walk. I know you like me. Well, you are a very likeable guy and I must say I did think I was falling in love with you too. But you know how I feel about Jess. Anyway, I liked that kiss you gave me the last time. How about another kiss now, eh? Who’s this other girl running beside you? Hey, you got yourself a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me anything? And why is she crying? You’ve been naughty, haven’t you? Have you upset her? Oh, are we going for a ride?

“Terri, Terri, don’t scare me. Just hang on. We’ll get you to a hospital soon.”

Jess? Where did you come from? Why are you crying? Don’t cry. You don’t look good when you cry. Did that stupid idiot policeman make you angry? Just tell me. I’ll take care of him for you. I’ll help you teach him a lesson. Just tell me Jess. You know how I feel about you, don’t you? How do you feel about me? I want us to be together forever. Ditch the cop, Jess. Be with me. I’ll give you everything you ever wanted and I’ll love you more than that shithead will. I’ve always loved you, Jess. Did you know? Did you know? Hey, did someone spill something on me? Why was my body so wet? Yuck, tomato ketchup? What the…? Ouch, that hurt.

“Terri, Terri…”

I felt a hand tighten around mine. With difficulty, I turned to look. Jess. I smiled weakly at her.

“Jess…” I whispered. My energy was slowly draining away and it was as if I had to use every ounce of my strength just to keep my eyes open.

“Terri, why? Oh why? I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.

I lifted my hand and gently wiped the tears from her face. “Don’t cry, Jess. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“Don’t you dare leave me, Terri. Promise me, promise me that.”

I shook my head and smiled. “I will never leave you, Jess. I will always be with you.” I had to gasp for breath just to say those words. It was getting harder and harder to breathe and I didn’t know how much longer I could stand the pain. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. How I wished to just close them for a while.

“Terri! No! Don’t sleep. Stay with me! Talk to me, Terri!” Jess shouted.

Don’t sleep. Hmm…yea, I mustn’t sleep. Mustn’t close my eyes. I forced them open. Jess. Where was she? Why couldn’t I see her?

“Jess? Where are you? Jess? Jess?”

The hand around me tightened. “I’m here, Terri. I’m here.”

I blinked a couple of times and tried to focus. Jess was fading in and out of my sight. Or was it me who was fading in and out of consciousness? The pain was slowly subsiding. But cold was creeping over me. I held on to Jess’ hand, feeling the heat from it. Willing it to keep me warm. But I guess it was too much to ask of her hand.

“Hang in there, Terri. We’re going to reach the hospital soon. Just hang in there.”

The voice sounded a lot like Jordan. Was it him? I didn’t know. I couldn’t see.

“Jordan?” I choked.

“I’m here, Terri.”

“Jordan, please take care of Jess for me, will you?” I coughed.

“NO! You’ll take care of me, Terri. Nothing’s going to happen to you. You’re going to be all right!” Jess screamed through her tears.

My coughing spasm increased and I felt some warm liquid fill my mouth and spill out over the side of my lips. I moved my hand to wipe at it. It was blood. Jess covered my hand with hers, helping me clean it away.

“No, no, no, no…” She was crying uncontrollably and rocking me back and forth. “No…Terri, no…Damn it, Jordan! Hurry up, will you!”


“Terri…Terri, you said you’d never leave me. Don’t you forget that,” she cried.

“Jess…” I choked. “Jess…I have something I want to tell you…Something I’ve always wanted to tell you.”

“No! I won’t listen! You’ll have to tell me after all this is over. Tell me when you’re well!” she screamed.

Every gulp of air I took burned like fire. “Jess…I…I…lo…”


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