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To my dismay, Jess seemed to be spending more and more time with Louis. I still haven’t told her about my connection with the triads. If Louis suspected anything about me, I was sure he hadn’t told her as well. If he had, Jess would surely have confronted me. Apart from feeling more and more jealous of Louis, I felt he was only getting close to her so that he could find out more information about my activities and me. I was afraid he would play Jess out. If Louis did anything to hurt her, I would never forgive him. I had tried warning Jess about him. If only she would heed my advice. But I couldn’t blame her. From her point of view, I didn’t have any valid reason not wanting her hanging out with him. I was angry I couldn’t tell her the truth. All I wanted to do was to protect her. And it was because of that that we had the argument that afternoon.

We were at home, watching a video I had borrowed. Jess and I were sprawled out on the sofa and she had her head on my lap. Gosh, how I wished the moment would last forever. When her phone rang, I cursed silently as she got up to answer it. I saw how her lips curved up into a smile when she picked it up. She was giggling like a little kid as she walked into her room with the phone. I had a feeling I knew who it was on the other line. When she came back, there was a grin plastered all over her face.

“Louis?” I asked.

She nodded. “That obvious huh?” she chuckled.

I forced a smile. “So, are you guys like, you know…”

She tossed her head back with laughter. “No. Not yet anyway,” she giggled with mischief. “But he’s cute, isn’t he?”

I shouldn’t have been surprised by her remark but it caught me off guard nonetheless. She was attracted to him. But who wouldn’t be. Louis was tall, dark and handsome – typical of a prince in shining armour. But I couldn’t let Jess get hurt. I didn’t know what Louis was up to IF he was up to anything. Was he seeing her because he genuinely liked her, or was he seeing her so that he could pry information from her? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. Whichever the reason was, I knew I had to do everything possible to keep them apart. It was just too close for comfort.

“Well, I don’t like him,” I said. “He doesn’t look like he can be trusted. He looks like a playboy.”

Jess looked at me questioningly. “You’re not jealous, are you?” she chortled.

YES! Yes, I was jealous. I was jealous she was spending more time with him than she was with me. I was jealous that she was attracted to him. I was jealous she could openly declare her interest in him. I was jealous I wasn’t him. Yes, yes, I was just plain jealous.

I laughed it off as a joke. “Me, jealous? Don’t give yourself so much credit, girl!”

“Hmm…” Jess sighed dreamily. “You’re wrong, you know. He’s not a playboy at all. On the contrary, I think he’s such a sweetie.”

“Could it be that our Jessica is falling for this Louis person?” I teased, masking my trepidation. Oh why did I have to ask that question? I knew what the answer would be and I knew it would not be an answer I wanted to hear. Jess liked him. Yes, it was pretty obvious. I hadn’t seen her like this in a long while.

She shrugged. “I like him. But I don’t know if the feeling’s mutual.”

It was the reply I was dreading. Someone might as well have taken a knife and run it through my heart there and then.

“What do you see in him anyway? I mean, he’s all so wrong for you.”

“What do you mean he’s all so wrong for me?”

“Well…look at you, you’re a hot shot lawyer while he’s just a…cop.” I didn’t bother controlling the disdain in my voice.

Jess stared at me. “When did you become such a snob?”

Damn! How could I make her understand without telling her too much?

“I just don’t think he’s right for you, that’s all. He’s probably only interested in your money.”

“Terri! I can’t believe those words are actually coming from you. Of all people, I thought you would be more supportive. Besides, who said I was rich?”

“Look Jess, I’m only worried for you. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Thanks for your concern. But I think I can handle this myself. I’m not a little girl.” There was a hint of bitterness in her voice.

I probably should have stopped there, but I couldn’t help myself. “When it comes to such things, you are a little girl,” I whispered.

“Theresa Lee!” Jess glared at me.

Shit. I think I may have said it louder than expected.

She was already on her feet – her anger, very much apparent. “What’s wrong with you anyway? Why are you so against Louis?”

“Look, I just have a bad feeling about him. I don’t like him. I don’t think you should even consider him at all.” I said with all the calm I could muster.

“You don’t think I should even consider him at all. Is that right?” Her words were slow at first. Then came the outburst, full of rage. “Well, do you want to know what I think?! I don’t think it’s for you to say whether or not you like him. I don’t need you to tell me what I can or cannot do. You may like controlling your million and one girlfriends, but don’t you DARE control me, Theresa Au. If anyone here needs growing up, it’s you NOT me!”

With that, she slammed the door and stomped out of the apartment in a huff. I watched her go and I felt my face wet from the tears that were already trickling down. I really didn’t mean to make her mad. How could I make her understand?


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