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I closed my eyes and moved myself closer, pulling the face nearer to me so that our lips pressed hard against each other. The kiss was soft and slow but at the same time full of emotion. I tasted the sweetness on the lips and enjoyed the subtle and tender feeling of our skin. As we slid our lips together, the friction caused a chill to go up my spine. The little nibbles gradually became more and more demanding. There was an urgency in the touch, lustful even, as if all the pent up wanting and attraction was finally giving way. We were kissing harder and faster now. I felt tongue on my lips and I opened my mouth a little, darting my tongue out to meet it. We were dancing and playing together, exploring the inside of each other's mouth. Then the tongue withdrew back out and licked my lips, giving it gentle nibbles here and there. And just as sudden, the passion built again. It was fast and furious this time. I felt hands slowly caress my back, moving towards my breasts. I felt as if my body was on fire. Nothing around us seemed to matter anymore. I was kissing Jess and I never wanted this moment to end. Mmm...I opened my eyes a fraction to sneak a peek. Jordan! The shock hit me like a hammer and I abruptly broke the connection between us and shoved him away. He was looking at me questioningly. I averted my eyes. I couldn't look at him. What the hell was I doing just now? What the hell was he doing? For gawd's sake, I was kissing him and he...he was kissing me. I turned away from him and mumbled an almost inaudible 'I'm sorry'. Then with a scream, I clasped my hands on my head to block out the sudden surge of alcohol that was rushing into my brain.


I was going through the business accounts when there was a loud and firm rap on my office door. "Come in."

It opened and Jordan strolled in. "I brought the gambling den figures," he said as he placed the book in front of me. I looked up at him. There was absolutely no expression on his face. "Thanks," I muttered.

There had been no mention of what happened the other night. We never brought it up again nor talked about it at all. I was relieved yet disappointed. Relieved because I had been tossing and turning, not knowing how to face up to him. But I didn't have to. Jordan went about as if nothing happened, as if everything was like before. So why was I feeling disappointed? I shouldn't be. That kiss was just a mistake, a simple misunderstanding. We were both so full of alcohol that night, we had no control over our actions. I had to keep repeating it over and over again to myself. There was absolutely nothing between us. I had not felt anything. And even if I did, it was only because I thought he was Jess. But somehow I knew my subconscious was trying to tell me otherwise. Only I didn't feel like listening to it. So I pushed it deeper and deeper into the recesses of my mind in the hope that it'll stay there and decided that if Jordan could ignore the kiss that happened that night, so could I.


I put the key into the lock and turned it. Hearing the click, I pushed down on the handle and opened the door into my apartment. The television was on. That could only mean that Jess was home. But the living room was empty. Where was she? A wave of disappointment swept through me when I realised Jess had probably rushed into her room to avoid me when she heard me come back. I sighed and turned to walk into the kitchen with the packet of 'tong sui' I was carrying. I opened the fridge door and put the 'tong sui' inside, having lost my appetite. I walked back into the living room the same time Jess walked out of her room. I brightened up a little when I saw her. It was as if time stopped altogether. We just stood there staring at each other.

"Hi," I smiled, a little uncomfortable.


I couldn't believe my ears. Jess had replied. She was finally talking to me. I was so happy I could have grabbed her and hugged her there and then.

"I bought some supper. Want to join me?" I offered, remembering the 'tong sui' I had just put into the fridge.

She nodded and smiled. "Yea, okay."

Seeing her smile once more sent another rush of adrenaline up my body. I just wanted to put it all behind me. No more arguments. As long as she was talking to me, smiling at me, as long as she was happy. All I wanted was for her to be happy. I didn't care who she was going out with. As long as that cop treated her well and was true to her, it didn't matter anymore.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she chatted away, occasionally pausing to sip her 'tong sui'.


"You first," Jess giggled nervously.

Okay, here goes nothing. "I'm sorry about the way I reacted, Jess. I only want you to be happy and if you're happy being with that cop, then so be it."

"Oh Terri," she cried as she threw her arms around me. "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. I know you only had my best intentions in mind."

I choked back my tears and returned her hug, holding her tightly as if afraid of ever losing her again. Jess was back. She was back with me. Even though she was with that cop, it really felt as though she had returned to me.

"You're not a jerk," I chuckled. "And that cop's treating you well, I hope."

She laughed. "His name's Louis and yes, he's treating me very well." Then she sighed dreamily. "I'm in love, Terri. When he puts his arms around me, I tremble. When he has his lips on mine, I just melt. When he whispers those three words to me, it feels like I've died and gone to heaven."

I nodded and smiled. It hurt like hell to hear her say those words. But just seeing how happy she was, I felt a certain joy too. Well, Mr. Cop, you had better not hurt Jess, or I'll never forgive you.

Just then, my mobile rang.


"Terri jie. It's Panther here. Jordan gor's been arrested."



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