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“I can’t stop this feeling,
Deep inside of me.
Girl, you just don’t realise
What you do to me...”

Michael twirled his pen, spinning it around on his fingers as he stared off into nothing. His face wore a dreamy smile as his thoughts reminded him of Ellen. She was sitting in front of him, going on and on about something - he didn’t really know what it was cos he wasn’t paying attention. The only thing he was paying attention to was Ellen’s face. How her mouth curled when she spoke. How her eyes lit up when she laughed. How she twitched her nose when she was thinking. How she scratched her head when she was nervous. It was like there was some sort of spell that drew him to her. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Couldn’t stop imagining that she was there with him even when she wasn’t. He sighed. Ellen, Ellen, Ellen. I wonder what you’re doing tonight, he pondered as he picked up the phone. As he was about to punch in her phone number, his eyes played across his desk and rested on the photo frame that was sitting there.


Michael stared at the photo in the frame and reluctantly replaced the receiver back onto its hook.


He sighed and massaged his temple. What am I going to do?

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. “Come in,” Michael said absent-mindedly.

“Hi!” A cheerful and perky voice filled the room.

Michael recognised it immediately and it brought a smile to his face. He looked up and there standing in his room was Ellen. She bounced in and sat herself down in front of him. “Surprised to see me?” she asked with a grin. Michael just beamed. Surprised wasn’t the word. Happy, glad. Ecstatic even. It was all he could do to keep himself from running up to her and taking her in his arms.

Ellen frowned and eyed herself consciously. “What? What are you smiling at? Do I look funny in this?” she asked as she pointed at her top.

Michael cracked up laughing. “No, no. You look fine,” he reassured her. “Although maybe next time you should consider buying t-shirts without cartoon characters on the front.”

“What’s wrong with the Powerpuff Girls? They happen to be one of my favourites,” Ellen argued.

“If you were four years old, I’d say there was nothing wrong. But you’re an old hag now...” Michael grinned. “Hey!” Ellen protested. “I’m only...eighteen, okay.”

Michael laughed even harder. “Yeah, I’m sure you are. Eighteen,” he scoffed.

“Hrmphh!” Ellen feigned a pout.

“So anyway, what are you doing here?” Michael asked.

“I came to see Sean,” Ellen told him.

“Oh.” Michael’s heart fell a bit. She didn’t come to see him. She came to see Sean. “So, what are you doing in my room then?”

“Oh, I guess I’m not very welcomed here, huh? I could leave...” Ellen said as she got up from the chair.

“NO!” Michael shouted with such force that it made Ellen jump a little. “Err...sorry. No, I didn’t mean it that way,” he stammered.

Oh my god, he’s so adorable. Those dimples and the way his brow creases when he frowns, Ellen swooned as she looked at him.

“Err...please sit down,” he mumbled as he rushed to her side and pulled the chair out for her. Ellen grinned at him as she sat back down. As Michael leaned closer to push the chair back in, he heard a quiet gasp escape from her mouth. It was only then that he realised how close they were. His face was only a few centimetres from hers. He was tempted, very tempted. He peered into her eyes searching for some hint to tell him to proceed. Should I or shouldn’t I?

Oh boy, Ellen thought. He’s so close I can feel his breath...and the way he’s staring at me. Oh boy, he’s not going to kiss me, is he?

The shrill ring of the telephone on Michael’s desk broke the awkwardness between them. Cursing silently, Michael reached across and picked it up. Of all times to ring, you have to ring now. Great timing you have there, he scolded at the phone.

“Hello,” he barked into it impatiently.

“Michael darling.”

The voice brought him back to his senses.


Ellen tensed when she heard him say that name. It felt as though her heart had fallen from 30 floors and now laid shattered in a million pieces on the ground. What was I even thinking of, she told herself. He’s got a girlfriend. Yeah, but it’s only just a girlfriend. It’s not like he’s married. Which means that the best girl can still win, another voice within her said. No, how can you even think of such a despicable thing, Ellen argued with it. Despicable? What could be more despicable than that Natasha person? Come on, Michael deserves a better woman than her and that woman is you, the voice reasoned. No, whatever it is. I’m not going to be the third person who breaks anything up, Ellen concluded, putting an end to that particular argument.

She looked at him as he was speaking on the phone. There was a pained expression written all over his face. It only made her want to go up and hug him and comfort him. No, control yourself woman. He’s already got a girlfriend. Get that into your thick skull, she sighed. She waved at him to get his attention and gestured to say that she was going to leave him to his telephone conversation. Before Michael could stop her, she was already out the door.

“Yeah, right. Look Natasha, I remembered about the ball tonight. I’ll pick you up on time. Don’t worry, okay. Hey, I’ve got to go. Bye!” he anxiously ended the call.

As soon as he put the receiver down, he ran out of his room. “Amy,” Michael looked towards his secretary. “Did you see Ellen?”

“Miss Hsuan has left, Mr Koo,” Amy told him.

Michael just stood there with a forlorn look on his face. Sighing, he turned back towards his room. He wanted to explain to her yet what was there to explain? His yearning for Ellen was beginning to scare him. Michael Koo, wake up and smell the coffee. You like her. No, like can’t even begin to describe your feelings. But no, it couldn’t be love, could it? What about Natasha then? Damn, I’m so confused, he shook his head as he massaged his temple again. Michael, Michael, Michael, you’ve got to do something about this or it’s going to drive you crazy.

Ellen sat in the cab and stared out the window. Ellen Hsuan, don’t even think about it. He already has a girlfriend, he already has a girlfriend, he already has a girlfriend. Just keep drumming that thought in your head, woman, she sighed to herself.


Ellen continued to stare out the window. It didn’t even occur to her that the cab had stopped and that the driver was calling her.

“Miss, Miss.”

“Huh?” She finally snapped back to the present.

“This is your destination, Miss,” the driver told her.

“Oh, thanks,” Ellen quickly paid him and alighted.

“Miss,” he called her back.


“Whatever you were worrying about just then? Everything will turn out just fine,” he winked assuredly before driving off, leaving a very baffled looking Ellen standing by the curb.

Chance looked back at her through the rearview mirror and grinned. “Yup, don’t you worry, Ellen Hsuan. I’ll be watching you, I promise.”

(Song credit: Hooked On A Feeling by BJ Thomas.)


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