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Ellen grinned silly at the sight of Michael’s handsome face as she sank into the sofa in her hotel room. “So, why are you here?” she asked with a smirk.

“Cos you invited me in?” Michael chuckled as he took the other seat.

“Duhhh...I meant what were you doing on the street scaring me for no particular reason just now?” Ellen rolled her eyes.

Michael shrugged. “To look for you.”

Huh? Did he just say he came to look for me? Yeahhh sure, Ellen. You must be hearing things again. Repeat after yourself. He is attached. He is attached. He is attached.

Michael looked towards Ellen’s face for some sort of reaction. All he got was a plastered silly grin and dreamy looking eyes. What is she thinking about, he wondered. Oh no, did me saying that I came to look for her frightened her? Why doesn’t she say anything? I need a sign, for goodness sake. Give me a sign.

“ want some coffee?” Ellen asked out of the blue. Coffee? Now, why did I ask him if he wanted coffee or not?

Huh? Coffee? Why is she asking me if I want coffee? Michael nodded nevertheless. “Yeah, sure.”

Ellen hurriedly got up and pottered towards the little pantry in her room. “ do you want it?”

“How do I want what?” Michael asked absent-mindedly.

“Coffee. How do you want your coffee? Black? White? Grey?”

“Grey? What’s grey coffee?” Michael frowned.

“Oh, did I say grey?” Ellen laughed nervously. “I don’t know. It just, sort of, slipped out.”

“Black will be fine for me”

Ellen just looked at Michael, a little dumbfounded, her eyes glazed with confusion.

“Coffee. Black. I’ll have my coffee black,” Michael explained.

“Oooohhhh...” Ellen exclaimed in comprehension.

Michael twiddled with his fingers nervously as he waited for Ellen to get back with the coffee. How should I tell her? Ellen, I’ve broken up with Natasha. Ellen, I’m not seeing Natasha anymore. Ellen, Natasha and I are over. And then what? Is she going to jump straight into my arms? Is she going to tear my clothes off and make wild, passionate love to me? Huh, he scoffed. Get real, Michael, he told himself. Then again, wouldn’t it be great if she did? He thought dreamily. Geez! Michael get a hold of yourself. Hell, you don’t even know if she feels the same way about you. I mean, there was no reaction when I said I came to look for her. Hang on, there was reaction. But coffee? What sort of reaction is that? He frowned.

“Here you go,” Ellen walked back in with two cups of steaming hot coffee. “Black coffee for you,” she said as she passed him a cup. “And white coffee for me.”

“Thanks,” Michael mumbled as he held the cup with two hands.

Ellen sat back down and took a big whiff off the top of her cup, taking in the strong aroma of beans. “Mmmm...” she muttered with satisfaction before taking a slurp.

Michael watched her in quiet contemplation. What is happening to me? I can’t believe I’ve really fallen for her. And to think I hated her when I saw her. Hmm...well, maybe hate is too strong a word. But I sure couldn’t stand the sight of her then. Then again, Michael Koo, at one point in time, you thought the world of Natasha. And look at how that turned out? Some great judge you were then. Oh, stuff the judgement thingy and go with instinct. Just tell her what you want to tell her and...and...what? Oh, who cares what. Just tell her.

“I’ve broken up with Natasha. I think I like you,” Michael hurriedly said in one breath.

Ellen, who had been slurping her coffee, minding her own business all along, immediately spat out the coffee upon hearing Michael’s sudden declaration. Imagine this in slow-mo. The spewed coffee travelled a trajectory curve out of Ellen’s mouth and splashed right smack on Michael’s face soaking it from forehead to chin. Ellen gasped. Michael could only sit there, shell-shocked from that unexpected ‘attack’.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to,” Ellen quickly apologised as she grabbed some tissues and tried to clean the liquid off him. It only served to worsen the situation. Now, not only was Michael’s face dripping from coffee and Ellen’s saliva, it was also covered with bits and pieces of torn tissue making him look like some sewer creature with a bad acne problem.

“Oops,” Ellen remarked sheepishly when she stepped back to look at him.

“Oops?” Michael frowned at her suspiciously. “And what is oops supposed to mean?”

“Err,” she giggled. “I think you should go wash your face in the bathroom.”

“I think that’s the most sensible thing you’ve said all night,” Michael smirked as he got up.

Ellen slumped back onto the sofa as soon as Michael had gone into the bathroom. Shit, Ellen Hsuan! Great move there. You’ve got a terrific guy declaring his love for you and what do you do? You spit coffee all over him. Geezzz...he’s probably in there wondering what the hell he’s gotten himself into with you. Great, just great Ellen, she shook her head, buried it in her hands and screamed.

Michael rushed out of the bathroom when he heard the muffled screams, only to find himself staring at a slouching Ellen - face buried in hands. “Ellen?” he asked cautiously. “Is everything all right?”

Oh shit, not again! Ellen timidly brought her head up to meet his gaze and grinned at him sheepishly. Oh no, he now probably thinks I’m mental too, she cried as she tried to control the urge to hide her face again.

Michael chuckled at her expression. It makes her look like a little lost duckling, he thought. He slowly and gently took her hands in his. “Did you hear me just now, Ellen Hsuan?” he asked almost in a whisper.

Ellen held her breath. He’s saying something to me, isn’t he? Why can’t I hear him? I mean his lips are moving but I’m not hearing anything. Stop spinning, Ellen. Concentrate, concentrate. What is he saying? What is he saying?

“Ellen? Ellen. I like you, Ellen. Can you hear me?” Michael tried again.

He likes me? He likes me? He likes me? Did he just say he likes me? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Somebody pinch me. Am I dreaming? She grinned at him silly again. Heeeheee...Oh for goodness sake, girl. Have some decorum. Stop being such a twit. Keep cool. Act cool. Yeah, act cool. Ellen took a deep gulp and recomposed herself.

“That’s nice,” she smiled.

Nice? Michael raised a brow. Nice? What’s that supposed to mean? He looked at her questioningly.

“And I like you too, Michael,” Ellen continued while she tried her damnest to suppress her excitement. Mustn’t let him think I’m so elated to hear him say that he likes me. Don’t want to fan his ego now.

She likes me! Wooohoooo! She likes me too! Michael’s heart leapt for joy and he pulled her close and gave her a huge hug. Ellen hugged him back. Mmmm...he smells so nice, she mused. Michael finally released her and held her at arms length, gazing dreamily into her eyes. He moved his face closer towards hers and was about to lay a peck on her lips when she stopped him.

“It’s getting late,” Ellen grinned as she showed him her watch.

Michael nodded and reluctantly let go. “I guess I better be going then?” Not that he wanted to. Ask me to stay. Ask me to stay. Ask me to stay, he chanted as if hoping that it would trigger a spell that would make Ellen change her mind.

Unfortunately for him, Ellen nodded. “Yup, I guess you had better be going,” she smiled.

Michael sighed and stood up. He took another look at Ellen, almost as if pleading with his eyes, hoping that she’ll call him back. Ellen playfully pushed him towards the door.

“Goodnight Michael,” Ellen told him as she held the door opened for him. Michael reluctantly dragged himself out.

“Goodnight Ellen.” He was just about to turn away when she called him back. Michael spun around with hope, his eyes sparking like a little boy’s.

“See you tomorrow,” Ellen laid a quick peck on his cheek before hurriedly closing the door behind her. Michael just stood there, a little surprised by Ellen’s unexpected action. Slowly, a small grin escaped from the side of his mouth. Then he turned back with a little hop, clicked his heels together and skipped happily away.

As soon as Ellen had shut the door, she squealed and broke out in a little dance - twirling and spinning all over the room. He likes me, he likes me, he likes me, he likes me, she exclaimed in happiness as she hugged herself and collapsed onto her bed.

Eros cracked up in laughter as he watched Ellen’s antics on the TV screen. Chance merely grinned at his colleague’s reaction. The two affable Aspects were in a hotel room similar to that of Ellen’s. In fact, they were next door to Ellen’s room and had watched the whole scene between Ellen and Michael unfold on their TV.

“See, I told you mortals were an interesting lot, “ Chance smirked at Eros as he got up and clicked on the remote to turn off the TV.

Natasha held up Ellen’s picture into the light. The rays shone through the knife holes that adorned the photograph. Picking up a lighter, she lit the corner of the photo and watched it go up in flames. Glaring hatefully at the burning photo, she declared, “No one takes Michael away from me and gets away with it. No one. And especially not you, Ellen Hsuan.”


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