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Chance leaned back into the sofa, his head resting on the palm of his hands. There was a smirk on his face. “Told you I could do it.”

Spyda rolled her eyes at his remark. Still, there was a tinge of amusement in them. She broke into a little grin.

“What are you grinning at?” Chance sneered. Then he sighed.

Eros looked at his colleague questioningly. “What’s with the sigh?”

“Probably lamenting the fact that he didn’t get a ‘oh-my-god, you-saved-me’ kiss from Ellen,” Spyda chuckled. Reaper choked on the cup of coffee she was drinking.

“Oh?” Eros grinned as he stole a glance at Chance.

Chance pulled a face at his colleagues. “No, I was NOT,” he scowled. “I was just thinking about how boring it’s going to be now that the fun’s all over,” he sighed again.

“Maybe...hmm...,” his eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked at Spyda.

“You stay away from my office,” Spyda warned. “I swear I’ll beat the pulp out of you if I catch you messing about with my threads again,” she threatened sternly.

Eros burst out in laughter and nudged Chance. “Better watch out,” he teased.

“And you,” Spyda pointed at Eros. “Yes, you. The one who’s laughing so loud. Don’t think I don’t know you’re his partner in crime.”

Eros quickly shut his mouth and tried to look as innocent as possible. Chance smirked at him. “If I’m going down, you’re coming down with me,” he chuckled.

Despite her warning and her threats, Spyda knew there was no stopping Chance. Sooner or later, his hands would start to get itchy again and he’ll con his way into my office, run his grubby fingers over my screens and the fun, as he calls it, will start all over. She unconsciously let out a huge sigh.

“What’s the matter, Spyda dear?” Chance chortled. “Realised that your threats were a bit too harsh and that I’ll really stay away and you’ll miss me too much?” he teased.

Spyda chose to ignore him but not without giving him a look of disgust first.

Eros laughed and shook his head. “You know, I really don’t get why the both of you always seem to be at each other’s necks? Hmm...maybe a little help from me is needed here,” he said as he pulled out his gun.

“Don’t you dare!” Chance and Spyda said in unison as they both swung around and pointed their fingers at him threateningly.

Reaper laughed. “Maybe you should, Eros. They truly are a match made in heaven, won’t you say?” she teased. “Such perfect timing surely can’t be coincidence,” she chuckled, refering to the same stance both Chance and Spyda were in at the moment.

Upon hearing that, Chance and Spyda both dropped their hands. Spyda glared at Reaper while Chance glared at Eros. Reaper and Eros were laughing so hard, Reaper had her hands on her sides and Eros could just about control himself from rolling about on the floor.

Spyda looked at them and cocked her brow mischievously. “If we’re a match made in heaven,” she said pointing to herself and Chance. “Then the both of you,” she pointed towards Reaper and Eros. “Must be having some love affair we don’t know about.”

Reaper and Eros stopped laughing immediately. It was Chance’s turn to crack up. “Yeah!” he exclaimed, nodding at Spyda’s comment.

Eros hastily pocketed his gun and pretended to be distracted elsewhere. Reaper quietly went back to sipping her coffee. It was Spyda’s and Chance’s turn to smirk now.

“I wonder what Ellen and Michael are up to now?” It was Eros who broke the silence, thinking it was wise to change topic altogether.

Spyda shrugged and waved her hand. A huge screen materialised in front of them.

“Phew!” Ellen exhaled.

“Wow,” Michael took a few deep breaths.

They turned to look at each other. Both had silly smiles plastered on their faces.

“Shall we do it again?” Ellen asked impishly.

Michael grinned. “I don’t see why not,” he said.

With that, they both pulled the covers back over their heads, giggling away as they sunk back into bed.

Chance smiled. Eros smiled. Spyda smiled. Reaper smiled.

“You know, I just realised something,” Reaper suddenly said.

The other three Aspects turned to look at her.

“Natasha wouldn’t have been able to do much anyway,” she continued.

Chance frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Think about it. Michael - that’s the name of the Archangel, isn’t it? The head honcho of all the angels in heaven.”

“So, what’s your point?” Eros said, echoing the thoughts of his other 2 colleagues.

“My point is,” Reaper explained. “Natasha. Michael and Natasha would never, could never have worked out. It was a mismatch right from the start. It would probably have ended up the way it ended up with or without Chance’s or Eros’ intervention.”

Chance, Eros and Spyda all gave Reaper blank looks.

Reaper sighed. “Natasha. Just spell out her name backwards...”


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