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“Look, can you just go and do whatever it is you have to do and leave me alone?” Spyda sighed. Chance was once again on her back, looking over her shoulder, being the persistent irritating idiot that he so excelled at (from Spyda’s point-of-view, that is.)

He grinned. “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do. So, I’m here keeping you company.”

“Thanks but no thanks. I’m quite happy being alone without any company,” Spyda forced a smile. “Why don’t you go frolic on earth and mingle with mortals since you favour them so much.”

Chance feigned a pout. “Hmm…why is it I detect that you don’t want me around?”

“Full marks for getting it correct! Doesn’t really take an idiot to realise that,” Spyda sneered. “Then again, I forget. You’re an idiot.”

“Ouff!” Chance gasped, bringing his hand towards his heart. “That hurt.”

“Good,” she smirked. “Now, can you leave me alone?”


Spyda sighed out loud in exasperation. “What immortal sin have I committed to be stuck with such bad luck like you?”

“You just don’t know how lucky you are, dear Spyda,” Chance grinned.

Spyda gave up and went back to concentrating on the screen before her. Chance looked on with curious interest.

“Hey, you know this line here,” Chance suddenly pointed at the screen, his finger touching it. “Why is it so different from this other one here?” he dragged his finger and pointed at another thread on the screen.

“Don’t!” but Spyda was too late to stop his itchy fingers. The two different threads interwove with each other as Chance quickly removed his finger from the screen.


The ground was a mess of documents. Sitting on the ground next to all that paper were two dazed bodies. One female. The other male.

The female rubbed her sore head. What the hell hit me?

The male moaned. I don’t remember walking into a brick wall, he thought as he too rubbed his forehead.

“Why can’t you watch where you’re going?” she scolded when she realised the person sprawled out on the floor beside her had probably walked right into her.

“Me? Watch where I’m going? You were the one not watching where you were going!” he exclaimed. Stupid bitch. The gall of her to even insinuate that I wasn’t watching where I was going when it was pretty obvious she was the one who walked around with her eyes closed, he fumed. Then taking another closer look at her, he scoffed. “If you had taken off those stupid sunglasses, you probably could have seen where you were going instead of rudely knocking into me!”

She whipped her sunglasses off in a fury. “Stupid sunglasses?! I’ll have you know these are the latest in fashion. Then again, Neanderthals like you wouldn’t know!”

Neanderthal?! She called me a Neanderthal! How dare she!

“Well, you’re not any better, you…you…cave woman!” he yelled back at her.

She grabbed the closest file next to her and swung it at him, whacking him squarely on the head.

“Ouch! You stupid bitch! What do you think you’re doing?!” he screamed.

“That’s for calling me a cave woman!” she shrieked and continued to hit him on the head with the file.

He brought a hand up to shield himself. “You’re not only stupid, you’re mad!” he exclaimed as he tried desperately to evade her attacks. He gathered whatever documents and files he had on the ground, quickly got up and fled as fast as his legs would take him.

She let the file drop, gathered her bit of documents and files and got up off the ground. As she smoothed her clothes and brushed the dust off them, she realised that a crowd had gathered around and was gawking at her. She glared at them and snorted. “What? Haven’t you people seen a beautiful woman before?” she growled at them before turning her nose up in the air and walking away.

“Oops. Is that all you can say?!” Spyda exclaimed. “Do you know what you’ve just done?!”

Chance lifted his head and looked at her sheepishly. “Err...nope. What did I just do?”

Spyda threw her hands up in the air in frustration and rolled her eyes. “These two threads under normal circumstances would never have come together, you idiot. They were never meant to meet.”

“Oh. Well, looks as though I’ve changed fate then,” he grinned.

Spyda shook her head. “It’s not that simple. Something will have to give.”

“What do you mean?” Chance asked.

She sighed. “You don’t understand, do you? Do you know how much mischief and trouble you've just caused?”

Chance shrugged. “Maybe it’s not mischief and trouble. Maybe you’re being overly pessimistic. Maybe...maybe it was love at first sight.”

“I doubt that very much,” Spyda said as she returned her attention to the two threads on her screen. “I doubt that very much.”


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