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  > Chapter 1: Aspects of Life
  > Chapter 2: What Fools Mortals Be
  > Chapter 3: Oops!
  > Chapter 4: A Tangled Web
  > Chapter 5: An Amusing Mess
  > Chapter 6: A Change of Heart, Perhaps?
  > Chapter 7: Threading Along...
  > Chapter 8: ...Nicely
  > Chapter 9: A Spanner in the Works
  > Chapter 10: Hooked on a Feeling
  > Chapter 11: A Can of Worms
  > Chapter 12: Shadows that Lurk Within
  > Chapter 13: The Lull Before the Storm
  > Chapter 14: It Begins...
  > Chapter 15: Foiled Again!
  > Chapter 16: The Nature of their Offices
  > Chapter 17: Of Love & Flash Floods
  > Chapter 18: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned
  > Chapter 19: Bordering on Ridicule
  > Chapter 20: Around the Coffee Table

All characters in this story are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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