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Pushing through vines and branches - leaves brushing his face, thorns pricking and cutting open his bare feet - stumbling and falling over twigs and roots, the man desperately tried to put as much ground as possible between himself and his predators. Gasping for air and almost running out of breath, he willed his body to move on, squeezing it of its last ounce of strength.

He had to keep going. Where he did not know. Where he did not care. All he knew was he had to get as far away as possible. As far, far away from his hunters. It was his only way to stay alive. Although he knew it was in vain, still he harbored the slightest hope that he may be able to delude them and get away.

Anyss pulled back on her bow and with a crack, let fly the arrow. It whizzed pass several low branches, homing straight for its target.

The man let out a yowl of pain as the arrow pierced through skin, meat and bone. His right hand clasped the back of his knee where the tip had sunk, his weary legs giving way to the weight of his body as he tumbled into the growth.

Yet he kept on going. Using the exposed roots on the forest floor, he dragged himself through, gritting his teeth in pain. He would not let death claim him so easily. He would not let his hunters bask in the glory that they had so easily beaten him. He would keep running until he could run no more.

Suddenly he yelled out in torment again. A black and heavy leather boot had, at that very moment, chose to use the open wound on his knee as a leg rest.

"Going somewhere?" Anyss asked tauntingly as she grounded her boots into his exposed flesh.

The man stared at her with bloodshot eyes. There was a mixture of rage and fear in them. He spat out in disdain.
Anyss just laughed out loud.

"Why do you all even bother," she said as she drew her sword.

She ran it against the man's sweat- and mud-infested flesh, letting the tip of the blade drag across his skin.

"Oh well," Anyss let out a huff. "Haven't got all day, you know?" she said as she plunged the sword deep into the man's body. Then she dragged the blade right through, tearing his flesh apart.

The man's screams pierced through the forest air but it was short-lived. His lungs soon lost whatever air they had. His body stiffened. And soon it was all quiet once more.

Anyss withdrew her sword. Fresh blood dripped off it, staining the forest floor. She turned to the guard closest to her. "Next," she very casually told him.

The guard stiffened and nodded his acknowledgement. Then he barked his orders out to his men who very soon hauled up another prisoner in chains and placed him before the bandit queen.

Anyss smiled at the struggling man.

"You barbarian bitch! May you and that witch die a million deaths for the deeds you have done!" he cursed her - his eyes burning with the fire of hatred.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Anyss shook her head. "And to think I was about to give you a fair chance. Is this how you repay my kindness?"

The man spat at her - his spittle barely missing her left eye. The captain of the guards laid a stinging slap across the prisoner's face, causing his lips to split open and blood to flow from them.

Anyss held up her hand. "Release him," she commanded.

The guards carried out her orders, removing all the chains that bound the prisoner except for the ones around his legs.

"You are free to go," she told the surprised man.

"Now, go," she pointed towards the depths of the forest. "Before I change my mind."

And go he did. He couldn't believe his luck. But he didn't care. He just ran and ran and ran. Far away from Anyss. Far away from the palace guards.

Anyss watched him go deeper and deeper into the forest. It wasn't long before a wry smile slowly formed on her lips.

"I've changed my mind."

Anyss led the chase through the dense growth. She loved the thrill of these hunts. That was always the best part of the kill. The adrenaline. The high. The strong, thick scent of fear. It was a drug she couldn't get enough of.

"What the - !" Anyss exclaimed when she saw the hacked up body lying in their path.

She spun around, her eyes looking about the trees searchingly. There was someone else in this forest besides them.

"Show yourself!" she growled. Her voice was straining with anger. That body lying there was her prey and she did not take it lightly that someone else had gotten to 'it' before she had.

The captain of the guards came before her. "M-my lady, we've search the area. There is no one," he reported.

Anyss' eyes narrowed in fury. "Next!" she barked.

The captain gestured for his men to bring upon another prisoner. And once again, he too was released for the bandit queen's sporting pleasure.

Yet again, they found a dead body and no one else around.

Anyss gripped the hilt of her sword in rage. "Next!" she ordered again.

This time she didn't wait. Not only did she want her prey, she wanted the elusive one who dared challenged her - who dared claim her prize. Anyss went after the prisoner as soon as he was set free. This time round, there would be no head start.

Kane took his time with this particular one.

Anyss arrived just as he withdrew his sword from the man's quivering body.

The palace guards at once surrounded him, their swords drawn and ready to attack.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Anyss questioned as she scrutinized the man standing before her.

"Helping you do your work…seeing how you can't even carry out a simple task properly…" Kane nonchalantly replied her.

The palace guards stiffened at Kane's remark. Never before had anyone dare speak to their masters this way. Secretly they each felt sorry for what would become of Kane.

A flash of anger swept over Anyss' face. She stared at Kane, wondering if he was a madman to have spoken so openly against her or that he had a death wish.

"Miscreant, do you not know who you speak to?" Anyss smiled deadly at him.

Kane took a step towards the bandit queen and looked her in the eye before giving a slight bow. "My lady, Anyss MacCullen - ruler of Septonia. How could anyone not know?"

Anyss' eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out the man before her. She could not detect even the slightest fear - there seemed to be none emanating from this man. Although she felt like striking him down immediately, she could not help but be fascinated by this peculiar subject. But Anyss wasn't one to linger on thoughts for too long. Strike first, talk later - that was the policy she kept to most of the time.

"Then you know of the royal decree? Well, let me help you along the way to the gates of hell," Anyss mocked.

She then screamed her attack and lunged straight for Kane. The guards jumped back at her sudden movement, making room for their master to vent her anger.

Kane lifted his sword and matched the bandit queen blow for blow. Each parry he veered. Each strike he deflected. Equaling her strength with blows of his own.

Anyss drew back and eyed him cautiously. "Not bad. It's such a pity then that you would soon be a dead man."

Kane smiled and shook his head. "I wouldn't go so far as to bet on that, my lady. I have managed to stay alive thus far."

"Unlike others who have crossed my lady's path," Kane eyed with disgust the still body of the earlier prisoner.

Anyss laughed. "So you fancy yourself better than them? Fool. You will soon be joining your brothers in the dirt. That I can very well assure you."

"My lady," Kane tilted his head in a slight bow. "That is entirely up to you, of course. But then, I would think that my lady would be losing a pretty good sparring partner…and sparring partners are pretty hard to come by these days. Don't you think?"

Kane's little remark had hit a chord with Anyss. He was right. She had never come across anyone who could stand up to her blows. And even if they could, none dared. Anyss glanced at him again.

She motioned to the captain. "Take him back to the palace."

"In chains."

Then she turned to Kane. "Do not, for one moment, think that I have spared your life. Just count yourself lucky that I am no longer in the mood today."

"One other thing," she paused. "Your name."

"Kane," he bowed. "Kane Galdrich."

Anyss nodded before sweeping pass him as she headed back out of the forest.

Kane watched her go and secretly smiled to himself as the guards clamped the iron chains on his hands and legs. The whole episode had been much easier than he had expected.

As much as Anyss hated his arrogance, there was just something about Kane Galdrich that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She had decided to spare his life and see what to make of it at a later time. Meanwhile, yes, she smiled to herself. He would make quite a good sparring partner.

There was one teeny little problem though, she mulled as she strode through the thick growth.



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