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"Kill him."

"Awww, Ruella," Anyss sidled up to the sorceress, draped her arm over her shoulders and pouted.

She had expected that reaction from Ruella though. After all, Anyss knew the sorceress was just being terribly precautious. Still she couldn't help deny that the miscreant had totally fascinated her. All Anyss wanted was awhile longer to amuse herself with this particular subject.

"He's just a pet I feel like keeping for the moment..."

Ruella turned to face the bandit queen. The eagerness and expectedness in Anyss' eyes made her soften her resolve a little. Ruella always found it difficult to deny Anyss anything.

But not this time. Ruella could not let her feelings cloud her judgement. For Anyss' sake. For her sake. For their sake. She had to convince Anyss that this was all for their own good. This was for their own protection and for the protection of their kingdom.

"No, Anyss. He has to die. Kill him," Ruella looked away as she said that. She couldn't bring herself to look at Anyss for fear that her steely demeanour may crack.

Anyss found it difficult to suppress her grin as Ruella turned away from her. She knew if she persisted and persevered awhile longer, the sorceress was sure to give in to her pleas. Everyone thought that Ruella was one hard-to-deal-with witch but Anyss knew how to wrap her fingers around her. If there was anyone who could make the cold Ruella do anything, it would be Anyss.


Kane sat on the cold stone floor in his little cell. A wry smile played on his lips as he stared off into space.
A rat the size of a small squirrel scampered across the cell and stopped at Kane's foot. It looked up at him, its whiskers twitching away as if studying him in deep thought. Kane noticed it and moved his foot - the unexpected movement causing the iron chains around it to clink-clank nosily. Alarmed by the sudden noise, the rat hurriedly scurried away in fear.

Kane made a move to stand up and once again, the chains caused such a din that an unsual flicker of annoyance marred the usual stony and cool facade of his handsome face. He looked wearily at the chains that bound him.
He clenched his hands and relaxed them. Almost immediately, the chains that were one minute restricting the use of his hands fell off his wrist. Steathily he caught them before they hit the floor.

Kane reached down towards his ankles. His now freed hands touched the locks on the chains at his feet. With a soft click and a blink of an eye, those too were quickly removed.

Kane smiled. He turned his wrist about, exercising them and letting the blood flow evenly once more. What fools. Did they expect that such puny chains would hold him?

There was nothing much he could do now though except wait. He sank back down onto the cold floor and laid flat on it, staring up into the ceiling. He closed his eyes and began to relax his body.

Anyss should be talking to Ruella at this very moment. It would take awhile - Kane knew that Ruella would not be that easily swayed - but he also knew that Anyss had her way about persuading the sorceress. And knowing Ruella, she would always end up complying to the demands of the impetuous bandit queen.

Patience had always been one of Kane's virtues.

All he had to do was bide his time.


"Ruella..." Anyss tried a little whine. "He's not going to be a threat at all. I promise I'll keep an eye on him. You won't even know he's around. And I'll take care of him once I grow tired of him."

Ruella spun around. Her fingers clenched into a fist, her nails digging deep into her palm, as she tried to stop her explosive temper from flaring up. But at the sight of Anyss' pleading face, all she could do was sigh.

"Anyss dear, do you even know who he is? Do you know where he's from? What is his motive?" Ruella hoped she could make Anyss see it her way. The last thing the sorceress wanted was for Anyss to get hurt. Couldn't she understand how dangerous this complete stranger could be?

Ruella watched as Anyss just gave a shrug. Obviously not, she sighed.

"He was very obviously laying in wait for you, Anyss," Ruella continued. "He knew what you were going to be doing and he knew where you were going to be. Doesn't that tell you something?"

"Maybe all he wanted was to meet me?" Anyss offered. "You're not the only beauty around here, you know," she grinned.

"Damn it, Anyss. You know that's not what I meant."

Then in a softer tone, "And I know you're beautiful."

Anyss chuckled. "Sorry? What was that again? Did I hear you say something?" she put her hand to her ear impishly.
Ruella scowled at her. "If you missed that, too bad. And - don't change the subject."

"He has to die."

"And die he will!" Anyss exclaimed. "I'll kill him later, I promise. C'mon Ruella. Please?"

The sorceress threw her hands up into the air in frustration. "I don't get it. What's so fascinating about this guy that even the great Anyss can't bring herself to do what she likes best?"

Anyss shrugged again. "He's not afraid of me..."

Ruella frowned. He wasn't afraid of Anyss? She didn't like the sound of that.

Fear was the very basis their kingdom was built on. Fear gave them control over the citizens of Septonia. If there was even one who dared stand up to them - who displayed no fear before could start a revolt that may mean the end of their rule. This stranger that Anyss spoke about - he was indeed a dangerous one. And he had to be taken care of - the sooner the better. Ruella was not about to let one man destroy all that she had worked for.

Anyss bit her lower lip and silently chided herself. She knew she had said the wrong thing the moment the words came out of her mouth.


Ruella held up her hand. She gazed searchingly at Anyss for a long time before finally averting her eyes. Ruella sighed. She knew Anyss was bored. Sure, the sorceress was always there for company but the bandit queen loved her physical exercises and Ruella hardly lifted a sword. Finally here was someone whom she could practice with, fight with, and who would match her blow for blow rather than cower in fear.

Ruella knew that was all Anyss saw in the stranger she had brought it.

Anyss rested her head on Ruella's shoulder. "Please, Ruella? It'll only very likely be one moon. And if he gets out of line, I'll see to it that he is well and truly punished...the Anyss way."


Kane heard the opening and closing of the dungeon door and the heavy footsteps of the guards.

He hurriedly picked up the chains that he had removed earlier and casually slid them back on, locking them into place again. Why ruffle any feathers and cause unnecessary alarm? He could easily take them off again anytime he wanted to.

It wasn't long before the door to his cell was thrown open. A big burly guard strode in, his frame blocking the entrance to the cell entirely.

"The sorceress wants you," he growled.

Ah finally, Kane thought as he smiled to himself.


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