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"Something troubling you, my lady?"

Ruella spun around sharply at the mocking voice.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly, her eyes glaring at him.

Kane simply smiled and bowed before her. He couldn't help but feel a glint of amusement. The more she found him agonizingly irritating, the more he took pleasure in irking her.

"My lady seems to have something on her mind. A problem is easier solved if you share it with someone. Maybe I could be of assistance," he smirked.

The only thing you can be of assistance of would be if you dropped dead before me at this very moment, Ruella thought. His arrogance only served to sickened her further.

"Drop dead?" Kane raised a brow. "I'm afraid I can't accommodate that request though."

Ruella frowned. She didn't realise that she had actually spoken her thoughts out loud. But what did she care. Her antagonism for this man was no big secret. The only reason she hadn't killed him yet was because of Anyss.

"And what reason is there that my lady holds such antagonism towards me?"

Ruella stared suspiciously at him. She was now very certain that she hadn't said her thoughts out loud. Was he reading them?

"Is it Anyss?" Kane persisted. He knew he had to find a way to get through to the sorceress somehow. And Anyss was the topic of common between the both of them. He also knew that it was very likely the subject of her growing dislike for him. He had initially suspected that the two women's relationship went beyond that of mere friendship. And with Anyss' little display earlier which nearly had his head severed off, his deductions seemed to be pretty well leaning towards that path.

Ruella seemed to soften at the mention of Anyss' name. But when she remembered who she was talking to, the hatred in her eyes came back again.

"And what business is it of yours?" she snapped at Kane.

Kane shrugged. "Maybe I could talk to her for you..."

Before he could continue further, a blast of energy hit him sending him a few feet back. Kane crashed into a tree and fell forward, keeling over in pain. When he finally looked up, he saw Ruella staring unmercilessly at him.

"Maybe you should just die..." she said.

This time she would make sure that it would be fatal. She raised her hand, ready to release another shot at him.
A little dagger cut through the air towards Ruella, narrowly missing her hand by a cat's whiskers.

"Ruella, no."

Ruella slowly turned her head towards the familiar voice.


In three quick strides Anyss had placed herself between Kane and the sorceress. She cast a brief glance at Kane. "You all right?"

Kane merely nodded. The unexpectedness of Ruella's blow was still reeling in his mind. He winced in silent agony as he carefully pulled himself up from the ground.

Anyss then slowly turned to face Ruella. "Why did you do that?" she asked. Her eyes bored through with accusation.

"Can't you see what he's doing? Ever since he - " Ruella pointed menacingly at Kane. "- arrived, he's done nothing but brought us further and further apart. I hardly ever see you now. You're always out hunting or sparring. With him," Ruella rolled her eyes in frustration.

"We have a kingdom to run here, but it seems to me that you're more interested in being withhim. Can't you see it, Anyss? He's a bane. To us. And to our kingdom. He has to die."

"All I can see is your ugly jealousy rearing through," Anyss retorted angrily.

"So what if it is?"

Anyss shook her head in resignation. "All I wanted was someone who wasn't only all kissing ass and being a puppy dog...Why can't you understand that?"

Anyss turned away from Ruella and met Kane's gaze. "Let's go," she told him. And with that, they both walked away, leaving Ruella on her own.

Ruella clenched her fist as she watched them walk away together. As soon as they were out of sight, she let out a huge roar, throwing her hands up into the air. The courtyard around her erupted in explosion, causing stone and soil to fly.

Anyss heard the explosions from a long way off. She shut her eyes, hoping to shut off the sound as well.

Kane stole a glance at Anyss. He could just wager a guess what was going through her mind at the moment. He silently smiled to himself. It had been so easy. He couldn't believe that his plan was working out so perfectly - except for the little 'miscalculation' which nearly saw him been blast to smithereens by Ruella.

Anyss didn't stop walking till she reached her room. She then sat down on her bed and stared out at nothing in particular. Her face wore nothing but a blank expression. Kane slowly sat down next to her and gently rested his hand on her shoulder.

It was just about all Anyss could take. With a sob, she threw her arms around his shoulders and hugged him as she cried her heart out. "Why does she have to be like that?" Anyss said between her sobs. "Why can't she see it from my point-of-view just this once?"

"There, there. Everything will work out all right," Kane stroked her hair as he tried to comfort her.

"No it won't. Not unless you're dead," Anyss said.

Kane froze a little at her words. He pulled back and held her at arm's length. "Shall I die then? Kane would only gladly do so if it would make my lady happy..." he said as he gently wiped the tears from her face. Cupping her face in his hands, he slowly moved closer to her. He brushed his lips across hers lightly and when he encountered no resistance, he brought her face towards his and gently laid another kiss on her lips.

Anyss' heart missed a beat as Kane's lips met hers. I should pull back and slap him in the face for his indignance, she thought. But instead she succumbed to the tenderness and warmth that was coursing through her body at that very moment.


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