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game - n. 1 form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one with rules
2 piece of fun, jest
3 animals or birds hunted for sport or food
- v. gamble, bet, wager

Are you ready to play?


They had played the Game for as long as they can remember. It all started as a joke - two friends making a bet to see how much they could ‘score’ within a certain period of time. The loser would have to buy or give the winner whatever the winner desired. Somehow or other, 5 - 6 years down the road, the Game had stuck. Yes, they were still playing it. Only the stakes were much higher now - in monetary terms, that is.

One could probably blame it on their personalities. Both were so flighty in nature, it would have been close to impossible to expect them to sit still for even 10 minutes. They got bored too quickly and too easily. So the Game became their avenue of release - they had made it up and molded it to suit themselves, to suit their characters. Sure, many disapproved of it, disapproved of them even. But they didn’t care what other people said or how other people saw them. If they didn’t like it or didn’t like them, they could jolly well piss off. They didn’t care for the double standard that society had imposed from the beginning of time. Their philosophy - ‘Hey, if men have played it for centuries, why can’t women too?’

So what’s this Game all about then, you ask? Here are the rules.

1. Get man/men/woman/women (whatever your preference)
2. Have fun
3. Dump them
4. Find others

A simple enough game with simple enough rules. For two women blessed with good looks and brains, nothing was too daunting. They loved the challenge and the fact was, the harder the target, the more determined they were. It was a mixture of sick obsession and the sense of power that thrilled them. Men (and women!) would flock at their feet at the mere snap of their fingers. It was pure adrenaline rush. The Game was a drug they couldn’t get enough of. Nothing would ever stop them from playing it.

Or so they thought.


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