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“You were getting on pretty well with Bowie last night,” Jessica chuckled at Flora as she pretended to flip through some documents on her desk.

Flora grinned. “What about you and Louis? I know that look in your eyes anytime. You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

Jessica feigned innocence. “Me? Up to something? Now, why would you think that of me?”

Flora rolled her eyes. “Yea...I wonder why...”

“So,” Jessica continued with a chuckle. “, woman?”

“How?” Flora cocked her eyebrow at her friend sarcastically. “You sound like a Red Indian chief passing the peace pipe around. How.”

“Bitch,” Jessica scowled. “You know what I mean. Do you like him?”

“Since when are guys meant to be ‘liked’?” Flora grinned.

Jessica laughed. “Oops. I forgot!”

“Huh,” Flora scoffed. “Is this Louis the cause of your temporary amnesia then?”

Jessica frowned. “Well...I must admit he’s rather cute.”

Flora chuckled. “Oh, I detect some ‘like’ here?”

“I’ll let you know later,” Jessica said mischieviously. “Now, tell me about you and Bowie...”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“C’mon. Don’t give me that sort of crap. That guy just stopped short of drooling all over you,” Jessica chortled.

Flora smirked. “But they always do anyway.”

“And you say I’m full of shit?” Jessica snorted. “Hey, don’t change the subject, girl. Let’s get back to Bowie,” she grinned.

“I already said, there’s nothing to tell,” Flora shrugged.

“But it looks like he’s interested.”

“So?” Flora asked unperturbedly.

“Okieee...I was just asking,” Jessica laughed.

“Hmm...” Flora muttered as she opened the file she was holding. “Shall we get back to work then, girlfriend? Who of these here do we want to sign on?” she asked, going through the photo portfolios in the file.

“Ermm...” Jessica looked through her own file distractedly. Then she slapped it back shut. “Arghh...I can’t do this! Can we get back to our earlier topic?” she grinned at Flora mischievously.

“Oh. You mean about you and Louis?” Flora chuckled.

“Hmm...hey, this girl looks like she’s got potential,” Jessica quickly reverted her attention back to the portfolios, hoping to evade Flora’s question. Flora merely laughed at her friend’s reaction. Just then the shrill ring of the telephone cut through the din Flora was making.

Jessica picked it up immediately, thankful for the distraction. “Hello.”

“Jess, Karen Chan’s on line 2 for Flora.”

“Ohhh...okay. Thanks Annie. Put her through,” Jessica said. Then she covered her hand over the mouthpiece, grinned at Flora and mouthed ‘Karen Chan’, before passing the phone to her.

Flora gave her a pained and helpless expression as she took the phone from Jessica. “Hello,” she answered cautiously.

“Flora, hi. It’s Karen.”

“Hello Karen,” Flora forced a smile.

“I was wondering if you were free tonight to go through some things? I’d also like to show you the venue I’m thinking of using for the launch,” Karen told her.

“Tonight?” it was all Flora could say to mask the stutter in her voice.

“Yup. Is 7 o’clock fine with you? I’ll send my chauffeur over to pick you up from your home.”

“Pick me up from my home?” Flora asked in shock. “You know where I live?”

“No. But if you give me your address, I’ll know.”

Flora gave a silent sigh of relief. “Err...” she tried for some plausible excuse. “It’s okay. Why don’t you pick me up from the office instead.” And immediately regretted it for that meant she was consenting to the 'meeting'. Oh well, think of the money, Flora told herself.

“Okay, 7 o’clock. I’ll see you then,” Karen said.

“Yes, I’ll see you then,” she forced herself to say while trying to ignore Jessica’s grins. “Bye.”


As soon as Flora hung up, Jessica burst of laughing.

“Bitch,” Flora scowled at her. “It’s not funny.”

“Think of the good you’re doing for our agency,” Jessica chortled.

“I did.” Then on second thought she added, "Bitch."

Jessica eyed her friend devilishly. “I dare you to sleep with her. And I don’t mean sleep, sleep. I mean sleep as in the big S.”

“You’re mad!” Flora exclaimed.

“No, I’m curious. How far would you go, Flora Lau?” Jessica challenged.

“No way.”

“No time limit. Anything you want. If you do ‘do’ it with her, just name your prize,” Jessica grinned cheekily.

“You seriously are mad,” Flora rolled her eyes.

Jessica persisted. “We’re on then?”

“Why don’t you go ‘do’ it with her instead? Since you’re soooo interested,” Flora challenged back.

Jessica laughed. “But I’m not the one she’s interested in. You are.”

Flora ignored her friend and proceeded to get up from the chair.”I’m done talking to you, Jessica Lee. You’re a total mental case.”

Jessica laughed even louder. “I’m daring you, Flora Lau. Just name your prize! And I’m going to take your non-answer as an acceptance of the dare!” she shouted at Flora who pretended not to hear as she strode out of Jessica's office.


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