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Jessica popped her head into Flora’s office. “It’s six thirty. Another half and hour more to go,” she teased. “Aww...don’t tell me you’re going to wear that!” she exclaimed.

Flora grinned at Jess and gestured for her to come closer. Jess looked at her suspiciously and tiptoed her way towards Flora. “Yeah? What’s up?” she whispered.

Flora placed her mouth close to Jessica’s ear and screamed with all her might. “ARGHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

Jessica jumped back. “You bitch!” she yelled as she rubbed her ear.

Flora laughed. “That’s for being such a busybody.”

“I’m not being a busybody,” Jessica protested. “I’m just concerned about my friend and her big date tonight.”

“I’m sure you are,” Flora replied, her voice teeming with sarcasm. “And another thing. It’s NOT a date. Nothing’s going to happen so don’t get your hopes up too high.”

Jessica giggled. “No, not at all, not at all,” she grinned, her eyes up at the ceiling.

“So, have you made your ‘move’ on Louis yet?” Flora asked, eager to change the subject.

“My! Would you look at the time?! I’ve got to go. I’m late!” Jessica ran out of the room, purposely avoiding Flora’s question.

The ring of her mobile phone interrupted Flora’s laughs. “Hello,” she answered.

“Err...Hi Flora. It’s Bowie,” said the voice on the other end.

“Oh, hi Bowie. How are you doing?”

“Ermm...I’m fine…doing well. Err...I was wondering if you were free tonight? Would you like to go watch a movie? I’ve got free tickets,” he stammered.

“Tonight? I’m so sorry, Bowie. I can’t make it tonight. I already have a prior engagement,” Flora apologised.

“Oh,” came a disappointed reply from the other side. “In that case, it’s all right. We could make it another time.”

Flora silently chuckled to herself. She was on a roll. First Karen, now Bowie. Oh well, it made up for the disappointment that was Hayden, she told herself. “Bowie? Yea...I’ll have to take a rain check on that.”

Bowie smiled on the other end. “Sure. I’ll call you again. Bye.”


Meanwhile, over in Jessica’s office...

“Hello, is this Louis?” she asked into the phone.


“Louis! It’s Jess!”

“Jess...hey, what’s up?”

“Oh...nothing much. Just wondering if you’ll be going down to Qbar tonight,” Jess asked nonchalantly.

“Yeah...Nick, Bowie and I should be there after work,” he said. Then in a hushed tone. “Hey, your she going to be there with you tonight?”

“Flo?” Jess frowned suspiciously. ”Why? Who’s asking?”

“Err...I’m just asking for Bowie.”

“I see...” Jess nodded. “No, she won’t be there. She’s got a hot date tonight,” she giggled.

“Oh...a hot date. Right. Okay. No worries, I’ll see you tonight then. Bye,” Louis said.

“Okie...bye,” Jess said and hung up. She stared at the phone for a few seconds trying to compose her thoughts. Why was he asking about Flora? Was he interested in her? Or was he asking for Bowie instead? She frowned and shrugged off her doubts as she chided herself for being so sensitive.

Nick looked at Louis expectantly. “What did Jess want?”

“She wanted to know if we were going to Qbar tonight,” Louis replied.

“She called you…” Nick said despondently.

Louis noticed the disappointment on Nick’s face and tried to cheer his friend up. “Hey, maybe she doesn’t have your number.”

“How did she get your number then? Did you give it to her?” Nick asked.

Louis shrugged. “I can’t remember. I don’t think so.”

Nick sighed at Louis’ remark. “There you go. If you didn’t give it to her, she obviously somehow managed to get a hold of it.” He shook his head. “I knew she was interested in you.”

Louis patted his friend on the back. “Hey…don’t be silly. She’s probably just shy to call you.”

“She’s definitely not shy. She called you, didn’t she?” Nick said, unconvinced.

“Don’t think too much about it, man. We’re all going over to Qbar tonight. Charm her with your wit then,” Louis smiled.

Nick just dropped his shoulders and sighed even louder.

A Mercedes Benz S-class pulled up in front of Flora by the curb. The passenger door swung open and a voice called from within.

“C’mon in, Flora.”

Flora bent down for a peep to find Karen Chan, inside the car, smiling at her and beckoning her to enter.

"Well…here goes nothing," she thought as she took a deep breath and got in.


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