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Flora stared into Karen’s eyes, her heart beating a tad faster than normal, her breath a little heavier. Karen returned the gaze, her eyes penetrating deep into Flora’s. She brought her hand up towards Flora’s face and stroked it gently. Flora closed her eyes, savouring the tingle that she felt running through her body. She opened her eyes to be greeted by a quick, light peck on the lips. Flora glanced at Karen in surprise. Karen smiled and brought her face closer towards Flora’s. As if totally hypnotised and unable to control her own inhibitions, Flora closed her eyes once more anticipating those soft, supple lips again. She felt Karen wrap her lips over her own. They tasted like melon. Hands moved to caress her back.

Then suddenly, a whirlwind burst into the room.

“Get your hands off her! I’ll show you what it’s like to be with a MAN!” the whirlwind yelled, pushed Karen aside and pounced on top of Flora.

“Bowie?!” Flora exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing? ARGGhhhhh!!” she screamed as she got up and shoved him off her, causing him to fall off the bed with a loud thud.

“ARGGGGHHHhhhhhhh!!” Flora sat up on the bed. She heard something hard hit the floor followed by some moans. Recovering from her own shock, she looked over the side of her bed.

“Jess?” she asked incredulously, staring at her friend sprawled out on the floor, nursing a hurting bum.

Jess looked up at Flora and grinned at her sheepishly. “Heehee...Ouch?”

Flora frowned. “What the hell are you doing? And why are you in my room?” she questioned suspiciously.

Jessica had gotten home that night after having had a great time with Louis and the others at Qbar. She couldn’t believe it that her friend was already home. She had crept into Flora’s bedroom, wanting to jump on her to scare her awake when she was so rudely pushed off. So, there she was now, on the floor, rubbing a really sore behind.

“I can’t believe you’re home and sleeping already!” Jess exclaimed.

“So, what happened? What happened? Tell meeeeeeee,” she continued excitedly.

Flora glared at her friend. “You come waking me up in the middle of the night...what time is it anyway? 4.20 am!! You’re crazy! I’m going back to sleep!” Flora screamed and pulled the covers over her head and slid back down on her bed.

Jess got up and pulled the covers off Flora and brought her face real close to her friend. “Did she kiss you? Did you kiss her?” she giggled.

Flora rolled her eyes and turned her face away, ignoring Jessica’s teases.

“I knew it! I knew it!” Jess screamed. “She kissed you, right?”

Flora turned back to stare at her friend. “No, she didn’t,” she said firmly.

“She didn’t?” Jess screwed her face in disappointment. “Hmm...but she did try didn’t she?” she grinned.

“She didn’t. Now, go away and leave me alone,” Flora pushed Jess away.

“I don’t believe she asked you out for nothing...” Jess persisted. “She must have done something...”

Flora scowled at her as she decided whether or not to give her the run-down on the night. She opted against it.

“Look, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Nothing happened, okay?” Flora told her.

Jessica cocked her eyebrow at her friend suspiciously. She knew her friend was lying.

“What about you? Where have you been?” Flora asked, eager to change the subject.

Jess shrugged and grinned mysteriously.

“Must have been Louis,” Flora deduced.

“What makes you think it’s Louis?” Jess said defensively.

Flora laughed. “The fact that there isn’t anything else on your mind except him!”

Jessica grinned. “So, what about it then?”

“Nothing...nothing at all...” Flora smirked. “How’s it going? It’s been pretty slow, hasn’t it? I mean, normally, by now, whoever guy it is would be eating out of your hands...”

“Why rush it? I’ve got all the time in the world...” Jess mused.

“What about Nick then?”

“Nick?” Jessica frowned. “Who’s Nick?”

Flora rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Ohhhh...that Nick...” Jess giggled when she realised. She shrugged. “He’s fun to have around, I guess. Than again, I wouldn’t know...” she grinned.

“Ah, another thing. Bowie was asking about you the whole night,” she continued.

Flora looked at her friend curiously. “Oh? What about?”

“About whether or not you like women!” Jess chuckled.

Flora picked up her pillow and threw it at Jess. “You bitch! Don’t tell me you told him about Karen?!”

Jessica just grinned.

“You bitch!” Flora repeated.

“Don’t worry. I don’t think it’s put him off liking you,” Jess chortled.

“Out. I’m going to sleep,” Flora sulked as she pulled the covers over her head again.

Jessica threw the pillow back at her friend. “Goodnight then,” she laughed as she headed out the door.

As soon as Jess had gone, Flora removed the covers from her head and stared up at the ceiling wondering about the dream she had earlier.


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