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"Chances are you'll find me
Somewhere on your road tonight
Seems I always end up driving by
Ever since I've known you
It just seems you're on my way
All the rules of logic don't apply"

Jessica sang into the microphone as she let her gaze flit from the TV screen to Louis and back again.

"I long to see you in the night
Be with you 'til morning light...
I remember clearly how you looked
The night we met
I recall your laughter and your smile
I remember how you made me
Feel so at ease
I remember all your grace, your style"

Louis sang his part of the duet, casting quick and shy glances at Jessica.

Throughout the song, Nick stared at both Louis and Jess. He shook his head despondently and sighed in resignation. He could see it in both their eyes. Jessica was very obviously more interested in Louis than she was in him. As far as she was concerned, he probably didn't even exist, Nick sighed. He had a feeling his buddy was in denial about his own feelings for Jessica too.

"And now you're all I long to see
You've come to mean so much to me

Chances are I'll see you
Somewhere in my dreams tonight
You'll be smiling like the night we met
Chances are I'll hold you and I'll offer
All I have
You're the only one I can't forget"

Flora shifted in her seat uncomfortably and threw discreet, furtive glances to both her left and right sides. Karen and Bowie were right there sitting next to her, one on either side. She swore she'd get back at Jessica for this.

Bowie tapped her on the shoulder. "Shall I order you another drink?" he asked. Flora shook her head. "No, it's okay. I still have quite a bit here."

Karen peeped her head around Flora's and smiled at Bowie. "So, Bowie is it? How do you know Flora?"

"Erm..." Bowie stammered.

"We've been long, long, long friends," Flora stressed the 'long' and quickly wrapped her arms around a very surprised Bowie. Karen's eyes drifted towards Flora's hands which were around Bowie's.

"I see..." she muttered.

Bowie gaped at Flora but played along all the same. In fact, he was rather enjoying the feeling of having her arms wrapped around him. Reciprocating her gesture, he covered his other hand on hers hoping that she wouldn't brush him off. She didn't. She smiled to herself and turned her palm upwards and gripped his hand in return. Bowie had never felt so elated.

"Baby you're the best I've ever met
And I'll be dreaming of the future
And hoping you'll be by my side
And the morning I'll be longing for the night
For the night"

Finally the song ended but it seemed as if Jessica's and Louis' gaze on each other hadn't.

"Ahem." Nick pretended to clear his throat. "You done with the microphone, guys?"

That snapped both Jess and Louis out of their reverie.

"Uh...urmm..." Louis muttered, a little embarrassed, as he passed his mike over to Nick. Jess just grinned to herself as she noticed the blush on his face.

"Who's up next?" Nick asked as he looked around the room. "Bowie? Flora? A duet?"

"Hey yea! A duet! Bowie, sing with me," Flora exclaimed as she pulled a still shell-shocked Bowie with her to sit closer by the TV, leaving Karen behind.

Jessica, noticing her friend's reaction, could just about stifle a laughter. She glanced over at Karen and noticed her looking warmly at Flora. Jess got up and went to sit next to her. "Hey, Karen."

Karen just smiled a reply and continued to look at Flora.

"How about picking a song to sing with Flora next?" Jess said with the straightest face she could muster.

Karen again smiled but shook her head this time. "I don't think Flora would like that," she said. After a short pause, she continued. "Bowie and her make a very nice couple, don't they?" throwing Jessica off completely who for probably the first time in her life had nothing to say to that. She just gaped openly at Karen.

"I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me
Boy you just don't realize
What you do to me
Your lips are sweet as candy
The taste is on my mind
You just keep my thirsty
For another cup of wine"

Flora and Bowie took turns singing their part. Flora still had her hands on him, unwilling to let go. Bowie obviously wasn't complaining as he held on to her tightly.

"When you hold me
In you arms so tight
You let me know
Eveything's alright
I...I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me

I've got it bad for you, darling
But I don't need a cure
I'll just stay addicted
And hope I can endure
All the good love
When we're all alone
Keep it up, boy
Yeah you turn me on
I...I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me"

Louis looked towards Jessica and wondered what she was talking to Karen about. Nick nudged his friend and gestured at Jessica's direction. "Go make your move."

Louis eyed Nick suspiciously. "What are you talking about? I don't like her," he lied.

"Don't give me that sort of bullshit. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not stupid, you know. You like her and don't you deny it, or I'll beat the crap out of you," Nick told Louis.

"But don't you? I and her...err..." mumbled a really surprised Louis.

Nick shrugged. "It's obvious who she likes and who she doesn't like."

"Hey, I'm fine, mate. I can handle it. It's not the end of the world. There are plenty of other fishes in the sea," Nick added with a grin.

"When you hold me
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's alright
I, I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me
I said I'm hooked on a feeling...”

Flora and Bowie finished the last strains of the song and Nick eagerly grabbed the microphones off them and took over as the next song came up.

Louis sidled himself next to Jessica who had conveniently forgotten about Karen when she saw him coming. She turned all her attention towards him.

If someone had, at that moment, peeped into the room, they would have found the following sight. Jessica and Louis in deep conversation, obviously enjoying each other’s company. Bowie and Flora sending silent, shy yet seductive signals with their eyes at each other. Nick gyrating to the music and belting out song after song at the top of his voice. And Karen sitting quietly away, smiling albeit sadly at Flora’s direction.

(Song credits: Chances Are by Bob Seger; Hooked On A Feeling by BJ Thomas.)


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