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“Okay!” Jessica answered immediately.

Her quick reply and eager willingness to agree to the request threw Flora aback momentarily. “Did you hear what I said?” Flora asked.

Jessica looked at her blankly. “Yea…you wanted some Louis Vuitton thingy.”

Flora burst out laughing. Talk about selective hearing! “Listen again, and listen carefully,” Flora tried once more, after she stopped chuckling. “I want Louis…”

“…Vuitton. I know,” Jessica finished it for her before she could say anything else.

Flora rolled her eyes. Was her friend in denial or what?! “No,” Flora interjected. “I want Louis…Yeung.”

Jessica looked at Flora in amusement. “Did you just say you wanted Louis Yeung?”

Flora nodded as she gave her friend a triumphant smirk.

It was Jessica’s turn to crack up. “Uh huh…sure. Why the hell would you want Louis Yeung for?”

Flora shrugged. “You said I could have anything I wanted, so I pick Louis Yeung. And why do you think I want him? What are men good for?” she grinned naughtily.

Jessica frowned. “But…” she hesitated.

“What’s the matter?” Flora continued when she saw the look on Jessica’s face. “Didn’t you say he was merely a distraction? I would have thought you would be bored and finished with him by now,” she smirked. Flora didn’t really want Louis at all. She knew her friend was totally into this guy only she didn’t want to admit it. And that was what Flora wanted to do. Get her to admit it. After all, she was only doing Jess a favour. She’ll thank her when this is all over.

“Err…” Jessica stammered. She looked across the room at Flora. “I get it. This is just a joke, right? You don’t really want Louis, do you?” she mustered a grin.

“Joking?” Flora shook her head. “I’m afraid not, dah-ling.”

“But you can’t have him! He’s my guy!” Jessica exclaimed.

Flora raised her eyebrow. “YOUR guy?” she grinned. “Since when did he get promoted to YOUR guy? Admit it, you’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

“No I’m not,” Jessica scowled.

“Uh huh…” Flora nodded, not believing a word Jessica had said.

Jessica sighed. “Fine. You want Louis Yeung, I’ll give you Louis Yeung.”

It was Flora’s turn to gape at Jessica. She couldn’t believe it. Her friend had just agreed to give her Louis Yeung. Was she mad? Flora nodded. Alright, let’s see how long her friend could keep up with this charade.

Jessica slumped into her chair back in her own office. She was totally exhausted and confused. Her best friend had just asked for her man and she had agreed. Her man?! There she went again! Her man, her man. Since when did he get promoted to being ‘her man’? No, no, no. She was NOT falling in love, she tried convincing herself.

Flora sat back and replayed last night’s scene in her mind as soon as Jessica left her room.

“Here, you’ll feel a whole lot better after this,” Karen said as she brought the cup of hot tea to Flora’s lips.

Flora obediently sipped it before collapsing back onto the bed with her hand covering her forehead and her eyes. “Ohhh…” she moaned. “Whatever do they put into their drinks?”

“Just admit it,” Karen chuckled. “You can’t drink.”

Flora pouted. “Can to…”

Karen laughed. “Hey, just lie down for awhile, okay. I need to take a shower.”

Flora mumbled something incoherent, nodded and closed her eyes. When Karen walked out of the bathroom, she found Flora all curled up in a fetal position, obviously deep in dreamland. She smiled and went up to her and gently lifted the covers over her. Flora stirred at the touch, sleepily opened a single eye and peeked through it. “Mmm…” she muttered. “You’ve finished. My turn to shower.”

Karen held her back. “I don’t think you’re in any shape to take a shower. I don’t want to have to carry you out unconscious as a result of you falling and tripping all over in there,” she chuckled.

“I am not drunk,” Flora protested.

“Uh huh,” Karen shook her head. “A shower is out of the question anyway. But I guess you’ll feel much more comfortable if you got out of these clothes,” she said as she pulled at what Flora was wearing. “Let me see is I have anything for you.” Karen got up and rummaged through her chest of drawers. She came back with a huge over-sized T-shirt.

Flora sat up on the bed and chuckled silly at the sight of it. “Is that Tigger on the front?” she giggled.

Karen flung the T-shirt over to Flora and it fell on her head covering her. That caused more hysterical laughter from both the girls. Karen jumped into bed next to her. “Come on, get changed,” Karen tugged at the buttons on Flora’s blouse and started to help her out of it. Flora giggled away as she wriggled out of her clothes.

Suddenly what seemed like a humourous situation to Flora didn’t seem that funny anymore when she realised she was naked in front of Karen. She stopped giggling immediately, a little self-conscious of her nudity in front of another woman. She gulped. Karen was looking at her fixedly. Her face was only a few centimetres away from hers. Karen’s eyes gazed searchingly in Flora’s. She moved a little closer albeit cautiously and gently held Flora’s chin in her hand. Flora didn’t resist at all. Before she knew it, she felt Karen’s lips on hers. Soft and supple, it was so unlike the feel of men’s lips. Flora melted at her touch. She had never felt anything like that before. It was just so different. Soon, she felt Karen’s hands slowly exploring her body, caressing her bare skin. Each touch sent tingles up her spine. They fell back onto the bed, Karen on top of her. It was only when Flora felt Karen’s hand move towards…that reality kicked in. This was a woman on top of her! She hastily broke the kiss and shoved Karen away. Karen pulled back and looked at her questioningly.

“I…I…think we shouldn’t go any further,” Flora gasped, a little out of breath.

Karen removed her hands from Flora’s body with reluctance. She nodded understandingly.

“I’m sorry. I…I just can’t do it,” Flora stammered an apology. “I mean…you’re a girl. We’re the same sex.” She shook her head. “I can’t…”

Karen forced a smile. “It’s okay. I understand…I have to apologise too. I got a bit carried away. You know…basic instinct,” she shrugged.

“Err…does that mean you have an ice pick under the bed?” Flora joked, hoping not only to change the subject but to ease up on the tension too.

Karen laughed. “The name’s Karen, not Sharon,” she said, playing along.

Flora breathed a sigh of relief and forced a smile.

“I guess this means we don’t get the contract for your new line launch, right?” she asked sheepishly.

Karen frowned. “Is that why you got close to me, Flora Lau?”

“No!” Flora exclaimed. “I like you! Well, now I know it’s not in THAT way. But I like you, you know, in the normal friend sort of way,” she blundered through her explanation.

Karen laughed. “Do I really come across as the sort of person who would make decisions based on favours?” She shook her head at Flora. “I didn’t build my company that way, honey.”

Flora blushed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way,” she apologised.

“Your agency is going to get the contract because I happen to think you’re the best people for the job. There’s nothing more to that,” she explained.

“You mean you’re giving us the contract?” Flora gasped.

“Didn’t I just say that?” Karen grinned.

“Oh my god!” Flora shrieked and wrapped her arms around Karen, hugging her.

Karen chuckled. “Hey…watch it…or I might just decide to rape you…”

Flora hastily drew back and pulled the covers over her body. “Sorry…” she grinned sheepishly. “I forget the sort of effect I have on people sometimes,” she giggled.

That remark got her another hit on the head with a pillow. When the laughter subsided, Karen sighed. “Oh well, just my luck you’re into men.”

“Uh huh,” Flora agreed with a little chortle. “Just YOUR luck you’re not a man.”

“Nope, you got that wrong,” Karen argued. “It’s just my luck I’m not Bowie.”

“Bowie…” Flora sighed, remembering him.

Karen laughed and got up. “Why don’t you sleep on that thought tonight. You stay here. I’ll crash out in the guest room tonight. Goodnight Flo.”

“Goodnight Karen,” Flora said as she sank back into bed, failing to see the disappointment and sadness return to Karen’s face as she walked out of the room.


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