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“Where are my clothes?”

“Shoes! Shoes!”

“Shit! Why’s my makeup like that? It makes me look like an ogre!”

The scene was a hustle and bustle of confusion. Half-naked men and women running all over the place, bumping into each other, pushing each other, screaming at each other, pulling at each other’s hair. Sigh, just another day at work, thought Jessica.

“Jess! I can’t wear this dress! I look like a duck in it!” a tall, attractive and anorexic girl ran up to Jessica and pouted.

Faking a smile, Jess held her at arm’s length, pretending to look her up and down, left and right, back and front. “Nope Sandy, you don’t look like a duck at all. You’re more of a swan. Now, don’t be silly and go prepare yourself,” Jess told her as sweetly as possible.

“Really?” Sandy asked innocently.

“Yes, really,” Jess replied. “Now, go. Hurry!”

“No way, Flora! I’m not going to play second fiddle to that bitch!”

Jessica turned when she heard her friend’s name. Flora was walking very fast ahead of another girl who was chasing behind her. The girl was very obviously displeased about something. Flora caught Jess’ eyes and rolled hers. Again! she seemed to say. Jessica gave her a sympathetic smile but stayed out of the way nevertheless. She had her fair share of problems to handle. Flora could take care of her own.

Flora stopped abruptly and spun round to face the girl, causing the girl to run right into her. “Oww! You’ve broke my nose!” she shrieked as she held her hand to her nose as if afraid it was going to fall off. It probably was, thought Flora. What with all the plastic surgery she’s probably done on it.

“There’s nothing wrong with your nose,” Flora told her as she rubbed her own eye. Damn, I hope I don’t get a shiner. Stupid, whiny, dumb bitch. Why can’t she watch where she’s going? Serves her right if her nose does fall off.

Realising that she finally had Flora’s attention, the girl switched her tone of voice. “Flora,” she whined. “How can you possibly let that bitch take centrestage the whole time? You know she’s not as graceful and poise as I am.”

“Come on, Sharon, we’ve got to give newcomers a chance,” Flora tried to reason with her.

Sharon pouted at her remark. “But I’m always the star! If she’s doing it, I’m not going to!”

Damn, thought Flora. Okay, girl. You’ve got to sort this out. She sighed. “Okay, what about this then? You do the opening and Sandra can do the closing. How’s that?”

It took about as long as 2 seconds for Sharon to make her decision. “No, that bitch can do the opening. I’ll do the closing,” she said stubbornly.

“Whatever. That’s settled then?” Flora didn’t care. As long as she went on stage and didn’t @#%$ up.

“Thanks!” Sharon squealed and gave her a peck on the cheek before skipping off.

Flora felt an arm wrap round her shoulders and turned to look. It was Jess.

“Bad day?” Jess grinned at her.

Flora rolled her eyes. “I need a drink.”

“You and me, babe,” Jess chuckled. “But hang in there. Another two and a half hours and it’ll all be over.”

“Yeah...for today,” Flora sighed as she slumped down onto the chair in front of a dressing table.

Jessica and Flora ran a modelling and talent agency - supplying beautiful men and women for fashion shows, for advertisements, for whatever (and if you’re thinking of certain ‘paid’ services, you’re wrong. Jess and Flora may be ‘open’ but there’s no way they’ll stoop so low). Anyway the agency was another brainchild of theirs. Hey, what other better way was there to meet loads of great looking people, right? Also, they relished the energy the job provided - you can bet your bottom dollar there was never a dull moment.

“Hey, can you see a shiner developing on my eye? That stupid Sharon bumped into me just now,” Flora asked as she stared at the reflection of her eye in the mirror.

Jess laughed. “Oh’re looking like a panda now. Stop being so self-conscious. There’s nothing there. Jeez, you’re beginning to sound like the girls.”

Flora picked up a hair brush and threw it at Jess. “Bitch.”

“Jess! Flora! There you are!” an effiminate voice shrieked.

“Lyndon,” Jess turned and smiled at him.

Lyndon sashayed up to them, blew a kiss on both sides of Jess’ cheeks and did the same to Flora. “I’ve got to thank you two dear ladies. Your girls and guys are just so excellent. They make my clothes look so good.”

Yup, Lyndon was the fashion designer for today’s show. The epitome of high fashion and gay to the max. Think Elton John and Liberace, and you’d have Lyndon Chow.

“Your clothes look good anyway,” Flora smiled as she buttered up to him.

“Do they really? Oh yes, I think they do. It was my idea for blending bold colours with semi-conservative designs...bla bla bla bla...” he ranted on and on unaware that both Jess and Flora had already tuned off , having been distracted by, make that someone else.

Jess nudged her friend as they both trailed that someone with their eyes. “That’s the new guy we just signed. What do you think? Not bad, eh?” she whispered.

Yup, not bad. Not bad at all. Flora smiled as she checked him up and down.


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