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Year of release: 2002
Country of production: Hong Kong
Director: Corey Yuen
Language: Cantonese
Genre: Action

Shu Qi
Vicki Zhao
Karen Mok
Seoung-Heon Song
Michael Wei


This movie should have been named So Cool. Because that’s what it is. Cool. Utterly and unbelievably cool.

This action flick is somewhat of an art direction showcase for Corey Yuen (the man behind Fong Sai Yuk). His stunt choreography, his choice of accompanying albeit contrasting music and camera angles make this movie what it is. Not to mention his choice of three leading ladies too.

Boy, do Shu Qi, Vicki and Karen pack a punch.

And if you’re thinking Charlie’s Angels here, don’t. First, these three ladies aren’t exactly a team. Second, they’re not on the same side of the law; and third, puh-leeeease, in terms of style and attitude, Charlie’s Angels is nowhere close.

These three can kick those angels’ @$$es any time!

So Close exudes a certain polished-over style and attitude that will have you going ‘wow’ and ‘whoa’ most of the time. The fighting sequences are impressive, beautifully choreographed and almost poetic-like. And to add to its glamour (as if three beautiful women aren’t glamorous enough…), there are many slow-mo hair blowing-in-the-wind and catwalk-like strutting scenes too.

What’s good is that the pace of the movie doesn’t let up and your eyes will stay glued to the screen from the word, ‘go’.

Shu Qi and Vicki Zhao play sisters, Lynn and Su, who are hired assassins. They carry out their assignments methodically, albeit dramatically, with the help of a camera satellite system invented by their deceased father. Karen Mok is Hung, the detective hot on the heels of these two sisters. What ensues is a cat and mouse game amid high-kicking-handcuffed-to-each-other fight sequences, adrenaline-pumping car chases and oh, how can I forget, the occasional subtle showing of flesh scenes.

All right, so I admit the storyline isn’t anything to shout about but that quickly glazes over. The overall attitude and stylishness of this movie will cloud your better judgment. Talk about being literally star-strucked!

The cast works well together and all three women look absolutely stunning. The men, however, I felt were totally irrelevant – Lynn’s love interest (Seoung-Heon Song) and Hung’s sidekick (Michael Wei) – what a total waste of time. Other than that, there are also lesbian undertones to Vicki’s character as is hinted many times throughout the latter half of the movie. Plus, of course, the much talked about kiss between her and Karen towards the end.

So Close may be a tad over-the-top but it is fun and entertaining at the same time. It is packed to the brim with action and its storyline, although not a big deal, is good enough to keep the movie engaging.

So, to watch or not to watch?
One word: WATCH.
But keep that hanky handy. You'll need it for all that drool.

This review can also be found at spcnet.
Agree/disagree with my review? Drop a note in the guestbook.


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