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Album: Our Yearbook
Singer: Twins
Language: Cantonese
Date of release: May 2002

Another album. And more teeny-boppy, saccharine sweetness. Somebody spare me. One can only take so much of Twins.

It looks like they're still singing those teenage-high school themed songs - I guess the guys at EEG thought, "Hey why not keep cashing in on a good thing? Who cares about progress anyway?" And cash in is what they did. Plus with the World Cup, there has to be a song about it too, right? That's track 2.

Our Yearbook is a double disc album with a total of 11 songs - 10 on disc 1, 1 music video and a bonus track on disc 2. Our Yearbook is also the first track of the album - an ad song for Clean & Clear. In fact, there are 2 ad songs on this album - the other being track 8.

Listening to this, I wonder to myself: Are these girls still hot in Hong Kong? I mean, after awhile, one does tend to OD on them. So what am I doing with a Twins album then, you ask? Oh well, I'm always a sucker and I thought it would be interesting to 'chart' their progress so to say. But nope, there's nothing different here. Same commercial poppish stuff that sounds exactly like their previous albums. Listen to this album 3 times or more and you're asking around if anyone would like to buy it off you...

I guess I only have this left to say: absolutely not recommended unless you're an extreme sugar freak.

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