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Album: Touch of Love
Singer: Twins
Language: Cantonese
Date of release: 2003

I mentioned before that it would be interesting to chart Twins' progress. I thought they would have been a write-off since their Our Yearbook release - like I said then, one could only take so much of their saccharine sweet tunes. However much to my horror, it seems that I had been unconsciously following their music all this while. Well, ok, maybe it's not so horrible after all. The following bit as well as their music.

Twins may have finally grown up in their music after all. Or are consciously making that effort to do so. Touch of Love, amazingly, has a few pretty good songs in it. And they're not all kiddie songs too.

Thanks for being out of love (track 2 on 2nd edition) is a bittersweet ballad that's rendered well. And Charlene's solo effort, Next stop diva (track 9), is another song worth a listen. What a world (track 11) is interesting but it could have done without the dialogue bits, which were just plain dumb and only adds to the notion that Twins are nothing but two bimbos (which we shall not delve on for that's a whole different topic altogether). With Charlene having a solo, it's only fair that Gillian has one too. And so she has with My mother and father (track 4). It could just be me but I feel that Charlene tends to hold her notes better than Gillian. And because of that, even though track 4 isn't too bad as a song, there just seems to be something missing.

I suppose you can't expect Twins to mature overnight. Slowly does it. Have one or two or even four more "mature" tracks but don't forget the diehard teenybopper fans. As such, the rest of the songs are typical Twins songs. Thank goodness though that the diabetic factor was reduced tremendously. Without the saccharine-ness of Our Yearbook, the other tracks were actually quite pleasant to listen to.

Final verdict: worth a go.

Agree/disagree with my review? Drop a note in the guestbook.


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