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Saturday, 17 November 2001

I had picked it up from my postbox three days ago. I was just hoping it wasn't what I had guessed it was. Not another one, I sighed. This had gotten to be a real habit in the last few months or so.

I opened it and true enough, another wedding invitation.

This time it was from one of my ex-mates from university.

'Mr & Mrs Chan Hong Sang
request the pleasure of the company of
Flora Lee & partner
to celebrate the holy matrimony of
their eldest daughter
Veronica Chan Zhi Wan
Peter Lee Siu Loong
the eldest son of Datuk & Datin Robert Lee Ting Fong
on Sunday, 30 December 2001 at
The Ballroom, Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur
7.00pm - cocktails. 7.45pm sharp - dinner.
Dress - formal.
Kindly RSVP by 30 November 2001.'

I sighed again. Everybody I knew from uni days were either already married or getting married...except me.

Veronica Chan Zhi Wan. I remember her: plain looking, short, quiet, shy - geeky even. And she was getting married. Before me. Me. Flora Lee. I was better looking than her (at least I think I am). I was taller than her. I was a lot more popular. I had the best looking guy on the whole campus - hey, I *was* going out with Tacky at that time. And still, she was getting married before me. Where was the fairness in that?

And what was this 'Flora Lee & partner' business? Were they rubbing it in or what? Partner? Where was I going to find a partner? Like I had a steady boyfriend or a husband to drag along with me, I rolled my eyes.

Hmm...I looked at the invitation again. I wondered if she had invited Tacky too. And even if she did, would he come back for it? Oh, come on, Flora. Wishful thinking again. It's not like this Veronica was a really good or close friend - we were just course mates. It definitely did not warrant Tacky flying all the way across the world, I sighed.

So, I had to get me a 'partner' for the 30th of next month.

I mentally ticked off my list of eligible men.

Tacky. I guess this would be physically impossible. Unless, of course, by some divine miracle, he just happened to be back in town then. But maybe he did get invited and maybe he might come back? Well, unless I knew for sure he was going to be around at that time, I didn't want to take any risks. Hey, a girl has got to make plans. Besides, if he did get an invitation, it would very likely read 'Tacky & partner' as well.

Kevin? Kev in a suit? I've never even seen him in a shirt or tie! Somehow I could not imagine what he would look like. And even though, this was going to be a wedding dinner, it would very likely turn out to be a reunion of sorts. Most of the people I knew from uni were most probably going to be there. People whom I've not met for 3 or 4 years even. I know I was being prejudiced about Kev but I needed someone who could hold their own in that company of people. Some of them were real monsters, if I could recall, and Kev, being so nice and all, would probably get ripped apart before the evening was even over.

Again, that left the three musketeers.

Anyone of them would do, really. I wasn't really *that* picky.

For one thing, they look really good in suits - I could still remember having to wipe the drool from my lips when I had first seen them all decked out to the nines. I chuckled at the thought of everyone else eyeing me with envy as I link my arm around my date's arm while we walk into the ballroom on that night. Eat your hearts out, girlfriends.

Now, all I had to do was ask.

And that required some bribery.

So, here I was. Slaving over the hot stove in the kitchen. The things I go through, I rolled my eyes at the thought as I bent down to check on the roast in the oven. Have you no shame at all, Flora Lee?

I glanced at the clock. They should be here pretty soon. I would just have about enough time to wash up and get into some clean clothes. I doubt being in a grubby apron with my hair sticking and falling all over my face and me looking like I had just been released from the Arkham Asylum for the Dangerously Insaned was a very good idea. If I was going to convince one of them to be my date, I had to look at least presentable when I did it.

I had just pulled on a clean t-shirt when my doorbell rang. I ran my fingers through my hair one last time, fluffing it up to give it more body, before running to get the door.

"Wolf Blass Brown Label Shiraz and Sandalford Margaret River Shiraz. Your favourites," Louis said, waving the bottles of wine in front of my face as he walked in.

"Hi, Flo," Bowie smiled. "Need any help with dinner?"

"Yes," I nodded. "You guys can help me finish it."

"Your wish is our command, oh great master," Bowie bowed.

"Where's Jules?" I asked. "And Jess?"

"They should be here in awhile. Jules has gone to pick her up."

I looked at Louis, confused. That didn't seem right. Why was Julian picking Jess up? Shouldn't it be Louis who should do the 'picking'?

"What?" he questioned when he saw me looking at him.

"Shouldn't you be picking her up instead?"

"Why? Jules lives closer to her."

I frowned. "Cos...cos...don't...aren' and Jess, you know? I mean, I remembered you told me sometime back," I cast a furtive glance towards Bowie, as if wanting him to confirm this. I had not spoken to Louis or Jess about it since that time when we patched up our differences. I mean, the group was always together and everything just looked pretty it always did.

Bowie shrugged. "Don't ask me. Ask him," he said with a chuckle as he pointed at Louis.

"Flo, Flo, Flo," Louis shook his head as he placed both hands on my shoulder and pushed me down into the sofa. "Sit down, please."

"Contrary to what you may have thought, there is nothing going on between Jess and I at the moment. Although I do not deny that there could be something in the near future...maybe," he grinned.


"So, you're saying you're interested in Jess but you're too chicken-shit to actually go 'chase' her."

Bowie burst out laughing. "BINGO!"

"Does Jess know?" I continued my onslaught, curious to know more.

"No!" Louis exclaimed. "And I would like it kept that way, if the both of you don't mind," he scowled at us. "She'll know when the time is right."

"Chicken-shit," I chuckled.

"Cluck cluck cluck," Bowie joined in the teasing. It was a rare affair that Louis was ever the brunt of our jokes. This was definitely a moment to savour.


"So, what's the occasion?" Jules asked before placing a piece of brocolli into his mouth.

"Can't we just sit down to a nice, quiet dinner for a change?" I said.

All four of them stared at me incredulously. Okay, apparently not.

"She wants something," Louis eyed me suspiciously. "You want something from us, don't you, Flora Chan?"

"Oh? So this is a bribe? Not a bad bribe then, if I must say so," Bowie chuckled as he fed himself a piece of the beef.

"What is it, Flo?" Jess asked.

I carefully put down my fork and knife. Okay, here goes nothing.

"Well, you see, I have this wedding dinner coming up. It's an old friend from uni. She's marrying some big-shot Datuk's son. And it's going to be at the Mandarin Oriental.'s going to be a big formal affair with lots of people...and...and..."

"The point, Flo, the point. Or did we miss it?" Louis waved his fork in the air.

"I need a date."

"Ah. I guess that counts me out," Jess nodded and went back to studying the food.

I looked around the table at the other three. "So?"

"Are there going to be plenty of good looking girls there?" Jules asked expectantly.

I scowled at him. "I'm asking you to go as my date - not to go gawk at other girls."

"Umm...for reasons I shall not disclose, I will have to turn down your offer, Flo dear. You understand, don't you?" Louis winked.

That left Bowie.

"I suppose that just leaves me, eh? Oh, why not."

Oh, why not? Geesh, I felt so loved. It was nice to know they were all *fighting* to go with me.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Just let me know when and what time," Bowie smiled.

I returned his smile. Actually, I was pretty ecstatic that it was Bowie who was going to be my date. One whole evening with him. One whole evening when he was mine and mine alone. One whole evening without the rest of them around. I would very likely have burst out in cackles if there wasn't anyone else in the apartment then.


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