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Thursday, 21 February 2002

It has been two months since that...we shall call it, I think...'fateful' day?

And it's officially official.

Both Alex and Bowie were indeed wooing me. Moi. Me. Flora Lee. The Flora Lee who has absolutely no luck whatsoever with men.

Like I said, Bowie was rather a surprise for me. I had been wanting for such a day to happen for so long a time now - I mean, hey, this was Bowie here. I've, like, had a crush on this guy since the first day I met him. And now, he was interested in me. I didn't know what it was that triggered the interest. But hell, I didn't care. I mean, *hello* Bowie was interested in me!

Boy, I didn't want to wake up from this dream...ever.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that because it soon turned into a nightmare.

Two men.

Should I go to the movies with Alex or dinner with Bowie? Well, Bowie did ask me first but it was a movie I wanted to watch. Or should I go for coffee with Bowie or should I go clubbing with Alex? Alex did ask first but I really wanted a quiet night out.

Logically speaking, I should be running and falling into Bowie's arms. That was what I had wanted all along. Only thing was, I wasn't doing so.

The major obstacle? Alex.

Sigh. I like that guy too. And between the both of them, I really couldn't decide.

Then to make matters worse, 'he' had to come back.


As usual, rather than working, Jess and I were filling each other in on the latest juicy developments...

"So, who's it going to be, eh? Bowie or Alex?" Jess asked curiously.

I let out a moan.

"Still can't decide, huh?"

I groaned.

"Can't blame you, really. Alex is absolutely gorgeous. Bowie's a total darling. And they're both crazy over you," swooned Jess.

I threw a grubby cushion at her. "What are you complaining about? You've got Louis."

"Huh? Oh yea. I forgot."

Louis had finally made his move on Jess. New year, new beginning. Best time for anything to happen - that was what he told me anyway, at the start of this year, when he had finally plucked up enough courage to pursue Jess.

I guess it had been pretty easy for the guy. I mean, he did have a honey-filled mouth after all and Jess and him weren't exactly mortal enemies to begin with. But Jess had sure made full use of her advantage. I still remember poor Louis been made delivery boy - sending up packed lunches, snacks and desserts to our office at anytime of the day. All it took was one phone call from Jess and whooosh, he would be right there in no time. It was really rather funny seeing him so devoted to his task.

"How are you guys getting along anyway?"

Jess shrugged. "Like how we normally get along all the time?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that. (a) you're both getting on really well - all lovey-dovey and gooey-eyed with each other; or (b) you don't like him, you're bored, you want to dump him and move on."

"Hmm..." Jess pondered awhile, pursing he lips together as she tapped her index finger on them. "In that case...I'll pick (a)," she grinned slyly.

"Thought so."

"Hey!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Weren't we talking about you and Alex and Bowie instead?"

I groaned.

"Oh, yes we were," she declared triumphantly.

I moaned.

"C'mon, don't you even have the slightest clue who you like more?" she continued her relentless interrogation.

If I knew, I wouldn't be sitting here moaning and groaning away.

And then the phone rang. I reached for it gratefully, thankful that it was putting me out of my misery of having to answer Jess' unanswerable questions.

I had never been so wrong.

"Hello, is Flooz - I mean, Flora there, please?"

Oh no. It couldn't be, could it?

"Tacky?" I asked nervously.

"Floozie? Hey...surprise! Guess what?"

Surprise and guess what? Oh boy. Somehow I had this uncanny feeling I knew what he was going to say next.

"I'm back in town!"

I was right.

"For good!"

Yup, I was definitely psychic.

"What are you doing tonight? Dinner? Together? Will that be all right with you?"

"Err...yea sure. That'll be great. Tonight then."

"Right. I'll call you later. Bye."

I replaced the receiver slowly, shocked yet thrilled at the news.

"Are you okay?" Jess looked at me curiously. "Who was that?"

"Tacky..." I blinked nervously as I told her. "He's back for good."


"Tacky. Takeshi."

"Your ex?!" Jess shrieked. "Wow. That sure complicates things further now, doesn't it?"

I frowned. No, I will not believe that. He's back for good because his contract's over. There was no other reason. And as for him calling me, it was only a matter of courtesy. After all, old friends call up each other all the time, don't they?

Uh-huh, that was it. We were just old friends. Nothing more than that.


The phone startled me again.

Bowie was asking me out for dinner tonight as well. I turned him down, saying that I had to meet up with an old friend instead. Hey, I wasn't lying. Tacky was, technically, an old friend. Of course, I didn't tell Bowie what the old friend's name was.

As soon as I put that call down, my mobile rang.

It was Alex this time - also asking if I would be free for dinner tonight. I told him exactly what I had told Bowie. Omitting exactly the same detail too.

"Wooohoooo! This is going to be fun!" Jess laughed as she slapped me on the back.


He hadn't changed a single bit. Still as good looking as ever. Still as able to strike a girl down with those eyes and smile of his. Hmmm...he needed a change of wardrobe though. It looked like he had reverted to the old-fuddy-untrendy-don't-know-how-to-dress Tacky in his time in New York.

No matter. A week with me and I'll transform him back into the Tacky I had so painstakingly fashioned him to be the last time.

Shit. What was I talking about? Tacky wasn't 'mine' anymore to 'painstakingly transform.'

I sighed and thought of Bowie and Alex. Both didn't need me to play fashion consultant. They already looked like they had walked out of a GQ magazine.

Anyway, I digress. Back to dinner...

I thought I would have felt really uncomfortable and all. On the contrary.

There weren't very many long, uneasy silences between our conversations. Tacky had heaps to talk about - it was like he was trying to cram about three years into a few hours.

"I didn't think I would be back home so soon but the company's starting up this new division here and they wanted me to head it and all. So, here I am," he rattled on. "You know, I would have to look for a place to stay now that I'm going to be back for good. And a car as well."

I nodded. Tacky had sold his car and given up the place he was renting then when he found out that he was going to New York. I had picked him up earlier from his uncle's house where he was currently staying temporarily.

"So, where do you think I should start looking? I was thinking of the apartments near where you live?" he looked at me expectantly.

I nearly choked on the wine when he said that. Quickly regaining my composure, I smiled and probably asked the most stupid question ever.


"Why? 'Cos it's a nice neighbourhood to live in and we'll be near each other," Tacky grinned.

Was it my imagination or did his eyes tinkle with mischief when he said that?

"So! Am I taking you away from spending quality time with your other half?" he suddenly asked.


"Us..." he pointed back and forth. "...having dinner. Does your boyfriend mind?"

What a sneaky bastard.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I very casually told him.

Then crafting my words carefully, I continued. "Although there are two guys whom I believe are currently interested in developing a relationship with me."

"What about you? What excuse did you give *your* girlfriend?" I couldn't resist the jibe. Besides, he started it first.

Tacky leaned in and motioned me closer. "I'll let you in on something," he said mysteriously. "I don't have a girlfriend."

He pulled back and smiled, looking straight at me. "Although there is this girl I know whom I would like as my girlfriend..."

Ohhhkay, Flora. Time to play dumb.

"Oh really? Well, I wish you all the best then," I said.


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