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Thursday, 14 March 2001

I slumped back into the sofa, brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them, rocking back and forth slightly.

"Maggggggg," I whined. "Tell me, what should I do?"

Mag rolled her eyes.

"What am I now? Aunt Agony?"


"It's a fine mess you've gotten yourself into, Flora Lee."


"No men, no men and then, all of a sudden, 'poof'!', three men."


"You've been running round the cherry blossoms a lot lately, haven't you?"


"Oh all right, all right. Can you cut the moaning?"

I gave her my best puppy dog look.

Ouch! A cushion hit me squarely in the face.

"So, what are you planning on doing?"

"I was hoping you'd tell me," I smiled at her in what I hoped was my sweetest smile.

"Me?!" Mag exclaimed. "You're the one with the problem. Nope, make that three problems."


Mag narrowed her eyes and pointed her index finger at me threateningly.


I pouted and let out a huge sigh.

"Oh, quit pouting and sighing," Mag chastised.

"Everything on the table now. What's the current situation?" she continued.

"Well...there's these three guys..."

"Stop!" Mag yelled. "Fast forward, please. We already know all that."

"Oh, all right. Well then, you know Bowie and Alex - they've both been pretty persistent. And they've already started hinting big time that they want more out of the current 'just going out on dates' thingy - especially Alex. But I'm like, 'I don't know, man! Stop pushing me! I need more time!' Alex is starting to get a bit impatient I think. But I can't really blame the guy. I mean, I would too. It's been almost three months now and I still can't make up my mind," I sighed.

"What about Bowie and Takeshi?"

"Bowie, as usual, has been so understanding. He's like, 'don't worry. Take your time. It's all right.' He's been so nice about the whole thing that sometimes I wonder if he's really serious about liking me! And Tacky. Tacky's the worst. I have absolutely no clue what that guy is up to or what he wants. He calls up at the oddest times. He acts so mysterious about everything. He speaks in riddles. Arghhh! Can somebody just take them all away? I don't want any of them! I'm so confused!" I screamed in frustration.

" know, there's only one way to settle this," Mag said.

I sat up immediately, all ears, ready to hear Mag's brilliant idea.

She leaned over to the telephone table and grabbed some paper and a pen. Then she proceeded to scribble some things on the pieces of paper. Folding them in half, she looked back at me as she shuffled them about and explained.

"All righty," she gestured towards the pieces of paper on the coffee table. "I've written Bowie's, Alex's and Takeshi's names on each of these."

I looked at her, wondering what it was she had up her sleeve. Was this some magic trick or fortune telling thingy?

"Now, we play Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo," Mag declared.

My mouth dropped. "That's your brilliant idea?!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe this woman.

"You got anything better?" she smirked.


"Then it's Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo."


Mag looked at me and raised her brows as if daring me to continue or come up with something better.

I sighed, looked at the three pieces of paper on the table and started chanting that rhyme we've known since young. As I ended it, my finger landed on one of the pieces.

"Ah. The outcome," Mag proclaimed.

She picked up the paper and very slowly unfolded it.

"Will you hurry up?" I uttered impatiently.

"Tsk, tsk. This is a big moment. Pretend there's a drum roll as I'm doing this."

I groaned. "Just hurry up."

"Oooh," Mag exclaimed, then raised her brow in amusement. "Alex."

I snatched the paper out of her hands and stared at it unbelievingly.


Somehow I felt strangely disappointed - don't know why.

I peered at Mag sheepishly. "Best two out of three?"

"What?!" she yelled.

"Oh, c'mon," I pleaded. "If it's Alex again, then I know for sure he's the one. Like you said, this is a big moment. We have to be sure, right?"

I didn't bother waiting for Mag to answer. I had already re-shuffled the three pieces of paper and started on the rhyme again.

"...Miny Mo," my finger pointed to the one in the middle.

I quickly unfolded it. Eh?

"Who is it?" Mag asked curiously.

"It's Tacky."

Mag laughed. "Looks like fate has decreed that you should have two men!"

I scowled and played the 'game' one more time.

This time round, the paper read Bowie.

"You can't fight destiny. Three men it is then!" she bawled out in laughter once more.

"What a stupid game," I muttered and sank back into the sofa in frustration.

I was right back where I started.

It was still Bowie, Tacky and Alex and I still didn't know who I liked better. Now I was beginning to doubt if I even liked any of them in the first place.

Maybe I won't pick any of them at all. Yea, that could be the other alternative if push comes to shove. No guys at all and I'll go become a hermit spinster and live up in the hills somewhere.

Definitely a lot less headaches that way.


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