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mY fRiEnDs!!!

sorry if the pix are big and blurry...

well dis song is to my gurls...Missing You by Tamia featuring Brandy...

this be us gurls from sAdIe hAwKiNs...after the party...(meeka party)

dIs bE uS aT tHe dInNeR wItH eIp...

dIs bE uS aT tHe yOuTh bUiLdInG...pArTeE

dIs bE uS gUrLs fRoM hMoNg wOmEn cIrClE cLuB...

dIs bE uS aT tHe wAuSaU nEw yEaR...2001-2002

dIs bE uS eVeReSt gUrLs....

no worries...i'll get more up!!! hehe...actually i think imma do somethings under construction though....


