Breakthrough: New Way to Peek Inside Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth  2007
In his nineteenth century novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne imagined the route to the Earth’s core ran through an extinct volcano in Iceland. An alternative route, running through a mine cavern in Japan, has been discovered by an international collaboration of scientists at the KamLAND neutrino detector. The KamLAND researchers have shown that antielectron neutrinos emanating from the Earth, or geoneutrinos, can be used as a unique window into the interior of our planet, revealing information that is hidden from other probes.
KamLAND stands for "Kamioka Liquid Scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector".
Located beneath the mountains of Japan’s main island of Honshu near the city of Toyama..DEEP in an UNDERGROUND COMPLEX :

KamLAND Pictures :

 By measuring geoneutrinos generated in the decay of natural radioactive elements in the Earth's interior, scientists believe it should be possible to get a three-dimensional picture of the Earth's composition and shell structure.
Attached is an Image of The Inner Earth as seen with geoneutrinos:
Left half of the Earth shows a simulation of the geoneutrino production distribution as seen by KamLAND,
the right half shows the Earth structure.

Kinda seems that the simulation of the geoneutrino production distribution shows

 the Earth is HOLLOW !