Here are some links where you can learn more about Gene, who has been involved with the secret space program and has deep level security clearances in Terran and Ex-Terran Intel...
Gene Decode Breaks Down the D.U.M.B.S. Situation
Gene Decode on the Inner Earth
FESIG 84th Meeting Gene Decode on med beds, free energy - 6 Jan 21
Gene Decode - Underground Base Details
Gene Decode - D.U.M.B.S. - Inner Earth Mysteries
Gene Decode on the Underground War
Deep Underground Military Bases & the Battle of Dulce
Gene Decode on Galactic Talk
Gene Decode Shocked the World About His Timeline
Real Gene Decode - Youtube channel - Many Videos
Gene Decode - Youtube channel - Many Videos
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Probe the Hidden Reality Beyond the 'Veil'
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