The Swaruu Forum refers to a massive subterranean network beneath the Giza/Gizeh plateau. GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) has revealed tunnels and chambers beneath the Sphinx, for instance.
This Interview (Be careful, as this site is rather anti-Biblical. But as they say, just "eat the meat and spit out the bones") shows the results of deep GPR scans beneath the mudbrick "pyramid" at Hawara, Egypt.
The scans revealed a huge underground labyrinth with 2 main levels, covering over 107 acres... the size of over 81 football fields, and 5 of the chambers (according to the deep GPR scans) being larger than an Olympic-sized swimming pool!
There are even stories of ancient Egyptians nicknamed the "Giza People" or "Gizeh Intelligence" who are not very friendly to those who invade their territory or who even try to CONTROL the surface world with their alliancas with the reptiloids, the dark fleet, the fascist Antarcticans... living deep beneath the Gizeh Plateau!