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(Ashtarian-Reptilian Infiltration of the Galactic Federation!?)

The reptilian humanoids, or reptiloids in Sirius-B, and its allied systems, are using their Ashtar collective (or HIVE mind, just like the BORG of STAR TREK) to infiltrate, deceive and control the (hundreds of?) billions of souls in the "galactic federation" (whose governing cabal is apparently based in the star system Zenatae Andromeda - the STAR SYSTEM not the GALAXY, which is also in the Andromeda star cluster sector of space as seen from earth, but FAR, FAR beyond THAT star cluster).

This "Ashtar" HIVE is controlled by reptilians posing as "Ascended Masters" (or, Ass-Ended Bastards!? ;-)

The 'Andromedan' (Zenatae) federation is against Project Second Contact BECAUSE the 'Ashtar' reptilians manipulating the 'federation' behind-the-scenes do NOT want their 'slave farm' planet earth to experience emancipation BECAUSE their subterranean reptilian allies are working to create a REPTILIAN controlled New World Order on earth!

THIS is why the Ashtar-infected 'Federation' is opposed to the agendas of the Taygeta Pleiadeans and especially the Swaruu, who are TRYING to help bring planet earth into the galactic family, by trying to stop the reptiloid-cabal RAPE of planet earth on all three levels of reality... spiritual (masonic religions), mental (controlled media), and physical (New World Order agendas)!

Queen Mari Swaruu says that she finds the galactic federation "SURPRIZINGLY TYRANNICAL" (kind of like the EMPIRE in STAR WARS!?)

Those who OPPOSE Project 2nd Contact do NOT take into account the FACT that the U.S. NAVY has its OWN "Solar Warden" (now "Radiant Guardian") secret space force/fleet which is in agreement with the Swaruu Federation agenda, as opposed to the OTHER secret space fleet which Radiant Guardian is in conflict with, namely the neo-Nazi dark fleet, based below Antarctica, who are apparently tied-in with the reptilian-ashtarian HIVE which HAS infiltrated the Galactic Federation!

Maybe the secret Federation-cabal alliance which controls much of the galaxy (even though many worlds no doubt maintain SOME independence, not willing to turn over ALL of their sovereignty to the central federation government) does NOT want the people of earth to WAKE UP to what is going on because they realize that most Teran citizens will support the Solar Warden / Radiant Guardian space force OVER the nazi-reptilian DARK FLEET!

(Note: Members of the Galactic 'Federation' should maintain some sovereignty, just like earth nations are members of the "United Nations" yet maintain their own personal sovereignty. Once such sovereignty is VIOLATED by the center of control -- no longer the center of alliance -- it ceases to be a Federation and becomes an EMPIRE!)

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