(Note: This article was written by Dr. Raymond Bernard, author of the best-selling book THE HOLLOW EARTH... In addition to his fascination with this theory-become-science, Bernard also had a great interest in reports of underground cities and tunnels, especially those existing in Brazil and surrounding countries - Branton)
My South American Adventure In Search of The Unknown By Raymond Bernard. A.B., M. A., Ph.D.
It was back in 1954, when I first put foot on Brazil, as I landed by plane in Belem, the great port near the mouth of the Amazon, that I first learned about the Subterranean World, except for references to Agharta in Ossendowski's "Beasts, Men and Gods", the famous novel of "Etidorhpa" and Bulwer Lytton's "The Coming Race" and references to the tunnels of the Atlanteans under South America in Harold Wilkins' books "Mysteries of Ancient South America" and "Lost Cities of Old South America", and also Nicholas Roe rich's "Heart of Asia".
Walking along the streets of Belem my eye was attracted by a large building in front of which were letters in cement, "BRAZILIAN THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY". Curious to know the progress of the Theosophical movement in Brazil, I entered and met a Mr. de Sousa, the head of the society. He said this was only a branch of the central society with headquarters in Sao in the state of Minas Gerais, where lives Professor de Sousa who was its head.
Though my knowledge of Portuguese was quite meager, as soon as Mr. de Sousa began speaking I noticed that his main subject of conversation was "The Subterranean World" and the tunnels that run under Brazil and lead to subterranean cities. In these cities, he said, lived Advanced Beings - descendants of the ancient Atlanteans. It was very fascinating and when I asked for more information he told me to visit Professor de Sousa, a great archaeologist, who is the authority on the Subterranean World.
Years passed and in 1957, when browsing in a bookshop I happened by a paper-bound book bearing the intriguing title, "FLYING SAUCERS, FROM THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD TO THE SKY". On the cover was a picture of a flying saucer leaving the underworld and going up into the sky. The author, O.C. Huguenot, claimed that all flying saucers come from inside the earth and that none come from other planets, which idea, he claimed, was false (Apparently he went from one extreme to the other - Branton).
I noticed that the book was dedicated to Professor Enrique Jose de Sousa and his wife, Helena Jefferson de Sousa.
At that time I believed that flying saucers came from other planets, and the idea that they came from inside the earth seemed strange and impossible. I did not know about the earth being hollow with an opening at the North Pole through which saucers enter and leave, and it seemed incredible that they could come from openings in the ground, though there are certain places, as in Antarctica and near Salta, Argentina, where saucers have been observed to ascend and descend from a common spot, indicating some base or subterranean entrance there.
I then remembered that the Theosophical leader in Belem had told me that Professor de Sousa resided in Sao Lorenzo, so anxious to learn more on the subject of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers, I at once phoned him, and he invited me to visit him.
On arrival in Sao Lorenzo, a mineral hot springs bathing resort, I was met at the station by a delegation of people who spoke English and seemed to have come from many nations. They said they were members of Professor de Sousa's (group) who have come and made their home in Sao Lorenzo, center of the Brazilian Theosophical Society of which they were members. They then drove me to an immense temple in Greek style, over whose entrance I saw the word "AGHARTA". That reminded me of the reference to "Agharti" in Ossendowski's book mentioned above - it being the Buddhist name of the Subterranean World.
They showed me around the temple and then brought me to a museum room in it, where were kept various articles which they claim were brought up from the Subterranean World. One of these was a large glass jug of water, covered with woven straw. They all seemed convinced the various articles in the museum came from the Subterranean World.
They then brought me to a hotel, and the next morning they came early to bring me to the house of Professor de Sousa, who was waiting for me. He said that he had returned from one of his visits to the Subterranean World, where he was well-known, and that he once had in his possession the key to the door that leads to Shamballah.
Shamballah? Where did I hear that word before? I read about it in Ossendowski's book and also in Roerich's work on his travels in the Far East, where it is believed that Shamballah is the capital of the Subterranean World of Agharti or Agharta, where resides the king of the world in his golden palace. In fact Shamballah (also spelled Shambhala), the heavenly city, is the central object of reverence of millions of Buddhists in Mongolia and Tibet, who say "Hail Shamballah, thou Champion of Agharta!"
I noticed on a sofa in the rear of the room a young lady sitting, who seemed to be about 18 years of age. I thought it was Professor de Sousa's daughter. But she was introduced to me as Helena Jefferson de Sousa, wife of Professor de Sousa, who seemed to be about 70 years of age. Knowing that I would be puzzled, it was explained to me that she is not of this world at all, but comes from the Subterranean World, where people never grow old, and is really over fifty.
The Professor then began talking about Colonel Fawcett, who disappeared in the jungles of Mato Grosso... while in quest of the lost cities of the Atlanteans. The Professor said that he and his son Jack are both living in the Subterranean World and were not killed by the Cervantes Indians as commonly believed. When last seen he was heading to the Roncador Mountains of northwest Mato Grosso, after leaving the city of Cuiaba. It was a month's journey through impenetrable jungle inhabited by fierce Cervantes Indians who act as guardians of the tunnel opening in Roncador that leads to the still inhabited city of Atlantes for which he sought.
I then asked the Professor to tell me how I can enter the Subterranean World as I wished to visit it. He told me to go to Roncador and follow Fawcett's footsteps, and to protect myself from the poisoned arrows of the Indians, he gave me a password and said if I shouted this password when I came near the Indians, they would not molest me and let me pass safely. He then gave me a letter of introduction to a member of his society in Cuiaba, who would help organize an expedition to Roncador; and I was soon off on a plane to Cuiaba, chief city of north central Mato Grosso.
The word "Mat e Grosso" in Portuguese means Great Forest, and so it is. The hinterland is the least settled area of Brazil and contains the world's biggest forest, being part of the Amazon basin which contains about one-fourth of all the timber in the world. For hours the plane flew over uninhabited forest; and finally I reached Cuiaba.
The elder people of Cuiba still remembered the "Englishman" who came to their city some years ago, stayed a while and then went off into the jungles, heading toward Roncador. A blonde Indian boy, the son of Jack Fawcett, was living there then, born of an Indian mother. I met a missionary who said he was stationed at the last outpost that Fawcett left before he entered the jungle, heading northeast in the direction of Roncador. He claimed that later, his three Indian guides returned to confess that they killed Fawcett because they refused to go on in spite of Fawcett's insistence that the party proceed, on a month's journey through jungle infested with fierce Indians. They said that their only recourse was to kill him and so be able to return. However, the story of the missionary sounded suspicious, for it was very unlikely that the Indian guides would confess having killed Fawcett even if they had done so.
However, I was determined to go on and reach Roncador, but could not undertake the journey alone and did not know the route. However, the problem was solved when one day I met in a cafe an old negro, who was somewhat drunk and talked freely. He said he was the son of Fawcett's chief guide, who brought him to the land of the "White Indians" who live in the general area of Roncador and Bananal Island. He said that he had spent most of his life among these Indians, whom he described as a race of fruit eaters and who were of fair complexion and much different from the surrounding darker races that eat meat and are more savage.
For these white Indians, the colored man said, were not savages, but highly cultured and knew how to write, for he saw among them strange inscriptions in an unknown language and exquisite furniture which Indians generally do not have, which appeared to have been made by a highly civilized race. Also he described various strange tropical fruits these people grew unknown to the outer world, on which they largely live. The colored man said he spoke the language of these people, since he spent most of his life among them; and he would bring me to them. It was clear from his description that these white Indians were really descendants of the ancient Atlanteans who colonized the highlands of Mato Grosso before the Flood, where they constructed their cities which enjoyed protection from the tidal waves that submerged Atlantis, whose coming they foresaw. Harold Wilkins treats of this subject in his two books on South America referred to above.
The colored man said these white Indians were very peaceful people, and were very intelligent. When I expressed my desire to visit them, his enthusiasm knew no limit, for it seemed that all his life he had waited for a foreign explorer to come to Cuiaba, as Fawcett had done a few decades ago, when his father had led him on his memorable journey to Roncador, never to return. While he lived, he hoped to follow in his father's footsteps and bring another stranger there. So strong was his enthusiasm that he said, "Tomorrow morning we will be off"; and though a poor man, he scraped enough together and bought a gun for 3,000 cruzieros the same evening.
I visited the missionary again and told him about my contemplated journey. He was most upset and told me to bring the colored man to him. The colored man claimed his father brought Fawcett to Roncador, while the missionary said that his three Indian guides confessed that they murdered him and returned. While in the sitting room of the missionary, the colored man kept saying to me, "I know a Great Secret, a Great Secret", and then he pointed below, indicating that his secret pertained to the Underworld and certain openings in the earth that lead to it. Then he added, "This will be the greatest opportunity in your life. If you miss this opportunity it will never come again."
The missionary then entered and began talking to him. The colored man spoke of his having spent most of his life among the white Indians of northern Mato Grosso and that he spoke their language fluently. The missionary also spoke the Cervantes' language. Then ensued some conversation in Cervantes I did not understand. I presume it referred to Fawcett's fate. Then the missionary got furious. It seemed that the colored man's account of Fawcett's last journey did not correspond with his own claims, since the colored man said his father was Fawcett's guide, and mentioned nothing about Fawcett having been killed, while the missionary told the newspapers and everyone that three Indian guides confessed to him of having murdered Fawcett.
The missionary then turned upon the colored man and accused him of buying the gun in order to murder me in the jungle and rob me and said he would notify the police, so forcing the colored man to leave; and he warned me not to embark upon my contemplated journey for a month through the jungle, where my life would be in danger. So I was forced to abandon my contemplated expedition to Roncador; and heartbroken, returned to Joinville. In the sequel I will tell how I discovered in the area of Joinville, in the state of Santa Catalina, Brazil, the great center of the tunnels and subterranean cities of the Atlanteans.
BY Dr. Raymond Bernard
Early in 1957 I visited Sao Lorenzo in Minas Gerais, the center of the Brazilian Theosophical Society which has an immense temple dedicated to "Agharta" the Subterranean World. I met the president of the Society Professor H.J. DE Sousa, who claimed to have just returned from a visit to the Subterranean World and to have possessed the "Keys of Shamballah".
He directed me to the Roncador Mountain chain in northeast Mato Grosso where Fawcett was heading when last seen on leaving Cuiaba. I flew to Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, but could not go through a month through a jungle infested by fierce Cervantes Indians.
Little did I realize that the great center of the subterranean cities of the Atlanteans was in the more mountainous country of Santa Catalina and not on the level plains of Mato Grosso except for the centers in Roncador, which are guarded by Cervantes who kill anyone who dares to enter without special permission.
The FIRST great discovery was the subterranean city described in my letter to SEARCH last Oct. (1959 - this discovery is mentioned in greater detail in Raymond Bernard's article UNDERGROUND EXPLORATION IN BRAZIL, which follows this one ... B.W.)... This was confirmed over and over again, that subterranean men live inside the tunnel near Tujucas do Sul.
My investigator August just returned after 3 days with 2 subterranean men (who reappeared 5 times) and has taken photos which I will develop tomorrow and send you (referring to C.A. Marcoux - apparently these photos were never sent ... B.W.). If they did not come out, because they were taken inside the tunnel by aid of the lights these two men carried, I will send him to take other photos. This is near Piedra Blanca. There is a metal door to one tunnel and an immense stone house capable of holding 500 persons. This seems GENUINE. There is a city inside THIS tunnel.
The THIRD genuine tunnel is near Boc in south Santa Catalina, where my trustworthy associate Genesis just went and confirmed that there are men talking inside two of the three tunnel openings on top of a mountain. This is genuine.
This makes Three.
Next is the tunnel near the Paraguay border which has a door inside which opens and inside it is illuminated and bearded men were seen. My informant was dis-interested and did not do his job as a guide. This is genuine.
This makes Four genuine tunnels, and possibly (underground) cities.
Now we come to the less certain.
First is the one near Curitiba nos, where August saw the men and heard their music and was told that a tunnel exists, but has not seen it, though he saw the men. This seems certain.
This makes Five certain places where subterranean people were seen.
Next is the tunnel near Sao Francisco do Sul where music is heard inside, and where men must exist to play the music.
This makes Six places.
August just returned from a trip to L, in Parana, where a subterranean man is worshiped as a saint. He comes up from a grotto, and other subterranean people come up. Last week hoodlums stoned them, so that the police are keeping guard and lets nobody near.
Restrictions may be off next week, and we plan to take photos of these people and may befriend them and visit their subterranean city.
This makes Seven places.
There is also the long tunnel of P.H. where August was told that subterranean men were seen. But this case is uncertain and requires more investigation. It is at least certain as regards people living inside, and we will investigate and report.
These eight places can be visited and I have special guides for each one, who know it.
I am awaiting the arrival of my friend with movie cameras and other cameras to photograph this great discovery. To date I just charted out the terrain but did no intensive research on any special location. I want Marcoux and Roy Smith here for that.
An old German book in old type, written by an early German settler in Santa Catalina, who got information from Indians who preserved Atlantean traditions so THAT OF ALL PLACES ON EARTH, THE EASIEST CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD AND THE SURFACE, WITH The GREATEST NUMBER OF TUNNELS THAT OPEN AND SUBTERRANEAN CITIES, IS SANTA Catalina AND PARANA (states/provinces), BRAZIL.
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July 6, 1959
Dear Dr. Layne:
For twenty-six years, two-and-a-half times as long as Ulysses, I have searched for the terrestrial gods I have felt within me must still exist -- the Atlanteans, the Lemuria, and the Hyperbolas before them. I have felt that they have not completely abandoned humanity and dwell somewhere in seclusion. I thought I was looking for a terrestrial paradise where I could gather vegetarians and finer people and start a Utopia on earth, but the coming of the Atomic age and the increase in radioactive fallout discouraged me.
As fallout increased my enthusiasm about a terrestrial paradise in this poisoned world diminished and my attention was more and more directed to the mysterious tunnels that exist all over this part of South America. At the coast of Brazil they go under the ocean in the direction of Atlantis and connect this southern coast, from Rio de Janeiro down to Porto Allegre, with Mato Grosso and continue on to the Andes. Who built these tunnels and why were they built?
Colonel Fawcett searched the high Mato Grosso plateau for lost Atlantean cities. But he did not consider the possibility of Atlantean nuclear warfare which poisoned the earth's atmosphere, and that they constructed cities not on top of the earth but under it, connected by tunnels, and with an air filtering and purifying system. The Atlantean cities which he sought on top of the earth in Mato Grosso were inside it. It is claimed by Professor Enrique de Sousa, archaeologist and head of the Theosophical Society of Brazil that Fawcett entered a tunnel leading to an inhabited subterranean city where he is captive and still alive. For some time I have continued Fawcett's search for the lost cities of Atlantis.
About two months ago a party of explorers I sent out entered a tunnel in this same area. It was completely lined with stone blocks. It was quite dirty and gave evidence of not having been used for a long, long time. After a day's hike they slept and got up to hike again. Now the tunnel was perfectly clean, giving them the impression there were inhabitants beyond! They walked a second day and slept. The third day of walking brought them to the sound of voices, speaking loud. This frightened them and they returned.
Some distance back a branch tunnel attracted their attention. Inside this they saw a little man who looked much like the traditional dwarf, with a long white beard. He didn't see them but again the group got frightened and returned to the surface and home. After telling me this I encouraged them to return and enter this tunnel. They did. Again it was a long, long walk but after two-and-a-half days they came to steps in the tunnel leading downward. At the end of the third day they came to an immense cavity with an illuminated sky. This gave off a yellow phosphorescence which illuminated below a city of houses. They saw many small men, women and children, who were crying loud enough to be heard.
One member of the party got frightened, so they returned. They are not anxious to return to the city of dwarfs lest they be held prisoner. I believe the dwarfs do not want surface dwellers to publicize the existence of their city. This might lead to intrusion and trouble.
My researches have shown that in addition to subterranean cities not far below the earth's surface, there exists a Subterranean World of Agharta in the center of the earth. This subterranean world, whose capital is known as Shamballa, is well-known to Tibetans and the people of Mongolia.
One of my explorers, an Inca, explored a 300-foot vertical tunnel, descending by rope. At the bottom he came to a door which automatically opened. Behind it stood an eight-foot Atlantean, protected by a plastic-like substance from radioactive outside air. He spoke to the Inca through a loud speaker, saying that he came from the center of the earth by means of an "electronic vehicle." The Inca was also told that flying saucers were sent from the interior of the earth to the outer atmosphere to halt nuclear tests. Charts prepared by underground Atlantean scientists indicate that air pollution by radioactive fallout will become so bad that the human race will not survive on earth for longer than ten years. All that can be done is safe a few worthy individuals by bringing them into the tunnel opening we discovered...
Since it is my work to save a remnant of the American people, and since I will soon locate inside the transparent screen behind the secret door, where I my breath air free from radioactivity, if you wish to cooperate with me and act as a U.S. representative and have faith that what I say is true, write me and state the extent to which you may help in this last minute effort to save a remnant of mankind from the universal destruction now in progress, to end in ten years.
Cordially, Raymond Bernard PO Box #85, Joinville, Sta Catalina, Brazil