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Caroline Chisholm College Physics - MAIN MENU
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Caroline Chisholm College Physics - Latest News

What's new?

2010 Preliminary Physics Assessment task coming soon! Due Term 3 Week 7

Please use study time effectively -
Some suggestions for study goals (make yourself a checklist):
(1) Have you prepared your own detailed response to every syllabus point in the topics covered so far?
(2) Have you answered every chapter question in detail and corrected the numerical ones from the back of the book? Done them again if you missed something? Asked questions if you don't get it?
(3) Have you completed the topic questions in Excel? (A good idea to buy it now if you dont have it - get the most out of your money by using it before the Trial)
(4) Have you corrected all of your responses using the solutions in the books and reattempted any that you got wrong? Its no use doing them and getting them wrong and leaving it - - you are just wasting paper and time.
(5) Have you written up all pracs by answering the analysis questions?
(6) Are you thoroughly familiar with the computer simulations in 'other useful links'?
(7) Have you reached $1,000,000 in the Millionaire Quiz? It is now completed with new questions - don't waste it.
(8) Do you know what all the verbs mean - -your key terms for interpreting HSC questions? Here are some excellent PRACTICE EXERCISES to help you remember what they all mean.
(9) Are you ready for a topic test on what we've done so far? If not, do something about it NOW!
(10) Have you reread over the Chapters in your text covered so far and pre-read the next chapter in preparation for next lesson?

STUDYING FOR THE HSC: The big questions:

Can you prepare a 'band six' response for EVERY syllabus point, including second and third column points - theory, information gathering and first hand experiences?

Can you answer ALL of the questions I gave you for EVERY first hand experience?

Have you got ALL the skills that are outlined in the document I gave you from the beginning of the syllabus?

Do you know how to use EVERY formula on the formula sheet AND have practised EACH of them on a wide variety of questions?

Do you KNOW what all the KEY WORDS mean and how to respond to them?

If you answered YES to all of the questions above, you may well have it MADE IN THE SHADE!!!!

If you need another copy of the syllabus or the formula sheet, then CLICK HERE and scroll down to Physics.

The Board of Studies has its own online multiple choice test now (not as good as the millionaire quiz) which uses past paper questions. If you'd like to try it, just CLICK HERE.

From the 'Bored of Studies' site, CLICK HERE then scroll down to find SAMPLE RESPONSES FOR BANDS 5 & 6 from past Physics papers.

One of your skills is "identifying practising male and female Australian scientists, and the areas in which they are currently working and in formation about their research". This does not have to be too detailed - -to know a few sentences about a couple of scientists and current research will suffice. The textbook identifies a practising electrical engineer in motors and generators and CLICK HERE for a very useful site with practising scientists - just choose a your favourite physicists! e.g. (Leong from ACT, Craig or Shane from Victoria etc.)

I have typed in over 200 multiple choice questions and compiled approximately 200 pages of HTML code over 6 months for the millionaire quiz - - CAN YOU WRITE DOWN THE ANSWER TO ALL OF THEM?

HSC COURSE - Here's important information about all your HSC skills and pracs JUST CLICK HERE

STUDENT WORK can now be viewed on a separate page - see powerpoint presentations made by past and present students! Choose 'student work' from the Main Menu.

DONT FORGET THE CCCPHYSICS WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE GAME! Still in development, turn up your speakers and you can CLICK HERE if you'd like to try it now!


HSC students 2006- want your oral assessment assignment sheet?HERE IT IS!


Did you find something useful?
Leave a comment in the guestbook!

Are you in a bad mood?
Don't leave a comment in the guestbook!

Did you find something that didnt work for you?
Let me know in the guestbook and I will try to fix it for you.

Here is another useful school site where the Physics teacher recommends that his students SPEND SOME TIME!

Available now for you to revise for HSC - MULTIPLE CHOICE AND SHORT/LONG ANSWER QUIZZES (PASSWORD REQUIRED) - you can write down your answers then check them at the end of the quiz. GIVE YOURSELF A MARK THEN TRY IT AGAIN IF YOU WANT TO.GO THERE NOW!!!!(PASSWORD REQUIRED)

RUNNING JAVA APPLETS - A lot of simulations are Java Applets - Click HERE if you want tips for running Java Applets

FOR SOME LIGHT FUN - Try new 'BRAINPOP' - research site 22

HSC STUDENTS- Choose 'Current Topic Links' from the menu above for LINKS TO ALL INTERNET BASED PRACS that you need to complete and other USEFUL ANIMATIONS TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND DIFFICULT CONCEPTS.
Also for the HSC Class - MAKE SURE YOU REGULARLY PRACTISE THE QUIZZES available on the Powerpoint Presentations page - CLICK ON THE MENU LINK ABOVE!

PRELIM NEWS - All class powerpoint presentations have now been uploaded for your viewing (and studying) pleasure! (Click on the 'Powerpoint Presentations' link on the menu above)

*Use the space shuttle if you'd like to go to the research sites now - new topic links have been added at the bottom of the research sites pages, so try them now!

Classroom News

HSC Trials coming up

Year 12 visit Sydney Uni for the Kickstart programe every year

Night visits to the UWS Observatory
Possible Physics field trip/camp.
Visit to University of Sydney


Work due

Chapter Questions, KISS worksheets

GUESTBOOK: If you need to ask a question or register work completed, but you dont want the whole world to know, make your guestbook entry PRIVATE by checking the box at the end of your entry.
Make sure you've got all your pracs written up and textbook exercises completed. Visit this site frequently and familiarise yourself with all of the links on the menu above.


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Remember that all ads (in the pop-up windows etc.) you see on this site are not endorsed or recommended, but merely a consequence of having a free site.

Mr. Edwards

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