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This is my webpage devoted to getting fit and healthy. Well, it WAS until I underwent a year of misery including but not limited to gallbladder surgery which left me somewhat exercise-disabled for a while... and then there's the crap job I started with it's irregular hours, and the as-of-yet unexplained foot pain. Excuses excuses, I know. Oh, well. Thus far I've managed to keep off about 10 pounds which is about half of what I managed to lose in the first place. Not bad. And my foot is getting better... so it's not so much of an excuse anymore. Yay!

PS the e-mail link no longer works and my diary hasn't been used in a long time because I changed diary sites. I wanted to use the old one but the pop-ups got to be too much. For now I'm NOT linking to my new diary because while there isn't much annonymity right now I feel like I need some measure of it so, I'm not sharing.


01/22/04 Updated chart.

12/31/03 Updated chart and this page.

09/26/03 Updated chart and this page.

08/14/03 Updated this page.

This page has had visitors since March 31, 2002.