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Progress Pics

March 30, 2002- 221 pounds This would be the first of my "official weigh-in" photos (done on a non-weigh-in date). I was shocked that I still managed to squeeze my butt into this bathing suit from 4+ years ago. This photo is after having already lost about 17 pounds. I sure wish I'd thought to take a picture 17 pounds ago.
October 29, 2002- 214 pounds I decided I ought to at least see if there was a difference in 7 pounds. I see it, but I may be the only one!

The plan was originally that I would take a photo once a month. Instead, I'm waiting until I see some kind of a difference. This may not lead to many photos considering how many months it took until I got up even two sets to compare. By the way, I believe I was sucking it in for ALL of the pictures although it sure doesn't look like in the first set!