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What started me on this road to fitness and weightloss?

A lot of people call their "starting" point their epiphany. Usually it's one moment in their lives which brought them to the point that they knew they couldn't stand to be fat and/or unhealthy one more day. Not everyone has those single moments. Sometimes it comes gradually and sometimes it comes in one heart wrenching moment when you just KNOW things have to change.

For me, it was more gradual. Still, if I had to pick one moment that told me "this is it!" it occured after I decided I needed new work clothes. After losing my job, I couldn't stand the idea of going back to a job which would (once again) require any type of a uniform. Which meant I needed to trade in my standard jeans and t-shirt fare for something more professional. Unfortunately, since the time when I had last worked a non-uniform job I had grown at least a size. Which meant none of my clothes fit.

I was a size 20. And, unfortunately the "normal" stores in the mall don't usually carry clothes going past an 18. If you're lucky. So, I went searching on the internet. I came across two online stores which sold clothes in my size. I promptly bought them and when they arrived I discovered... they still didn't fit. That's right, I no longer fit a size 20!

It was then that I realised something HAD to change. It was bad enough to be beyond an 18, but to be OVER a size 20 was unacceptable. That meant I simply could NO LONGER shop in ANY of the normal stores. Only fat-lady stores for me. NO THANKS!

Thus, I began my quest for fitness. To lose weight and gain back the health that I'd long ago left behind.