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ATTENTION - Parents need to keep in mind, when your son/daughter joined the Sea Cadets or League Cadets; you have at some degree joined too. Sea Cadets is a non-profit, volunteer organization that relies heavily on the parents to support the efforts of the volunteer officers and instructors working with your cadets.


We have some events / activities coming up in hte next few months. It is the responsibility of each cadet to contact LTJG Wright, the Commanding Officer, at 337-540-3085 or by e-mail at to advise him of your commitment to participate. All cadets need to participate in all or as many events / activities as possible. LTJG Wright needs to know your commitment one week prior to the event / activity to make the appropriate transportation arrangements. You all know how important it is to do these events / activities, so show your commitment

ATTENDANCE: Attendance at drills is one of the Annual Inspection criteria for each unit so many units require Cadets to attend 75% of the division's regular drills. The cadet or parent should call the Executive Officer (XO), when it is necessary to miss a drill. If you are not able to reach the XO, then you will need to call the Commanding Officer (CO)and let him know. If a cadet misses too many drills or does not call when he/she is going to be absent, the cadet could be put on probation or expelled from the unit.

COURSES: Make sure you're all working on course work. If you don't have a CD with all the courses on it, inform your chain of command so we can fix that. This applies to all cadets. As a reminder, course assignments can be mailed to the Commanding Officer so you don't have to wait until a drill to turn in courses. The sooner you finish your courses, the sooner you can test and move up in the ranks. Also, the BMR course has to be completed be for you can go to Recruit Training Camp (boot camp).

RECRUITING: Let's keep at this issue. The unit can only benefit from more people, cadets and adult leadership alike. Talk to your friends, neighbors, etc. and spread the word about our program. We have some literature available if you want something to pass out. Let the CO or XO know what you need.

COMMUNICATION: It is the responsibility of all of you to ensure your chain of command is informed of you plans for drill attendance. All cadets should call their immediate superior 3-4 days before drill to let them know if you are coming or not. Officers and Instructors should inform the CO or XO. Remember, this communication flows up, not the other way. The LPO and Squad Leaders should not be expected to call everyone in their division. The National Headquarters requirement of 75% drill attendance will be strictly enforced for all hands.

PERSONAL GROOMING: Good grooming and personal appearance instills pride and self-confidence in U.S. Naval Sea Cadets. All cadets are expected to be clean and well groomed at all times. Uniforms are expected to be clean and pressed with all patches and nametaps attached securely in the proper position. You will be taught grooming customs and traditions early so they may move into the regular unit with as little disruption as possible. You can help by being aware of the following grooming standards and reminding yourself and others that these are the grooming expectations while in uniform.

MALES: Hair must be short, above ears, no sideburns and no facial hair. Nails trimmed even with end of finger and clean. No earring to be worn, a religious medal may be worn if it is not visible.

FEMALES: Hair must not fall below the bottom of the collar. If long, it must be put up and pinned flat against the head. Ponytails and braids are not allowed. Hairpins should match the hair color. Makeup should be light and natural looking if worn and jewelry should be one pair of silver ball earrings only. A religious medal may be worn if not visible. Fingernails may not be more than 1/4 inch past the end of finger. The use of light natural nail polish is acceptable.

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