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I would like to take this time to wish everyone affected by Hurricane Katrina the best. Our prayers are with you and the country.

I still would like to take this opportunity to remind all cadets and officers of our core values in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps:

HONOR - "I will bear true faith and allegiance..." Conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subbordinates. Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other and with those outside the USNSCC. Abide by an incompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word. We are accountable for our behavior.

COURAGE - "I will support and defend..." To meet the demands of the USNSCC, even through they may appear demanding or difficult. It is the value that gives us the strength to do what is right, even in the face of adversity.

COMMITMENT - "I will obey the orders..." Accordingly, we will demand respect up and down the chain of command. We will care for the safety, professional, personal and spiritual well being of our people. And we will show respect toward all people without regard to race, or gender...

Furthermore, I wish to remind every cadet and officer that I will stringently enforce the regulations and standards set forth by USNSCC-NHQ. I would encourage everyone to bring these matters to their attention. We are about to embark on a new journey for this unit. We will be second to none in our region.

I would like to talk about the Cadet of the Month and Cadet of the Year programs. Every cadet has the potential to earn these awards. There are specific standards used by the officers of the unit to determine who will be the candidate for the cadet of the month and year award. All cadets will be judged by the following criteria: *Attendance, *Military Bearing, *Rate Progression, *Leadership, *Pride in the Unit, * Moral Character, and *Adherence to Uniform Regulations. So, now you know what is asked of you. I hope to see everyone trying for the awards.

Congratulations to PO2 Brian Latiolais on his promotion to Petty Officer 2nd Class. Well Done...

Also, congratulations to the following cadets as they come apart of the Sea Cadet family: Sea Cadets - John Cade Marcotte from Sulphur. League Cadets - Jordan Jenkins from Lafayette. Welcome aboard...

LTJG Chad Wright, NSCC
Commanding Officer

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