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U. S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps

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National Sea Cadet Website
Sea Cadet Resources Page
Sea Cadet Training Page
Sea Cadet Ship's Store
Uniform Nametapes


Sea Cadet organizations exist in most of the maritime nations of the world. Recognizing the value of these organizations in educating youth in maritime matters, the Department of the Navy requested the Navy League of the United States to establish a similar program for American youth. The Navy League agreed to do so and formally established the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) and Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) in 1958.

The basic objectives of both programs are: (1) to help young Americans become more patriotic and responsible citizens, and (2) to help young Americans understand the role of the maritime services in national defense and in maintaining the economic viability of our nation.

On September 10, 1962, the NSCC was federally incorporated by Congress under Public Law 87-655 as a non-profit civilian education organization, a legal entity separate from the Navy League. This law was later amended to permit enrollment of young women in the Corps. The objectives and purposes of the NSCC as in this law (as amended) are: "...through organization and cooperation with the Department of the Navy, to encourage and aid American youth to develop, train them in seagoing skills, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance and kindred virtues."

Today, the NSCC has formed partnerships with organizations such as the Foundation for Teaching Economics and the Flying Midshipman Association to offer cadets broader opportunities in areas of leadership and aviation. The NSCC also took an active part in the creation of the International Sea Cadet Association (ISCA). The ISCA is an association of Sea Cadet Corps' from around the world, whose main objective is to facilitate exchanges of cadets between member countries.

In order to join the Naval Sea Cadet Corps one must meet the following criteria:

· Be between the ages of 13 and 17.
· Be a citizen or legal resident of the U.S.
· Be in good health and pass a qualifying physical examination.
· Be a full time student and maintain satisfactory grades (2.00 "C" grade point average).
· Be free of felony convictions.

Depending on the rate achieved in the Naval Sea Cadets, former cadets may be eligible to enlisted in the armed forces at an advanced pay grade. Being a member honorably discharged from the Corps is looked upon favorably by military academy and ROTC selection boards. Also those cadets who are accepted to a four-year university may be eligible for scholarships.

The Naval Sea Cadet Corps provides its cadets the opportunity to develop at an early age character and qualities of a good and productive citizen.


I promise to serve God, honor our flag, abide by Naval Sea Cadet Corps Regulations, and carry out the orders of the officers appointed over me, and so conduct myself as a credit to myself, my unit, Naval Sea Cadet Corps, the Navy, and Country.


The U.S. Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC) is for boys and girls, at least 11 but not yet 14 years old, who are interested in the sea and ships, and our nations seagoing services. The Navy League program is designed to introduce young people to maritime and military life, and to prepare them for later entrance into the Naval Sea Cadet Corps.

Cadets meet or "drill" at their local unit weekly or monthly through out the year. A unit is structured along military lines and is headed by a Commanding Officer. Units may drill on military bases, at reserve centers, local schools, or community centers.

Navy League units are organized as Training Ships or companies. NLCC training ships and companies are often affiliated with Sea Cadet units and most often drill on the same day and at the same location as their sister unit.

Like Sea Cadet units, the NLCC training ship and company has one main purpose, and that is to foster teamwork, camaraderie and an understanding of the military command structure among cadets.

Cadets are instructed by both Sea Cadet Officers and senior Sea Cadets through classroom and applied instruction in subjects such as basic seamanship, military drill, and leadership. And most regions throughout the country hold weekend competitions where training ships and companies compete with each other to test their seamanship and military skills.

Navy League cadets are trained in nautical skill such as knot tying and splicing, signaling, water safety and swimming, first aid, and even fire fighting. Cadets are instructed in military drill and discipline and are taught from a syllabus covering naval history to ship nomenclature. Navy League cadets also tour ships and bases and participate in community events such as parades and fairs.

In addition, cadets have the opportunity to participate in weekend long competitions and one week long summer training held on Navy and Coast Guard bases. Week long summer training is comprised of NLCC Cadet Orientation or "mini boot camp" for new cadets, and advanced training for senior cadets.

NLCC boot camp provides intense training in military and naval subjects and an introduction to the military atmosphere. NLCC advanced training provides senior cadets with training in leadership, boat safety, and subjects relevant to prepare cadets for the Sea Cadets.

In order to join the Naval Sea Cadet Corps one must meet the following criteria:
· Be between the ages of 11 and 14.
· Be a citizen or legal resident of the U.S.
· Be in good health and pass a qualifying physical examination.
· Be a full time student and maintain satisfactory grades (2.00 "C" grade point average).
· Be free of felony convictions.

For more info on the program, you can contact you local Navy recruiter or the following people;

LTJG Chad Wright
Commanding Officer

ENS Tim McGraw
Executive Officer
(337) 794-9503

Webmaster: LTJG Chad Wright -

Cadet webmaster: CPO Corbin McGraw -