Hunter 25.5 Pros and Cons:
(1) Inexpensive, lots of boat for the money.
(2) Quite large for a 25.5 sailboat. Not a lot of headroom, but you get a
private v-berth and room for two to sleep under the cockpit. The sink in the
front is a nice touch. The interior in general is a big selling point.
(3) Fast boat in light air. With a big genoa, we can move when other boats are
sitting still. Fairly fast in moderate to heavy air as well.
(4) Easy boat to sail, with all controls led back to the cockpit. I singlehand
ours easily.
(1) Lightly built. Obviously, this boat wasn't made for the ocean. Of course,
you won't find many 25 footers that were. Fine for the lake.
(2) A bit tender. Needs to be reefed fairly early. Kind of fun to take new folks
out and watch their faces as the boat goes to 50 degrees of heel, though!
(3) Develops strong weather-helm when heeling over 30 degrees. Again, this is
common with modern hulls. Easy to remedy by moving traveler to leeward and/or
luffing the main in gusts.
(4) The non-skid in the cockpit and on deck (kind of a diamond-waffle pattern)
works fairly well, but is a royal pain to clean and nearly impossible to repair
since you can't duplicate the pattern.
(5) The icebox is a little hard to access (deep, back in a corner). Ours didn't
drain properly so I had to add a bilge pump to pump it dry after each use.
(6) The slots for the sliding top don't drain well--water collects at the front,
where it rots out the strip of wood that holds the top down. Rubber bumpers in
that same location break off so that you have an open screw-hole draining water
into the pop-top. Not sure if this is a design flaw or the boat just sits higher
at the stern than planned.
(7) The cockpit drains are nice and simple (thru-hulls right out the back) but
they aren't flush with the floor, so water collects and dirties the rear of the
cockpit...minor annoyance.