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Issue 1

from Donna Harper and Jim McConnel, Co-Coordinators of the CSPA Program

We are very honored and excited to have you as a part of our graduate program. We believe our program will provide a strong foundation for your future opportunities and success as a professional in the student affairs field. Through your willingness to learn, your academic work, your involvement in the assistantships and practica, your critical thinking, and your conversations you will experience many avenues of challenge and support throughout your two years. You will be successful if you open your mind, listen, exchange ideas, manage your time, seek out opportunities, create balance, and practice what you are learning. We look forward to having you as a part of JMU! You will receive more information from your assistantship and the program later in the summer. Don't hesitate to email or call us when you have questions or ideas. See you in August!

Donna & Jim

Look for more updates to this site throughout the summer. If you have any additional questions about the program, feel free to send an email to

Issue 2

From Chris Gatesman, Associate Director of University Housing:
Fasten your seat belts! You are about to take the ride of your life! What lies ahead for you over the next two years will challenge you academically, professionally and personally. When you pack to come to JMU, be sure to bring with you your sense of adventure, an open mind, enthusiasm, and a willingness to roll up your sleeves. The opportunities are here to prepare you for a professional life in Student Affairs. How well you’re prepared will depend on you. I encourage you to meet regularly with your advisor to make sure you are having the fullest and most meaningful experience possible. I recommend that you actively participate in your classes. If you work to learn and understand first, then the grades will follow. Finally, with the help of your colleagues here in Student Affairs, learn to balance your academics, your work and your personal lives. I truly believe that the advice I’ve given you here will assure you that your “ride” through the CSPA graduate program will be exhilarating, thrilling and satisfying. I look forward to meeting and welcoming you in August.

From Jessy Rosenberg, CSPA 2nd Year:
Welcome fellow CSPA students! I am happy that you chose to join the JMU graduate program. I think you will find a very supportive and inclusive environment for you to learn in. In my time here at JMU I have learned more about myself, become connected to my classmates and discovered a lot about my chosen profession. I only hope that you have a similar experience. I look forward to meeting you in August and wish you the best for the adventure ahead of you! Go Dukes!

Issue 3

From Shannon Kennan, Assistant Director of University Information:
Welcome to JMU and congratulations on your acceptance into the CSPA class of 2004. Just around the corner are two years filled with learning, personal growth, challenges, friendships and accomplishments. It will feel like a whirlwind at times, but will be something you are very proud of in the end. I am a proud alum of the program and can say that what I learned during my years at JMU is the foundation I use in my career and my personal life. I offer three words of wisdom:
  • Connect. Relationships are an important part of the CSPA program. Before you come to JMU in August, connect with your assistantship supervisor, program advisor, and CSPA Buddy. They will not only be able to answer your questions but will be a friendly face in a new place.
  • Balance. It will be easy to get overwhelmed by schoolwork, assistantship and practicum requirements. Know that this is normal and plan your time to maintain balance in your life. Intentionally schedule time for a social life, exercise, spiritual services, down time, family, and anything else you need to remain happy and healthy.
  • Invest. What you put into the program is what you will get out. The magical thing about JMU's program is that it teaches you as much about yourself as it does developmental theory, research, and psychology. Challenge yourself. Look for ways you can extend your comfort zone, knowledge and abilities. Apply what you learn in the classroom to what you see happening at work and within yourself. It will make all the difference between just skating by and really learning.
Again, congratulations on your acceptance and welcome to JMU. We are all eager to meet you and get to know you during the next two years. Enjoy the rest of your summer and we’ll see you in August!

From Dr. Renee Staton, Professor in the School of Psychology:
Welcome Class of 2004! I hope you're enjoying your summer and preparing to begin an amazing journey here at JMU in the fall. I believe you're going to find that the CSPA program will offer you numerous opportunities for involvement and growth -- personally and professionally. You can be ready for your journey by determining now how you're going to make the most of your graduate training. Several faculty in the School of Psychology have gotten together to write a book, "Thriving! A Manual for Students in the Helping Professions." When writing the book we collaborated with students and identified several principles that helped them not only survive but thrive in graduate school. The first principle, which is most relevant for you right now, is Pack Wisely. As you prepare to come to JMU in August, consider what you'll be bringing with you. In addition to your clothes, books, computer, and CDs, what will be vital for you to flourish at JMU? I encourage you to bring with you your best repertoire of personal resources: academic skills, commitment to learning, self-care and coping skills, and, perhaps most importantly, an open mind. How you begin your journey has a direct bearing on where you end up, so take time to plan and pack wisely. You'll be better prepared to thrive in the journey ahead.

From Lulu Barrueco Kaliher, CSPA 2nd Year:
Try to come early and get all your personal stuff out of the way before you start your assistantship and/or CSPA orientation. The last thing you want to deal with is trying to get insurance, etc. during the day and trying to find parking on campus.
From Carla Moore, CSPA 2nd Year:
Use your resources. Previous CSPAers and their work that have gone before you and your own classmates are the best resources you have at your disposal. It is not about reinventing the wheel but using what you already know is an excellent device.
From Jess Manno, CSPA 2nd Year:
You are not alone! Everyone at JMU is very helpful and energetic so don't be afraid to ask how to open your mailbox or where Moody Hall is located! We have one of the most amazing programs to be a part of and the opportunities are exactly what you make them! Go out on a limb and try something new, I promise it will be great! Congratulations first years and welcome to CSPA and JMU!

JMU Jargon
  • B-Dubs/BW3’s: Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant.
  • Blackboard: The digital message board/community interface used for some of your classes.
  • CEO: (1) Creating Excellent Organizations, a workshop series offered to clubs and organizations through Student Organization Services. (2) Career Education Officer, a student assistant in the office of Academic Advising and Career Development.
  • CHOICES: (1) A preview program for incoming admitted high school seniors offered through the Office of Admissions. (2) A workshop on making healthy choices about sexual activity offered through the University Health Center.
  • CISAT: College of Integrated Science and Technology (it’s a college, a side of campus, and a building).
    • CISAT the college: The School of Psychology falls under CISAT and the CSPA program falls under the School of Psychology.
    • CISAT the side of campus: CISAT is also used to refer to the part of campus across the interstate.
    • CISAT the building: CISAT considers ISAT/CS (the Integrated Science and Technology/Computer Science) and HHS (Health and Human Services) two separate buildings, but they’re connected, so if you walk into the building shown below you can get to either one you need. Your orientation will be held here.
  • CLST: Center for Leadership, Service, and Transitions. Home of Service Learning, Orientation, and First Year Programs.
  • CMISS: Center for Multicultural and International Student Services.
  • Convo: The Convocation Center, a facility used for large events (concerts, graduation, basketball games).
  • Devo: Residence Life term for a Staff Developmental Meeting.
  • Duke’s: PC Dukes, a dining facility in the Phillips Center.
  • I-Doc: Incident Documentation. Used by the Office of Residence Life and Judicial Affairs.
  • "Jack" Card: JMU Access Card. See FAQ’s for more information.
  • OCL: Off-Campus Life.
  • ORL: Office of Residence Life.
  • TDU: Taylor Down Under. Home of Off-Campus Life, billiards, sofas, and a coffee bar.
  • The Dodger: Artful Dodger, a downtown coffeeshop.
  • The Loft: Lounge on the 4th floor of Warren.
  • UCC: University and College Centers (Warren, Taylor, and the College Center on the CISAT side of campus).
  • UREC: University Recreation Center.
  • VASPA: Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators. A statewide conference in the Fall.