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Sailor Name: Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon
Japanese: Tsukina Usagi (literally: Rabbit on the Moon).
English Name: Serena, nickname Bunny in the comic
Other Names: Princess Serenity (Serena), Neo-Queen Serenity,
) Height: 4'11", 150 cm
Age: 14
Birthday: June 30
Astrological sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O
Gemstone: diamond
Favorite Color: white and pink
Favorite Food: ice cream, Candy, and Sweet stuff
Least Favorite Food: carrots
Favorite Subject: Home Economics, Music
Worst Subject: Math, English
Favorite Pastimes: playing video games, shopping, and eating
Favorite Animal: bunny rabbit and LunaV
Hate to see: dentists, ghosts
Strong Points: whining, crying
Club She's In: Drawing Club (although the girls thought she drew a pig when she drew Luna) Dream: to be a bride; but don't worry too much about the future, just wait for it to come ^.^
Mythology: The name Serena (from the dub) is a spin-off from Princess Serenity (in the Japanese version). Serenity comes from the Greek myth about Selene, the goddess of the moon. Selene fell in love with the handsome young shepherd Endymion (think of Prince Endymion?), who she lulled into an eternal sleep so that he could never leave her. Selene is often identified with the Olympian goddess of the moon, Artemis. Also, the name Serenity may have also come from the dark spot on the moon called the "Sea of Serenity."