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Only 30% of us can flare our nostrils.

21% of us don't make our bed daily.

5% of us never do.

Men do 29% of laundry each week.

Only 7% of women trust their husbands to do it correctly.

40% of women have hurled footwear at a man.

85% of men don't use the slit in their underwear.

67.5% of men wear tightie whities (briefs).

The average bra size today is 36C whereas 10 years ago it was a 34B.

85% of women wear the wrong bra size.

82% believe in an afterlife.

45% believe in ghosts.

13% (mostly men) have spent a night in jail.

29% of us are virgins when we marry.

58.4% have called into work sick when we weren't.

10% of us switch tags in the store to pay less for an item.

69% eat the cake before the frosting.

When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the carton.

22% of all restaurant meals include French fries.

22% leave the glob of toothpaste in the sink.

Nearly 1/3 of U.S. women color their hair.

9% of women and 8% of men have had cosmetic surgery.

53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on.

58% of women paint their nails regularly.

46.5% of men say they ALWAYS put the seat down after they've used the toilet, yet women claim to ALWAYS find it up.

55.2% will let someone else come in the bathroom while they're using the toilet.

39% of us peek in our host's bathroom cabinet.

17% have been caught by the host.

81.3% would tell an acquaintance to zip his pants.

29% of us ignore RSVP.

71.6% of us eavesdrop.

56% of women do the bills in a marriage.

2 out of 3 of us wouldn't give up our spouse even for a night for a million bucks.

53% read their horoscopes regularly.

28% of us have skinny-dipped.

14% with the opposite sex.

Only 4% asked the parents' approval for their bride's hand.

1 in 5 men proposed on his knees.

6% propose over the phone.

2/3 of us speed up at a yellow light.

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