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"How To Send A Page"

If you've never sent a page to someone else before,
Just follow one of these easy instructions.


1.   Prepare an E-mail to your friend as you normally would.

2.   "Copy" (Control+C) the address (URL-http://) of the Page you would like to send.

3.   "Paste" (Control+V) or "Type" it into the new E-mail message.

4.   "Send" via E-mail!

If you would like, you can also add a personal message with your E-mail.


1.   Press the "Send" button.

2.   Type in the addy of where you want the page sent, or click on your address book.

3.   Press "Send" and it is on way!


(Adding a Hyperlink to your E-Mail:)

1.   Place the web page you want to send in your Favorite Places.

2.   Click the "Favorite Places" icon on the Toolbar to see the list of your Favorite Web Pages.

3.   Choose the web page that you would like to add to your E-mail message.

4.   Click and drag the little heart icon in your Favorite Places folder into the Message section of your Compose Mail window.  A blue hyperlink will appear.

Tip: You can make a Hyperlink say what you want it to say.  In your mail, highlight the entire hyperlink with your mouse.  Next, type a word or phrase that you think accurately describes the link.  Your hyperlink is now personalized!

5.   Address your mail,  add a Subject,  click "Send,"  and you're done!


(If you don't know what ICQ is, you probably don't have it.)

1.   Go to the web page you want to send.

2.   "Open" your ICQ contact list.

3.   "Highlight" the person(s) you wish to send the URL to by left-clicking your mouse on their   name.

4.   Once it's highlighted, right-click your mouse and select "Web Page Address: URL" from the menu.

5.   A new Box will pop open.  The URL and the name of the site will automatically appear.

6.   You can add a description or a personal message if you wish.

7.   Click on "Send" and you are done! Note:If the address doesn't fill in automatically, just type the address in the line that says "URL."

You can also send the page to MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS by clicking the "More" button,  checking all the names you would like,  and clicking on "Send."

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