Telepathy (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 1
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 1
As the charm person spell, except as noted here.
Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways.
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power can also affect an animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power can also affect an aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider in addition to the creature types mentioned above.
3. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power’s duration increases to one day per level.
In addition, for every 2 additional power points you spend to achieve any of these effects, this power’s save DC increases by 1.
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One willing creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 1
You protect the subject’s thoughts from analysis. While the duration lasts, the subject gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks against those attempting to discern its true intentions with Sense Motive. It also gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw against any power or spell used to read its mind (such as read thoughts or mind probe).
Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1
Display: Auditory and visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone -shaped emanation centered on you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1
You detect psionic auras. A psionic aura is given off by any active or permanent power, or during the use of any psionic feat. Characters who have levels in a psionic class, creatures with the psionic subtype, and creatures with the Wild Talent feat possess psionic auras. The amount of information revealed by the manifestation of this power depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.
1st Round: Presence or absence of psionic auras.
2nd Round: Number of different psionic auras and the strength of the most potent aura.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Psicraft checks to determine the discipline involved in each aura. (Make one check per aura; DC 15 + power level, or 15 + one-half manifester level for an effect that is not created by a power, such as that of a psionic item.)
Psionically charged locations, multiple disciplines, or strong local psionic emanations may confuse or conceal weaker auras.
Aura Strength: A psionic aura’s strength depends on a functioning power’s level or an item’s manifester level. If an aura falls into more than one category, detect psionics indicates the stronger of the two. Detection of an overwhelming aura (see the accompanying table) dazes you for 1 round and the power ends.
Psionics |
—————— Aura Strength —————— |
Power or Item |
Faint |
Moderate |
Strong |
Overwhelming |
Functioning power (power level) |
3rd or lower |
4th–6th |
7th–9th |
10th+ (deity-level) |
Psionic item (manifester level) |
5th or lower |
6th–11th |
12th–20th |
21st+ (artifact) |
Lingering Aura: A psionic aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a power) or is destroyed (in the case of a psionic item). If detect psionics is manifested and directed at such a location, the power indicates an aura of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original strength:
Strength |
Duration |
Faint |
1d6 minutes |
Moderate |
1d6 x 10 minutes |
Strong |
1d6 hours |
Overwhelming |
1d6 days |
Each round, you can turn to detect psionics in a new area. You can tell the difference between magical and psionic auras. The power can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 1
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels); see text
Targets: You and one other willing creature within range that has an Intelligence score of 3 or higher
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None; see text
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 1
You forge a telepathic bond with your target. You can communicate telepathically through the bond even if you do not share a common language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another).
Augment: You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways.
1. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can attempt to create a telepathic bond with a creature that is not willing (Will save negates).
2. For every additional power point you spend, this power can affect an additional target. Any additional target cannot be more than 15 feet from another target of the power.
Telepathy (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion/wilder 1
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 1
You alter the subject’s mood, adjusting its attitude toward you by one step in a positive direction. For instance, an unfriendly creature can be made indifferent, or a hostile creature unfriendly. You can grant a +4 bonus on your own (or others’) Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, or Sense Motive checks involving the affected creature.
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion/wilder 2
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 3
You generate a mental wave of confusion that instantly sweeps out from your location. All creatures you designate in the affected area (you can choose certain creatures to be unaffected) must make a Will save or become dazed for 1 round.
Augment: You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways.
1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power’s save DC increases by 1.
2. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power’s range and the radius of its area both increase by 5 feet.
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 2
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation centered on you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 3
You know the surface thoughts of the mind of any creature in the area that fails a Will save. A target that succeeds on its save is not affected by this manifestation of the power, even if it leaves the area and then reenters the area before the duration expires.
Creatures of animal intelligence have simple, instinctual thoughts that you can pick up. If you read the thoughts of a creature with an Intelligence of 26 or higher (and at least 10 points higher than your own Intelligence score), you are stunned for 1 round and the power ends. This power does not let you pinpoint the location of an affected mind if you don’t have line of sight to the subject.
Each round, you can turn to use this power in a new area. The power can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Language-Dependent]
Level: Telepath 2
Display: Auditory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level or until completed
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 3
As the suggestion spell, except as noted here.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power can affect an additional target. Any additional target cannot be more than 15 feet from another target of the power.
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Psion/wilder 2
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 min./level
Power Points: 3
As the tongues spell, except as noted here. This power does not enable you to speak with creatures immune to mind-affecting powers.
Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 3
Display: Auditory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target: One breathing humanoid
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, Fortitude partial; see text
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 5
You compel the subject to purge its entire store of air in one explosive exhalation, and thereby disrupt the subject’s autonomic breathing cycle. The subject’s lungs do not automatically function again while the power’s duration lasts.
If the target succeeds on a Will save when crisis of breath is manifested, it is unaffected by this power. If it fails its Will save, it can still continue to breathe by taking a standard action in each round to gasp for breath.
An affected creature can attempt to take actions normally (instead of consciously controlling its breathing), but each round it does so, beginning in the round when it failed its Will save, the subject risks blacking out from lack of oxygen. It must succeed on a Fortitude save at the end of any of its turns in which it did not consciously take a breath. The DC of this save increases by 1 in every consecutive round after the first one that goes by without a breath; the DC drops back to its original value if the subject spends an action to take a breath.
If a subject fails a Fortitude save, it is disabled (0 hp). In the following round, it drops to –1 hit points and is dying. Curing powers or spells can revive a dying subject normally, so long as this power’s duration has expired; if the power is still in effect, a revived creature is still subject to Fortitude saves in each round when it does not consciously breathe.
Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways.
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power can also affect an animal, fey, giant, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power can also affect an aberration, dragon, elemental, or outsider in addition to the creature types mentioned above.
3. If you spend 6 additional power points, this power can affect up to four creatures all within a 20-ft.-radius burst.
In addition, for every 2 additional power points you spend to achieve any of these effects, this power’s save DC increases by 1.
Level: Psion/wilder 3
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 50 ft.
Targets: You and all invisible creatures and objects in a 50-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 5
You radiate a psychokinetic burst that disrupts and negates all types of invisibility (though this power can’t negate the effect of cloud mind). Any creature that fails its save to avoid the effect loses its invisibility.
Creatures that are naturally invisible, such as an invisible stalker, are revealed as a dim outline for 1 round (until the beginning of your next turn) and do not have total concealment during this period.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, this power’s range and the radius of the burst in which it functions both increase by 5 feet.
Psychokinesis [Force]
Level: Psion/wilder 3
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target: One object at a time
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (object); see text
Power Resistance: Yes (object)
Power Points: 5
You move an object by concentrating your mind upon its current location and then the location you desire, creating a sustained force. You can move an object weighing no more than 250 pounds up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate the effect on an object it possesses with a successful Will save or with power resistance. The weight can be moved across the ground or through the air. This power ends if the object is forced out of range. If you cease concentration, the object falls or stops.
You can drop a weight and pick up another during the power’s duration, as long as you don’t stop concentrating on maintaining the power. An object can be telekinetically manipulated as if you were moving it with one hand.
If you spend at least 5 rounds concentrating on an unattended object, you can attempt to break or burst it as if making a Strength check, except that you apply your key ability modifier to the check instead of your Strength modifier.
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, the weight limit of the target increases by 25 pounds.
Level: Psion/wilder 3
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target or Targets: One or more objects or creatures with a total weight of 250 lb. or less
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates or Will negates (object); see text
Power Resistance: Yes or Yes (object); see text
Power Points: 5
You can affect one or more objects or creatures by concentrating your mind upon, sending them in a deadly hail at your foes—or simply by hurling your foe! You can hurl one object or creature per manifester level (maximum fifteen separate targets), as long as all are within the power’s range and each is no more than 10 feet away from another one. Each object or creature can be hurled a maximum distance of 10 feet per level.
You must succeed on ranged attack rolls (one per creature or object thrown) to hit the target of the hurled items with the items, applying your Intelligence modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier. Hurled weapons deal their standard damage (your Strength bonus does not apply; arrows or bolts deal damage as daggers of their size when used in this manner). Other objects deal damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds of weight (for less dangerous objects such as an empty barrel) to 1d6 points per 25 pounds of weight (for hard, dense objects such as a boulder).
Creatures are allowed Will saves (and power resistance) to negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are targeted by this power.
If you use this power to hurl a creature against a solid surface, it takes damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).
Augment: For every additional power point you spend, the weight limit of the target or targets increases by 25 pounds.