Untouched's Dolls
Part 3
Here are my newest dolls that I completely
made on my own..If any of you come out and try to say
that she/he saw these dollz somehwere else , i can kill that
person..b/c it took ages to make all those dolls..It took
away so many things from me..So you cant see these dolls
any where else if that person didnt steal my dolls..im
telling again , these dolls below are completely MINE.
Mini Skirt & Cheerleader Dolls Latest Fashion Creasions
Casual ,But Elegant Clothes & Dolls
New Fashion Clothes With Crazy-Sexy-Cool Dolls Casual Ones
Sporty , But Smart Dolls
Crazy-Sexy-Cool Party Dolls
Free search engine submission and placement
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