..Angie'z Picture File..
Pictures in General
Note: Some of these pictures are blurry because of the scanning that was done and them being made smaller or bigger. Thnx to Samantha 'n Rachelle for the pictures lol..
:) hi jamie's sexy body
this is me when my black hair was new and rachelli (halloween '04)
Rachelle Jana and me before goin' out for Halloween :) (2004)
It's Chasse! Watch out for them there squirrels!
From left to right: Lauren, Rachelle and Me (giving 'the look'), and Melanie trying to hide from the camera unsuccessfully
Me, when I had longer hair
*Grinz* Rachelli, lookin' sharp.. that's my hand, btw..
OMG it's a Brody! lol
Brody again :)
Rachelle's on the Left, I'm on the Right.. we're in our Halloween outfits lol.. (there's more of our Halloween photo's comin' soon..)
Preston, Halloween style
Me with long hair again..
Here i'm @ Lauren's awsome b-day party.. with my hair long again.. 'n, i'm givin' the "what the hell are you doing?" look >=D
James Babs in grade 9 :)
Whoohoo! Preston ;) you sexy thang. lol, don't ya dare say you're not ..
:) it's my baby doggies! .. :*( i miss you Tika..
this is a rather awkward picture, taken @ rach's party.. i'm givin' vannie a kotc while taking the pic tho.. :D
same party.. looks like van is getting a little TOO sexed up with the starburst un-wrapping-age lol
Yay! it's rachelli doin' her fablicious pose teehee!
Whoa! now she's wearing a hat! she's just too HIP! (or is she frustrated in purple?
Dear god.. it's me.. i'm wearing a cyote UGLY shirt.. *hint much?*..
Funny Pictures =P~
lol the broom came right out at me and Rachie caught it on film