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.::*Softly Falling*::.



Note: The entries go from the oldest ones at the top to the newer ones at the bottom!

October 25th, 2002

Did anyone notice what a scary movie The Ring is? I know i sure did! LoL.. all week whenever i'm alone i've been really scared that a girl with long black hair is gonna jump out and KILL me! Anyway.. all insanity aside.. school is tiring.. but i got to take pretty pictures of Mel.. on her webcam.. and pictures of me, although i'm not exactly "pretty" but ya know, whatever you'd like to call me.. So, Melanie claims that she was gonna die, 'cause she saw Meghan Allan's ginormous gut hanging out of her low riders.. okay, it was PAST the hip line.. for those of you that are slightly overweight.. i know how comfy those low riders are, granting i only have one pair and i wear them with sweaters 'cause let's face it .. i'm fugly as well.. but c'mon, you're not britney spears! and you don't WANT to be!!! lol..bit off topic, but there ya go.. also, i found out that WE'RE GOIN' TO FLORIDA BABY YEAH! okay, so it takes 4 days 6 hours to get there on the bus for just one way.. and we'll only stay there for three more days.. but ya know what.. that's just peachy.. and the Halloween dance is this week, and i'm so psyched, 'cause i have the RADDEST costume.. i'll post a picture up here when there's one available.. so yeah, that's my week.. so far.. and in a spooky twist, tonight is the 7th night (it's now Friday the 25th of October..) since i've seen The Ring... heelp meee..

WebCam Picture Samples (with captions)

Go To "WebCam" Link to See The Rest..

Me, tryin' somethin' funky with Mel's bro's hat lol

OHMIGOSH it's the red bandana rebel! Watch out, Mr. Hiduk lol

October 27th, 2002

Gaaad.. Oki, well I went on the Halloween haunted Trainride with Lauren and I just got back, it's like 7:30 p.m... lol, god it was hilarious, because lauren kept on screaming.. yeah, i got a bit freaked out when the first guy with a chainsaw came along- i thought he was gonna hurt me LoL.. Good fun :D.. I didn't get to hang with Chris today though, which was stupid, 'cause i never get to.. e.e;. oh well! i freaked out, 'cause i had so much bloody homework, and yeah.. lol i just got off of my 2-day sleepover with Mel; that was pretty fun too.. we watched her bro's soccer game, he's fucking awsome! Mel's whole family seems to be soccer people.. kind of like my family were hockey people, and lacross people.. oh! here's a little tip: didja know that lacross means "The Stick"? lol.. okay, 16 hours of sleep on a long weekend and this is the result.. i'm even stupider than usual..

and by supider i mean more stupid.

November 3rd, 2002

Hey! Wowza, Halloween was a blast, despite the fact that Lauren lost her bag and had to eat candy between houses 'cause her pockets couldn't fit all of 'em in! lol.. soon she was complainin' about being close to puking.. but she always says that, so naturally i, being her best friend, ignored it.. lol.. well, she was serious, but luckily she didn't blow chunks.. umm.. yeah there was something that was bugging me on good ol' Hallows' Eve.. We Forgot Paul!! But not to worry, i got him a bag of candy.. 'n next year, we're gonna have a blast, ain't that right Paul? :D.. hehe.. well, Rachelle took pictures of me, lauren and her as 'punks' for halloween.. although, i looked more like a goth.. so, we're gonna put 'em up on the 'Webcam' link ASAP.. so check it out when it's up lol.. OH! and, for the Halloween dance i danced with Patrik *drool* and James Kurk *double drool* and yeah i had a blast there too.. danced 'till my legs fell off, and that's A LOT of dancin'.. i'm getting new shoes today, and it's about fuckin' time 'cause my other shitty shoes ripped from me goin' cliff climbing without a harness on.. (i swear i'm not stupid).. anywho.. i also managed somehow to slice my finger open in my kitchen SINK.. lol! how did i manage that? let's just say that the drain opening is sharper than meets the eye! Last night i had a good time at Jana's, 'cause we played Mario party.. and i finally got a star.. and then i had to go.. lol but on the good side, we made more hemp braclets and necklaces and she showed me how! gah.. gotta go buy shoes, 'n hopefully catch an rp with Jag 'n Pressie..

November 4th, 2002

Hey guys.. gah, I had to leave school after gym early today, after running the mile run i made a pretty good time with Vanessa, we got 8:22! yay! except, those goddamned cramps started AGAIN.. and they were worse this time, and Ms. Klassen told me to hit the medical room with Vannie with me lol.. so then she called my mom and now i'm goin' to a the doctors (finally) to check it out.. since there's definately somethin' wrong.. MMMM CANDY! well, how peachy.. the battle for Ben Shorter begins yet again lol.. yeah, he's hot but C'MON PPL enough with the struggle to get into his pants! :D haw haw.. jay kay.. i -think-.. well my shoes are pretty nifty, they aren't skate shoes like i wanted, 'cause my mom wants something i can actually run in.. you know me.. always running... (from jeremy after sackin' him..).. but, i KNOW i'm gettin' some for christmas! I JUST GOTTA! and, if Brody reads this, caaaaaaall meeeee :'( lol.. well, it sucks that I didn't get to hang out in the downstairs hallway today.. actually I did.. but i didn't really talk, except for to Jamie (aka drooly droolerson) and made plans to see The Ring for the THIRD time.. it's actually starting to get funny.. only because i know the parts to cover my face, and i get to watch everyone's faces go like this O.O;; <- lol! no kidding.. hmph.. well my brother just so happens to want to get on, after stealing a good 1 third of my halloween hull.. not that it was that big to begin with.. so i must leave ya.. Love, peace 'n chicken grease.. wish me luck at the doctors.. oh, and please remember to Sign My Guestbook People! .. thanks a million ^.~ *blueberry kisses*

November, 15, 2002

WELL! it's been a while, huh? so busy.. plus i was kinda grounded from the computer.. lol i had the best time today with the people from the "Zexy Tapeworms" (Johann, James Babs, Ben 'n James Ma)'n Rachelli 'n Vannie, 'n the other Angela.. lol we played Mario Smash Bros.. really fun stuff.. but Angela won everytime.. i love kurby.. okay okay.. i'm havin' a really intersting convo with Johann about this guy who breaks other people up.. how mean.. god.. it turns out that we CAN'T go to Florida.. (thanks a lot, jer :P..) yeah well.. ever since i told Brody, actually before that.. well anyway, i guess he's forgotten about me (who doesn't? lawl j/k i love you guys..) man, so much has happend.. i finally got my really comfy sweatpants with "Hawks" on the ass.. and my big bright yellow sweatshirt.. i'm all set! yay! it even has a kangaroo pouch! omg i have the worst experiences on the bus rides home and to school.. i'll tell, kay? well.. the first thing that happend was.. people were lookin' at me all weird! and then.. (it gets worse as i go on).. i sat down and the old woman in front ofme started talking to me in her jewish accent about lawn gnomes and her aunt who had twelve kids (no really, she seemed as if she was picking up on a previous convo we had had..).. and then, while waiting at the busstop.. i suddenly feel this hand on my shoulder and some voice mutter into my ear "Hey.." and i turn around really quick and it's this mentally handicapped guy.. and he's like.. "hey what's your name?" and i was like.. "mine's Angela".. so i played along.. "what's yours?" and he was like "My name's Mike! i.. i'm gonna go buy some gum at the store. strawberry gum. bye" lol.. okay THEN.. yes, there's a then.. i was sitting at the window, watchin' the rain fall 'n i look over .. and this guy (also mentally disabled) is like watching this other girl and okay this is really gross.. he had his hand in his sweatpants and he was wankin' off.. i almost gagged right there, 'cause he had this look on his face lol the poor girl.. aww gee it was so disgusting.. especially since the guy had drool running down his chin.. okay so THEN.. i get on the bus a few days ago, and it's really foggy, so naturally there's been an accident farther down my street.. so the bus turns and goes back to the effing station.. so i'm stuck at Strawberry Hills behind the liabrary, trying figure out which bus to take.. i say.. "hey can you tell me which bus to take to Scottsdale Mall?" so the busdriver says "yeah take the 319" so i go onto the 319, and the bus driver tells me it would be quicker to go on the 391.. SO.. (obviously i'm gonna be late for school here).. i go on the 391 and the guy's like "okay i can take you there, but it'll be a while what with the morning commute".. i'm like.. okay man whatever ('cause i mean, the freakin' mall was 5 minutes away) and then he starts driving.. and soon.. okay not so soon, more like half a freaking hour later.. he pulls into SCOTTROAD STATION! yes, that's right. like, 20 miles away! okay i'm freaking out so i call my mom and my cell phone dies while she's yelling in panic on the phone (this does nothing to calm me down btw ;) ).. so then.. i go on the 319 finally.. and this is at 9:00, which is half an hour after school starts.. and i'm like.. flippin'.. and i'm dizzy 'cause i'm worried i'll never see anyone again lol.. and i get dropped off back at Strawberry Hills which made no sense to me.. i call my mom on a payphone, and she tells me to walk 15 minutes to Cheers for her to pick me up.. so finally, i walk into French class at 9:30.. lol god it was the longest morning EVAR! lol. yeah that's my story.. lol.. Vanessa i still think we should hit that certain person with the "duh you dumbshit" stick.. okay well that's my events so far.. there's a lot more that has been going on.. but MSN awaits ;)

Love you Guys.. Angie

D e c e m b e r 21st 2002

Hey guys! Long time no update, eh? check this out, i lost the picture that came with the "bitch test" off of! :( sigh..

well there are a billion-and-one tests to do at the spark.. i did them all.. they're so fun.. Jeremy's christmas party was last night- It's official! CHRISTMAS IS 4 DAYS AWAY! booya! i'm havin' so much fun even though i'm sick and i kind of have a sugar hangover from last night.. so much pop.. and chips.. no alcohol, right guys? ;) ;) .. lol let's not get into that.. anyway, i got new pictures of Preston and Chasse to put in the picture page.. Sam, ya need to send me my pictures lol.. and same with you Rachie pooh.. i just got off the phone with Van we were takin' tests together.. some of them had really weird questions, or answers to questions... van, say un-yes to drugs ;) sigh so many inside jokes gone to waste, for i cannot remember ANYTHING in my state of mind right now.. i got presents from Lauren, Vanessa, Rachelle, Johann, Jeremy, Henry, Jana, Johanna, Neelam and of course Paul , so thanks guys, it was so nice of you and they were so GREAT i love them all!!! hope you guys liked my presents, too.. right now it's 10:14 and i'm surprisingly not bored even though, by teenage law, i really should be.. mom is asleep on couch, not on any messaging programs, got off the phone and now i'm signing onto AIM- whoa isn't this just so exciting.. !?.. i just remembered that i'm supposed to be writing an e-mail to Brody.. oh! yay! Jessica is on the phone with me!! lawl.. don't stop! lol.. aww gee.. she wants the gossip.. what should i say? there we go! she seems satisfied! yet another satisfied customer ;) THE RUSSIANS OH DEAR GOD. cuban cigars. so THAT'S why you wanted cuba so bad.. lol okay these people dont' know what i'm talkin' about Jess! lol.. oh god.. i'm gonna kill Kris for spitting coke all over me .. freakin' retard.. aww well i guess that's when i get for being part of the retard club.. Kris if you do that again i'm gonna hit you so hard your mom'll feel it! aww i'm jay kaying of course, just really.. don't do it again you know what i'm talkin' about and you -know- that you're saying "what a loser" and shaking your head and laughing right now. oh yes. that's right. dot. lol okay well that's enough of the ranting lol i'm officially bored .. Jessie left me 'cause it was time for her sleepy.. so i'm gonna go watch Oceans 11 on Movie Central! love ya guys-

oh yeah, happy christmas eve eve eve.. ?


D e c e m b e r 22nd 2002

Today was better :) i'm not bored! talkin' to paul on the phone :D yay. he seems to be confused 'cause i'm reading this to him as i write! lol.. i went to lauren's today and exchanged presents :) I GOT REEEALLY COOL PANTS FROM HER THNX SO MUCH LAUREN!!!! yeah i got her a kool skirt and then i went to Rachelle's lol.. Rachelle opened the door and she looked all shocked 'cause she didn't know i was gonna come over and i was like.. "ta-da!" and i guess it's one of those had-to-be-there moments 'cause it was sooo funny :). so apparently Paul did not like the Lord Of The Rings: the Two Towers?? meh, i'll see it lata with my chika-boo.. yeah i can't wait to get my shirt from vannie 'cause wow it's gonna be so fab-tastic! ta da.. wow look i'm typing.. i'm gonna move into my new house Next Month! it's gonna be so great i'm gonna paint my new big room a dark blue and then get Lauren to paint her grafiti on the walls with black paint! yeah man it's gonna be sooo awsome :) Richard Gere said "sweet" on the Simpsons today! okay i have an issue with this because - yeah it was hilarious and -yeah it was .. hilarious.. but i mean c'mon people who are older than 29 are just not allowed to say "sweet" or "pimpin'" lol i mean whoa.. this is just wrong, no? okay me and Paul are talking about Ticks now. i think we need a new topic. how about...... Harry Potter? lol! Paul: "What the hell are you talking about?" oy god this is turning into a very strange convo but then again most are when you're talknig to me! haha.. we're talking about the show the Tick.. lol we're talking about the war cry "spoon" .. Paul has so much cool stuff to say : he's always noticing stuff that i mean no one would ever notice otherwise.. lol Melanie Belly is Smellay.. !! >=\ i'm not mangela.....


January 24th, 2003

Hey guys! been a while lol.. i've been busy at not doing my homework ..e.e .. anywho, today i went out and saw Darkness Falls with Johann, Vanessa, Paul and Keshia :) it was so fun.. but the movie itself wasn't very scary at all .. actually, it kinda sucked.. IMO (right paul?) hehe.. anyway, i had to give Paul my keys and change and stuff because today was PJ day at my school and my pj pants don't have pockets (surprise surprise lol rachelle you with your pocket on your butt :P) .. yeah, so we were all fooling around and there were these crazy guys pissing off the cops at KFC (there was a huge group of them and they wouldn't SHUT up during the movie .. crazy mo' fo'z..) and then i bought like 9 stickers :) HAH i am queen.. woot i was soo happy 'cause i haven't gotten a decent load of new stickers for such a long time.. anyway, back to my story.. paul's dad came to pick him up and he had to run to catch him, and he had my change and my keys in his pocket, and he forgot to get them back from me.. soo now i'm chillin' at Johann's tonight 'cause i couldn't get into my house lol. aww well :) i get to spend the night with one of my bestest buds so it's all good. and van, don't feel bad about not bein' able to let me come over.. i'm sure your parents wouldn't like you sleeping with your g/f ;) ;) lol. (long story short, i had my arm around her the whole movie.. lmao, put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Jamie Cessford!) all in all, this is shaping out to be a pretty good weekend..

TLC~ Angie

Febuary 20th, 2003

hey guys! wow, long time no update, eh? i wonder if anyone even reads my freakin' entries anymore, or goes to this site!! well, you should know that i just spent 2 hours updating it and making 4 new links (but two of them are in need of more work) and putting up NEW PICTURES, which i am constantly getting more of! i still have.. like 20 pictures to go on my webcam thingie.. and Sherry, if you're readin' this, yeah i'm in grade 9 lol. goodness me.. i should prolly get to bed soon.. Johawn, you were supposed to phone me you crazy fool ;D wub wub. sorry about the smiling picture on the Zexy T link, i know how much you hate it but it's such a sweet little picture of you i just could not resist i tells ya! lol. if you guys wanna reach my second main page, click here. you guys gotta give me more stuff to put on my website! lol. le sigh. thanks so much for signing my Guestbook everyone! i really appreciate it :). if you guys were wondering, you can look at my links by simply putting in the subject after dotzyam/ ! that way, you don't have to scroll around inside of this little tiny box!

for example.. will show up as a full-screen view of my journal! just like will lead you to a full-screen view of my new/second main page! lol. enywho, hope you guys enjoy and APPRECIATE my efforts in updating this godforsaken site! lol. peace, and GOODNIGHT (or should i say goodmorning? -.-;;)

Wub Joos,

July 25th, 2003

morning, 5 days until i go to nova scotia, hurray

January 1st, 2004

hmm well haha it's about time i updated my site :P welll i'm at Kevin's and i put a few interesting links up on my links ..uh.. link? haha.. oh my, well they're Move Your Body and Kunst Bar, and not only do they not make any sense, they're hilarious! hahaha.. laughter.. meep, well anywho i'll try to update this stupid thing more for the very few people who actually check this site out, 'cause uh.. i have nothing else better to do with my spare time (i didn't mean that jamie, annie, andy, or erin ;) ... and kevin..of course :D) well that's that, i've gotta get goin' home now but once i finish my shit load of homework i'll get to work, eh??


Febuary 9th 2004

okiiiiiii well, i'm making more of an effort i suppose.. i deleted some super-old pictures and put up liiike three new ones haha i rock. and i deleted links that i obviously was too lazy to set up fully.. umm.. geeze i got so much to do with this peice of crap lol i don't exactly know where to start.. apparently the fucking guestbook isn't working, isn't that just peachy keen, well now i gotta find an easy-to-make guestbook and start from scratch 'cause this one keeps on deleting recent posts and it (for some reason) deleted like three pages worth of posts sooo.. lol yeah, booyah. hmm well.. oh yeah i also added another link, happy tree friends lol check it out man.. pretty sick stuff, almost like happy bunny 'cept with cute little animals and whatnots.. okay now with the news on my life, instead of this rather crappy site .. well i'm goin' to the Linkin Park concert this thursday :D yeaaah we got floor tickets it's gonna be great, except for Story of the Year or whatever their name is, got i hate that band (sorry johann e.e) .. and okay, this valentine's day was gonna be the best right, mostly because i hate valentine's day.. but y'know, that's because every year it's like it's designed to make people who are alone to feel bad right.. well anywho, i'm not obviously, 'cause ihave the best guy ever, but Jamie's got hockey, and yeah so.. it's back to sucking... but i think i can convince annie to get together a party or something, and instead of valentine's day we'll create anit-love day and watch slasher/horror movies 'n whatnot.. anyway :( i'm dissapointed about that, but other than that, my fiance (Erin that's you baby!) has her b-day party this friday and it's gonna be wicked.. but next saturday is both johann's and jo's b-day party and i said i'd go to both so now i'm fucked over lol.. oh well i'll find a way guys! :) talk to yeh later..


Febuary 10, 2004

yaaaay Tuesday is now DONE! well.. almost.. i've gotta write Nick back soon and i've wasted a whole lot of time playing pyramids on neopets (i'm a loser), and mixing songs on punk-o-matic (check out the links, i linked it 'cause it was quite amusing), and yeeaah i wish it was thursday.. so that the amazing weekend to end all weekends could finally begin! :( but alas.. it is not thursday.. and i still have to go through one more day of school blaaaaah.. and i'm gonna go to the mall tomorrow 'n see what i can BUY :) with money. i got my SIN card today and i couldn't wait to put it in my wallet until i realized that i left it at kevin's house that night i ran away soooo i had to guide him through all the places i think i might have hidden it in his house and we finally got it didn't we kevin? :) i love you. lol.. and i've been meaning to call Brody back since i found out he called two days ago but now it's too late, for he is two hours ahead and now 'tis time for my knee to hurt. so i guess andy's maniac ways are rubbing off on me, 'cause that made no sense.. and hmm yes i think this post is pretty much over and done with, 'cause i really don't have much else to say..


Febuary 16th, 2004

heeey guys.. hmm.. well, we've had a 5 day weekend.. it's monday now.. and on wednesday it's back to school- i've spent this whole day at Kevin's (duh, where the else am i lately?).. well, the point to my story is, i've exhausted every resource at Kevin's, to that the only thing left for me to do is go on my site and update it.. either that, or get another round of strip poker going (haha.. oh my ..) yeah.. hmm let me see.. today, i got up, got hassled by mother, dressed, ventured out into pouring rain-then again, when isn't it raining? gotta love the rain :) - i got to Kevin's at exactly 11:58 a.m. .. i remember because as i was opening the back door i woke up James and Evan and they asked me what time it was.. then, onto the computer after reading a rather large Garfield comic book (movie's coming out soon i hear.. somehow not looking forward to that one hehe..).. anyway, yeah you caught me, i was on Neopets again so shoot me, i'm loving the Pyramids game.. however, after i reached my limit of 5000 neopoints, i somehow got bored of the simplistic 'card game' and decided to go on msn, but just my luck, everyone has more of a life than i do, therefore everyone was away or busy.. i then decided to give Jamie a call, for we were supposed to do somethin' today, and apparently he's at band practice, so i guess they decided to have two practices in a row.. soooo i played cards with Kev until 5:50 and then i looked around for 10 minutes for my cd player.. of course, i didn't find it, but i'm getting rather sly at this whole "leave behind" thing, aren't i Kevin? you know i can't resist a cleverly-plotted excuse to saunter back here day after day :D, well i went home for dinner because my mom seemed slightly upset that i wouldn't be there once again.. after beef dip and salad i came back to kevin's, without the aid of my lovely music, for i still haven't found my stupid cd player (that is actually annie's, because mine's broken but shh annie doesn't know i lost it..).. hmm.. aaand after watching Family Guy DVD's and giving Annie and Kevin a well-desurved back massage, here i am, on msn talking to.. (who's talking to me? let's see.. WHOA.. it's Patrick Zeller!).. and Andy is listening to Hansen, though i'm not exactly sure why.. Annie's hugging my head and kissing me.. and well i'm slightly contented for the moment.. though i do miss Jamie, but then again, what else is new?

i suppose instead of sulking at the mortifying idea of me being bored for once, i could conform and join Erin, Annie, Fuller and Kevin at the television.. Fear Factor, here i come!


P.S...i updated my Guestbook, so now it works! :)

Febuary 27th, 2004

mmm.. good music Kevin.. it's so pretty.. okay sorry, lost in the moment :) a good moment though.. so, after a really great two days up at Manning Park snowboarding with a few friends of mine (and eating .. a lot.. and lot....... and wow, we ate a lot) my muscles are screaming.. but they're losening up a bit, and i'm finding that i miss our little pubic closet lol..

me:"Mushan, how am i supposed to respect you when you don't respect me?"

mushan:"Angela.. first of all.. you're in a closet.."

lol.. tumblepubes, how we had our own set of beliefs in that wonderous closet of ours, swollen knees, SPOONS!, mushan's disbelief that we don't all think that the shower is also a toilet, that stupid fucking bunny hill, jesus christ i got such a workout, Aimee trying in vain to help with the toe-carving, my super-man bail.. thanks paul for stickin' with me :).. how the stupid chairlift broke down and how i had to do more wonderous hiking in snowboard boots.. in fact, it was all really fun... but i'm glad to be back, i missed jamie so much.. i missed annie and andy and erin and kevin and johann and rachelli and .. oy i'm too tired to list you all, but i did miss ya lol. t'was only two days, so i'm a retard but oh well.. well, i just finished writing an e-mail to Kris, gaaah i can't wait till he gets back, FOUR MORE MONTHS, i think i speak for us all when we say it's about time he comes back.. ahhhhhhh i'm so very tired .. yet not.. my fatigue is soothed by the simple fact that i get to sleep in today.. (it's now 1:04 AM..) arrughh.. Krispy Kreme's opened on the 24th.. i haven't eaten a donut from there, and i don't exactly want to.. 211 calories, mmmm delicious e.e it's like, americans got bored and decided to try and figure out how much sugar they could pack into one tiny donut. well, maybe when kris comes back i'll have one in celebration.. i'm gonna go see a movie tomorrow with Annie and Erin, but unfortunately not the passions film from mel gibson, since erin vehemently expressed her distaste for it today.. i guess we'll be seeing something else :) which is fine, i haven't been to see a movie in so long.. not since uhgnggg.. i don't even remember lol my brain has been deepfried, despite my sleeping in this morning and missing the first two blocks of school.. it's cool though, 'cause i'm getting a's and b's in all my subjects now that i'm not depressed .. ahhh.. i don't think i've felt this lost in bliss .. for so long.. i'm just so happy, and content with this moment, even just sitting here at my computer with my neck killing me, i feel so secure and :) weeeeeeeeee... happy.. so mushy. i guess i'm more tired than i thought... however, there was one thing that bothered me today.. i was sitting on my bed.. and i was just listening to music, and i happend to look at my arm.. and i saw those three freckles that form a semi-circle on my forarm just above my wrist.. and i just felt so horribly sad, 'cause it's a constant reminder of Lauren.. since she has the same freckles but on the opposite arm.. she sometimes talks to me on MSN.. but i realized that MSN isn't a compensation for anything that's happend.. and i don't want to fall into that hole again.. i can't really believe what she tells me, i don't want to.. it's funny, how when i think of her i only think of the good times. i guess that's why i can never conceive the idea of her not being in my life anymore.. we had so much happiness, it was really .. i dunno.. i guess through all that happiness, i've locked away all those bad moments, 'cause i never wanted to believed they happend. sometimes it's easier to look back on the topics of your life that have caused you pain and only remember the positive things about it, because it numbs the sting of reality. lauren never loved me; if she did, i think she would have enough sense to not throw away the friendship we had just because someone told her she should.. but i suppose, in the end.. we never had friendship. we struggled so hard to keep what we had.. we were too busy trying to keep it together to notice that it had already slipped away.. i suppose i knew it would happen, which was why i was more sad over paul than i was over mel and lauren at first.. but after i gave paul that box, i think i realized that i'm really horrible at reading people.. and that paul was too complex for me to ever really understand.. he does things now, because i think he's scared.. and i think, that truly i was the only one who actually cared about him.. but i guess he's happier now, which i can respect.. the pain of him has receeded to the point which i can now talk about it without feeling completely horrible.. look at me i'm even talking about it on the internet, of all things. well i suppose it's no secret.. it did happen, and i let it get the best of me.. but i don't think i could have possibly appreciated what jamie has given me half as much if all of this hadn't of happend.. but still i like to toy with the idea of what things could have been like- then i remember that i couldn't be happier.. at this moment.. i wouldn't give up what i have for the world.

not for the world.


Febuary 28th 2004

..bored! i'm sitting at kevin's, and well, it smells like axe body spray.. everyone left about half an hour ago to get high, and now they're watching family guy, which i've seen a lot yet is still funny.. mostly because they're laughing a lot.. erin's kind of dissapointed about earlier tonight, but she's playing Sims and trying to figure out how to knock down walls. kevin was behind me, now he's sitting on three-legged chair and giggling. now, i'm very bored.. because i'm narrorating everything i'm saying.. lauren's explaining things to me, in such a way that i don't think i've ever been more frustrated.. not with her.. well, with her, but mostly with stuff that i guess doesn't matter anymore.. i closed the window that popped up from paul so quick i didn't even really get to figure out what he typed to me.. just kinda freaked out.. and now i can't eat my delicious crazy bread that i bought 'cause my stomach's in a huge knot- i don't even.. know.. why.. >< arughghh cry why is this bothering me lol i don't understand myself, this is so dumb.. jussssst dumb, especially that.. paul dispises me, so why the hell does he read my site.. maybe it was just an off day, and he was bored, and was like hey let's see what that broad angela's been rambling about.. well.. anyway, luckily erin finished my crazy bread so it didn't go all cold and hard.. i feel like shit and i can't really explain why, all i know is that i have to update this site but i just realized that i'm not on my computer, therefore i don't have any of the artwork i wanted to put up.. but yeah, i should have that update up pretty soon.. and i'm gonna update my 'about angi' thing.. because yeaaah it needs to be updated.. not really, this is just a site that i fiddle with when bored, - whoa phone is ringing. yeaah, and i'm gonna send a bunch of pictures and letters to kris, 'cause - woops,times out.. gotta go, i'll see what i can update when i get home


November 20th, 2004

..hokay.. lol, it's been a while, no? i'm not even sure if anyone even ever checks out this site.. i just spent like an hour and a half deleting old pics and useless links, so now i have all the room in the world to do waht i want with this thing- new pics soon hopefully (not of me in grade 8, but in grade 11 now..) and i'm going to be adding some more of my written works onto my stories link.. lol, sigh, on the 17th i witnessed the happiest event of my entire life- Greenday. as i told johann, i don't think that even my wedding day will be as happy as i was that night-> t'was amazing. plus, i met some cool d00ds on the skytrain ride back ('eyo Brandon and Cody) haha needless to say they were slightly intoxicated but who the hell wasn't? okay.. so i'm gonna go and sit with Jana and Scott Kennedy (seriously, the best last name EVAR) and we're gonna go to a movie sooner or later lol.. god, gotta love Laberynth- props to David Bowie.

lotta love,
