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Thanks Page

The point of this page is to tell all of you thanks for inspiring me...THANK YOU!!!!

First of all, let me thank my mother (Carol). Thanks for letting me listen to your old Ac/Dc records. Thanks for buying me my first drum kit and everything I wanted with it! Your the one who has shown me what life is suppost to be about for the most part. Thank you momma...I love you! Next, I thank my beautiful girlfriend (Jackelyn). Thankyou for staying with me and loving me even though I'm so mean to you sometimes. I love you very much, and being with you has made me realize that this world is still a beautiful place. Nothing is hopeless. Al, my man! Thanks for coming back and hanging with me dude! We have so much fun together. We have the same vision dude. Your like a brother to me. You'll always have my support. Much respect for you man. Life is gonna be an adventure for us. Dad, I don't know what to say about you. Thanks for being a screw up. Because of you, I'm totally clean. Being around that crap all of those years has given me strength in myself to carry on as a better person, staying sober and to look forward to my future. Al,(from Walmart) thanks for believing in me. Thankyou for letting me see that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Thanks to Lars Ulrich (MetallicA). Your the reason to this day that I started and that I am still playing drums! Thanks to Slayer for staying fast and brutal all of these years. Thanks to all the older bands that are still around and have found the meaning of the music. Thanks to all of the new bands that are actually in it for the music. Thanks to Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed) for being a huge music fan, working your ass off, staying possitive and inspiring me for now. Thank you everyone who has believed in me, watched me play my drums, wanted to hear me or see me. I'm sorry if I have forgotten some people (I know that I probably have), I'll get you guys later! I hope to show everyone in the near future that I can bring something possitive to the music and inspire some other people while doing it. Thank you all.

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